Give Me That Ole Time Religion?
Declaration of Humanity 4.0…This founding statement is different. This one is being written in clarification of an ongoing threat of fear that ‘evil’ seems to offer more rewards than ‘good’ ever will, and more overtly the verbal Christians are flocking more openly to evils’ promise of fortune. While this trend is alarming I must counter with this fact. Evil has never gone out of season in America.
Good is more than a match for evil, but the righteousness of good can only be activated from a straight line. What is that straight line you ask? It is the center of every human beings’ known universe. If it is straight it is a ‘Heartline’. A heartline from the heart to the soul because when our heart stops our deeds will be called into account. The ‘JUDGE’ will know what you did and not what you meant to do…
ISSUE 24: Thine Own Self Be True!
Written by: Victor E. Moseley
What did you say? Did the Pope just say America will choose between ‘the lesser of two evils?’. Really? This from a man that didn’t just become Pope, but he was part of the ‘Catholic Church’ that kept secret the sexual exploitation of little boys and little girls for decades. That’s rich coming from him. I tell you this Pope. Why don’t you correct the problems in your own organization and stop mirroring Donald Trump’s vision of ‘good people on both sides of evil’. Whatever the hell that means.
Vice President Kamala Harris is not evil. Human rights are not up for review by man. Human rights are given by a just creator. Now let me just say something about ‘man’ to just completely blow your minds. I’ve been wondering what would be the best time to say this, but with the ignorant and shortsighted comments from the Pope insulting Vice President Kamala Harris; I now know the time to reveal these findings are immediate.
From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible. 1st Timothy 2nd Chapter verse 14 and 15 must both be read for context to follow me. Now, the scripture said ‘she’ shall be saved in childbearing. Saved from what exactly? In order to be saved there must first be a ‘matter of offense’ right? The ‘trap’, no offense to God, but that is what God did. Who would obey God and not cross the spiritual barrier in defiance of his order? Do not partake of ‘the tree of life’.
Now as in all things pertaining to spirituality; there must be consequences for such actions. No, to the small minded people not familiar with my website and probing posts. The spirituality I speak of is not contained in our fleshly minds and weak bodies. I mean a spirituality that answers with the truth when your creator asks it of you. Like Eve did when asked about her ‘nakedness’.
Now, understand something. This is the ‘beginning’ when God first formed everything including settling the universe. Now for the sake of time I will make my points clearly. God needed to know if he could trust what he created. God came to the conclusion that he could through the second person he created. By her admission, Eve saved us all!
How? Eve saved the last version of the humanity God created! How do I know this? The scripture speaks of times when a version of humanity did inhabit the world. Of course, I will reveal these findings to you as I receive them if it is the will of God. Look at the words ‘she shall be saved in childbearing’ to form a picture of a ‘judgment’ that occurred right then and there!
Eve gave her life to Adam! Eve took full responsibility for the transgression in the Garden of Eden you stupid ass men! Look at other scripture that says ‘no greater sacrifice that exists’. When you give your life for someone else, it is spirituality in the highest. It is ‘Hosanna’! Do I have to give you the ancient meaning of the word? Of course I do. ‘Hosanna’ means, please save me.
Do your research. Okay, one more point of clarification to soothe your conscience. Remember when this word, ‘Hosanna’, was heralded before Jesus everywhere he went? Jesus sacrificed himself for us all right? Look at that. The ‘son’ of God, Jesus, had to correct the ‘man’ Adam of all his stupidity! World conquerors indeed.
Eve gave her life to Adam which left her with nothing to offer to God to preserve her life. So God, being God, marveled at Eve. God knew the woman would bear the children. God spared her punishment because she told him the truth. Again, God did not punish Eve for her offense in the Garden of Eden. Are you so stupid to not see this you ‘religious men?’ Yeah, of course, you are stupid and blind. I don’t know why I keep thinking differently? Please stop pounding your chest now about some greatness you never possessed men! Men? Oh, how great thou art?
Now you really know what ‘commutation’ means do you not? I’m not going to provide the ancient meaning here because by now you should know it. Huh, a woman is an afterthought? None of us would be here if it weren’t for the ‘woman’ period! I damn show don’t mean by childbirth! So, how about taking the veil off your ‘created version of your established religion’ and seek out the truth from women and men of spiritual calling. Then you may actually live my last line of admonition.
Thine own self be true.