The Foolish Are Dangerous People
Does anyone know of a friend or acquaintance that wants to show off a fancy new purchase? An expensive car or a home entertainment system? An item they just want you to know all about it and how it works right? Tell me something. Why would we want somebody like that in charge of keeping our military and technological abilities secret? I know most of you already know where I’m going with this, but I will continue painting this picture just for the sake of clarity. Now when the United States shot down that Chinese Intelligence Device we gave them intelligence in return. Oh, you didn’t know that?
Say that Chinese contraption was at 60 thousand feet when it was successfully downed by one of our most advanced aircraft. Now the Chinese know that our next level technology can engage incoming at extreme altitudes. It gets better. The Chinese know that a certain political party, Republicans, will spew the same tired old rhetoric they always do in a feeble attempt to undermine the President of the United States. Not done yet folks. The Chinese or any of America’s adversaries can glean from this event they should develop new capabilities to defeat our capabilities.
Sun Zhu in the Art of War said something like ‘don’t reveal your strengths or weaknesses to your enemies for they will exploit them’. We have a foolish political party in the Republicans gleefully giving our adversaries exactly what they want! That is why women, African Americans, Hispanics, Asians and all people from all walks of life didn’t want them back in power.
Furthermore, these so-called polling results showing that very few Democrats don’t want President Biden to run for reelection ‘smells’ to me like the same stench that the ‘media’ proclaimed that women were breaking for the Republicans in the 2022 midterm elections. Yeah women everywhere want to go back to the time before ‘SUFFRAGE’. Sounds like somebody is trying to turn the American public back to not voting for what’s right for them doesn’t it?
Myself? I’m like yeah. I show hate President Biden is helping to set the conditions for a prosperous America. I show wish he’d stop doing that. He’s making me believe that I could achieve more than I ever thought possible now. Whew, I’d wish I would believe the ‘MEDIA’ again when they tell me President Biden just sat in his office on his hands for 2 years doing nothing.
If it weren’t for sarcasm this world would be stuck in a rut. Listen me carefully and clearly now. I don’t care about old money or new money millionaires and billionaires wanting to ‘oppress the hireling in their wages’. Get this through your thick skulls. The 3 major networks had their chance to dominate the airways forever. You know what they did instead? They let their eyes, ears and heart glaze over with hush money. The ‘truth’ is that the ‘MEDIA’ discredited themselves long ago. Look in the record books if my words are causing ‘hot coals’ to sear your mind in agony.
President Biden has my full support because he is setting the conditions for all to succeed. This includes the wealthy. Believe in the foolish and never achieve anything, or believe your own eyes, ears and heart to make a good decision in your own best interest. It has always been true this saying. ‘Cast away your doubts and the doubts of others if you do not know the reason their doubt are your responsibility’.
Written by: Victor E. Moseley