Ground Water Sky
Founding Statement: There comes a precious moment in time that all life drops the ignorance of superiority. When the ground realizes it needs the water to survive. The tree realizes it needs the ground to hold it in place. The air realizes it needs the tree to replenish the oxygen it desperately needs to create the weather patterns that climatizes the Earth. Responsibilities are intertwined because a living planet depends on every element to function according to its purpose.
Mammals pretend that they’re more sophisticated than any living breathing planet, and thus conclude that liberties can be taken with all three essential elements. The ignorance of mammals I’m afraid is a contradiction of their celebrated intelligence. Intelligence that informs mammals they aren’t required to be simple creatures that fulfill their purpose, but creatures that can take actions harmful to the elements that are dedicated to their stated purpose. Mammals believe such devotion constrains their freedom to live as they please.
This revelation and the antagonistic approach mammals have decided upon against the elements will be simplified in this digital periodical. All the talk of unity will be broken down into useful parts that will be easy to understand and implement. Know this my fellow mammals, all forms of life owe it to each other to care for one another. It’s just that mammals have enjoyed the echo chamber of approval from other mammals because the elements never raised their voice. We now know for certain the elements do have a voice, and they have registered their collective disapproval of the selfish nature of mammals…
Issue 10: The Way?
Recent transitory thoughts of mind have led to important metaphoric dilemmas being answered. To conclude a matter is a part of mental health. Less mental clutter or less mumbo jumbo can quiet the mind on such things. This is the matter that has bothered me for years. Comparing the size or youth of a destructive problem lulls a person into a false sense of capability.
Say for instance a reasonable human being would take a tiger cub as a pet. Why not? Because over the course of time that cub will be fully grown. Only an experienced, licensed, animal trainer can do something like that. Now the point I’m making (I know my loyal readers are already there) is that a problem usually doesn’t stay small if it is deemed uncontrollable to the untrained.
From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible. Proverbs 22:6…Train up a child in the way in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. I’ll get straight to the point. Every ‘child’ receives the bulk of their instruction from sources other than their parents. No? This is formal instruction in school. Written instruction on their own. Visual instruction which teaches way more than one would think.
Face it. Not all human being who’re responsible for children give a dam about the ‘WAY’ some things should be done. We don’t have time to critique every aspect of what goes into ‘train’ up a child, so we’ll keep it focused and to the point.
All human beings should know that a child will receive instruction that will partly carve a path of discovery unique to their learning. If this is news to some, then I’m living in bizarro world. Oh, before I go any further, you know ‘train’ up goes both paths right? Human beings can bring up a child in the ‘Ways’ of ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’.
Which gets us to answering the question what is the ‘Way’? Simply stated it is a belief that a core set of principles then bend toward good such as love, kindness, decency and order. Spirituality is a lesson that should be taught as an elective. Which means a child should be given the choice to believe or not to be.
Now tell me something. This is a serious question now. Why did grown ass ‘White’ men laugh at a woman seeking justice for being sexually assaulted by former President of the United States Donald J. Trump? Answer me that? ‘Train’ up a child in the way he should go right? Notwithstanding these White men learned the bulk of their behavior all on their own.
I’m glad that the women in that ‘sham’ of a town hall sat ‘stoic’ faced, and if I may say displayed a little disdain at the behavior of the grown ass ‘White’ men chuckling around them.
In contrast, you’re telling me that Black unemployment at 5% which is the lowest in decades if ever. President Biden sounding the alarm about a crucial piece of our technology sector ‘stationed offshore’ thousands of miles from the continental United States. Getting that Chips and Science Act passed. The job market is staying on course because companies can feel something big is brewing, and they don’t want to be caught looking for ‘help’.
All the Republicans are doing is saying how ‘terrible’ the economy is doing? Really? I’m not crossing into ‘alternative facts’.
That’s why nobody is allowed to have ferocious animals as pets because they will not stay cute and cuddly forever! The ‘Way’ is simple, but there are many sources of instruction that lead people into worlds that aren’t real.
Believe what you see. I’m pushing for wages of $50 thousand a year for all workers. Imagine what our country would be then? Would it be easier then to tell the difference in which political party wants people to stay broke? The Republicans want a society that oppresses people because they are beholden to the wealthy among us.
No worker in America should take a job paying less than $15 dollars an hour. No one! If these companies don’t have workers because they don’t want to pay for progress, screw them. We’re laying the foundation of a 100 trillion United States economy. Don’t let the Republicans make you fearful of the Federal debt. The Republicans’ focus should be on how do we grow the economy for everybody, but they won’t come to ‘Jesus’ now or ever.
Seems only one political party is on that mission. The Democratic Party. The ‘Way’ is clear.
Written by: Victor E. Moseley