Mental Health: Equal Health
Written by: Victor E. Moseley
First things first is we must wrestle this false superiority of knowing what is mental health away from the general conversation about it. Five years of Mental and Behavioral Healthcare experience has allowed me to uncover many expert opinions about it, and all such opinions deriving from seemingly enlightened patients. Granted some self-care explanations were on track, but being close to the answers cannot be the standard.
Therefore the philosophical nature of mass expertise is counterproductive and harmful to societies understandings about mental health in general. What then can psychological professionals do to dampen such a kaleidoscope of untrained sufferers diagnosing complicated mental disorders? My suggestion would be to produce a weekly periodical. A digital application on a smart phone with current news in the field. Produced along with a bevy of relatable leaders in the field cast on a short 30 minute weekly video. These non-stoic professionals will raise mental healthcare to the same respectable level as physical healthcare.
Many changes have led mental health to being reconsidered as a crucial opposite to the same coin of physical healthcare. More promotion is required if mental health is to achieve the position of equality it deserves for the benefit of humanity.
Issue 3: Keep Your Mind In Line
This digital article is necessary. I’ve suffered many stale pieces of bread bland to the taste to not urgently solve this problem. A setback, I’ll call it, to not write too philosophical a thread and have a reader not be quick to follow. Wondering how you’re going to recover from it if it involves the loss of income. Most if not all inflicted with this issue immediately locate a suitable replacement on short order.
For some the need to replace a vital income is more pressing. This is when a simple setback could turn into some hard feelings or worse a destroyed relationship or name. Even I have to ‘keep my mind in line’ when these sorts of matters happen. I’ve said it many times. I am no more immune to the issues of life than anyone else. I just embrace them because I want to understand how in the course of living these sorts of occurrences are fraught with so many consequences if they’re handled wrong. Bad consequences to be sure.
So how do you prepare for such events. Well not everyone will be blessed with income to answer issues that are specifically handled with money. In those cases we promote savings accounts. A consistent monetary amount saved will help alleviate unforeseen expenses. It may not cover them entirely, but some ‘mad money’ we call it in the Black community does help.
Although the podcast has many techniques to deal directly with many of the issues here, I do want to hit on your mind being the first line of defense against the onslaught of uncertainty. Even if you aren’t suffering any issues in the conduct of your life; prepare as if you are. Practice a solid block of techniques I give in the episode as if you’re suffering from every problem imaginable. These don’t need to be practiced daily, but set aside some time each month to keep your skills, your mind, in line.
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