Ground Water Sky
Founding Statement: There comes a precious moment in time that all life drops the ignorance of superiority. When the ground realizes it needs the water to survive. The tree realizes it needs the ground to hold it in place. The air realizes it needs the tree to replenish the oxygen it desperately needs to create the weather patterns that climatizes the Earth. Responsibilities are intertwined because a living planet depends on every element to function according to its purpose.
Mammals pretend that they’re more sophisticated than any living breathing planet, and thus conclude that liberties can be taken with all three essential elements. The ignorance of mammals I’m afraid is a contradiction of their celebrated intelligence. Intelligence that informs mammals they aren’t required to be simple creatures that fulfill their purpose, but creatures that can take actions harmful to the elements that are dedicated to their stated purpose. Mammals believe such devotion constrains their freedom to live as they please.
This revelation and the antagonistic approach mammals have decided upon against the elements will be simplified in this digital periodical. All the talk of unity will be broken down into useful parts that will be easy to understand and implement. Know this my fellow mammals, all forms of life owe it to each other to care for one another. It’s just that mammals have enjoyed the echo chamber of approval from other mammals because the elements never raised their voice. We now know for certain the elements do have a voice, and they have registered their collective disapproval of the selfish nature of mammals…
Issue 02: What Is the Problem with the Victors’ writing History?
‘The problem with kissing any wanna be Dictator’s ass? Pretty soon they begin to think you like it!’
I was reading an article on ‘The Hill’ online and it was countering the points of why Vladimir Putin isn’t a ‘genius’ or ‘savvy’ under no interpretation of either meaning. Appalling to read that they were even comparing him to Sun Tzu. Really? The arrogance of ignorance rears its’ head once again. Sun Tzu clearly stated something like winning a war without even fighting it. Is that Vladimir Putin? Sun Tzu also said something about fighting in cities that it is the worst strategy of all. Is that where Vladimir Putin the Great wishes to wage war? One last thing before we move on. Sun Tzu said the leader must have the Moral high ground. Does Vladimir Putin possess the Moral high ground?
Who in the Hell is Vladimir Putin going to take war advice from? Isn’t that the antithesis to listening to wise council? Why would a dictator heed wise council? Vladimir Putin is the President of Russia. He has that position because he offers gifts to those capable of keeping him in power. Again, ‘when you have everybody kissing your ass why would Putin think you don’t like it.’
Forgive my ignorance. I should’ve explained my ideas about how we got to this point in America today if not the world. How do you drive ignorance? Keep it going. Keep it alive. Pump it up with unending foolishness? Before the onset of telephones there was just the spoken and the written word. Then came the ‘moving picture’ and sound was later added to it. Art was incorporated into the lore as well. What’s the saying? “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Oh my goodness how the clever man could sway thoughts and even prompt weak minded individuals to do his evil bidding.
For instance, tell tales of unspeakable crimes which usually meant crimes committed by Black men against White women in particular. Yell them from the altar in hooded white robes. Tell the masses of their false God in their demon churches how that it’s okay to kill human beings bereft of proof as asserted. Ignorance is swift and enticing because it doesn’t require the truth. Stay away from the truth. Why? If the people know the truth it will set them free. Avoid that at all costs.
Dawn the digital age and what it has meant for the ‘commerce of evil’. Evil is a booming business! Stoking ignorance is possible 24 hours a day 7 days a week now. Throw in some grievances about obeying rules even though ‘everything should be done decently and in order.’ Oh sorry, don’t worry about that now? Right moving on to how former President Trump praising this guy Vladimir Putin who is in truth a madman. Somebody call 1989 and tell them Vladimir Putin wants the Soviet Union back. Talk about trying to catch the one or numerous ones that got away.
Listen to me, just because some people praise idiots and attempt to assign them qualities not currently in their possession doesn’t make it so. Genius? Really? Let me take a stab at defining it for any age as some people have bestowed it upon Putin. Genius to me would be one man taking on the entire world and outsmarting them all. Take 3 responses to Putin’s actions that would tell me he’s a genius. One, sanctions levied on me I would already be producing what I’d be denied in country as far as food products. Two, I’d cut off oil and gas supplies and know that Russia is the only country that has these resources. Three, technology and every component to produce things capable of making other things I’d already produce them in house.
Question to intelligent readers only. Does the Russian President have everything he needs in country to securely wall himself off from the rest of the world? Right! The answer is SHIT NO! This is the man some people are calling a genius? The world doesn’t work like that anymore and all those Republicans that want 1939 back must’ve skipped world history. The United States didn’t win World War II on its’ own dumbasses!
Putin gamed out every scenario and outsmarted every nation on the planet? The only people that believe that seem to be Republicans because their view has been browned out by all that ass kissing they do to the one term loser former President Donald Trump. Let me say this as I close out this second issue of Ground Water Sky. Republicans please stop stoking the ignorance in your voters to win elections. Truth can’t be stopped, blocked or distorted. To the Democrats I say this. Keep advising President Biden as I can see you’re doing your best every day to get it right. I believe the Holy Bible says, ‘in the multitude of counselors there is safety.’ Which means caring for those you have the charge over. It doesn’t mean shy away from the tough decisions. It means hear counsel and make decisions.
That’s why when history is written by the ‘Victors’ the retelling of the story is void if not entirely of accurate content. The Moral high ground would deter anyone endued with respectable principles to govern according to those requirements. Alas, evil has a lot more followers than the good among us. Remember that much my loyal readers.