Ground Water Sky
Written by: Victor E. Moseley
Email: [email protected]
Founding Statement: There comes a precious moment in time that all life drops the ignorance of superiority. When the ground realizes it needs the water to survive. The tree realizes it needs the ground to hold it in place. The air realizes it needs the tree to replenish the oxygen it desperately needs to create the weather patterns that climatizes the Earth. Responsibilities are intertwined because a living planet depends on every element to function according to its purpose.
Mammals pretend that they’re more sophisticated than any living breathing planet, and thus conclude that liberties can be taken with all three essential elements. The ignorance of mammals I’m afraid is a contradiction of their celebrated intelligence. Intelligence that informs mammals they aren’t required to be simple creatures that fulfill their purpose, but creatures that can take actions harmful to the elements that are dedicated to their stated purpose. Mammals believe such devotion constrains their freedom to live as they please.
This revelation and the antagonistic approach mammals have decided upon against the elements will be simplified in this digital periodical. All the talk of unity will be broken down into useful parts that will be easy to understand and implement. Know this my fellow mammals, all forms of life owe it to each other to care for one another. It’s just that mammals have enjoyed the echo chamber of approval from other mammals because the elements never raised their voice. We now know for certain the elements do have a voice, and they have registered their collective disapproval of the selfish nature of mammals…
Issue 12: Bubble Gum and Invisible Tape
When the times are right to build a house; most people would consult a licensed building contractor to do the work. Some people among us would disagree with that. Many contrary people would be fine hiring someone who would present a mock up crafted with bubble gum, invisible tape, glue and popsicle sticks.
This is the result of what’s been going on now for nearly two decades that is a direct representation of the Republican Party. Personally, I’m fine with Republicans sitting around in their homes breaking up their furniture for firewood. I’m not fine with Republicans taking this bubble gum, contrary minded so-called Christian tomfoolery to the Federal Government or any level of government!
Now contrast that with what the Republican Party has shown you with what the Democratic Party has shown you. For instance, the current tension in the Middle East that resembles a boiling pot of hot water that mischievous people, while smirking, are nudging off the edge of the stove. Americans, do you want Republicans, who’ve demonstrated they’re clueless and wholly ignorant of the serious tasks facing them to continue to run the House of Representatives of the United States Congress?
I’ve seen an article about Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel having a hand in pumping up Hamas against the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Netanyahu’s been suggested as the catalyst for what has happened in Israel the last two weeks. I’m not going to say it’s true on my website. I’m just going to repeat what I’ve advised against all my life.
Don’t get me wrong now. I’ve heard this mentality in America all too often as well. It’s a fabrication of the entertainment industry. Commit evil so that good my come. What the ‘F—K! were you thinking! Just as the ‘ranger’ who returned as King in Lord of the Rings said, ‘You cannot wield it. The ring has no other master. It answers to Sauron alone’.
Don’t worry. The next clown will do the same thing. Think he or she is smarter than the ‘First Father’ himself and attempt to pit one evil force against another in order to bring about some form of peace for their people or nation. It’s a hallucination. It’s a pipe dream. It has been foolishness from the time it was thought of. Why do you think scripture says the correct way to fight it. From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible…Romans 12:21…Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
Anybody says they can turn an evil force against another this is what you do. Turn and look at all the sorrow. All the destruction. All the death and pain. At that moment decide if you want to skin and grin and let that fool do it, or vehemently oppose that clown and dispel him or her from your government never to listen to again!
As far as all the State Department of the United States diplomatic staff disagreeing with the decisions that are made; I’d say that’s fine. If you think your quitting means you’re right whoever you are you’re even more delusional than Donald Trump. Yeah, just because some ‘Legacy Media’ outlet pumps you up is completely irrelevant because they’re being called out and scrutinized in ways long overdue now. So get over yourself.
Oh, the Republican candidates in their primary for President are laughable as they should be. These people have zero moral courage to speak the truth about civilians in Gaza being the innocent pawns in their struggle to find a dignified life. These Republicans want to be President of the United States? How can you ‘square’ your so-called Christian faith with that?
Look, when emotions and feelings are raw, reducing the number of voices will correlate to a calming effect on the thoughts of those who feel they’re being victimized. Whether you like it or not, the way President Biden is conducting the affairs of State is spot on right now.
There will be time when this ‘Upheaval’ is concluded to call the ones into account that set this tragedy in motion. God help us all, please.