The star is for significance. Now, another issue of life has vexed my thoughts a few days now. Why many young adults wish to ride the Ferris wheel of childhood long past their ticket expiration? Does anyone have pets? Notice how dogs treat a newcomer to the pack. As a puppy, he or she is allowed to go on the older dogs food and even play with their toys. When the dog years go by, boy the tune changes quickly and the newcomer is introduced to the rank structure (you just got here, you are at the bottom of the pecking order) firmly.
Many parents I’ve noticed don’t prepare their children for adulthood very well. For instance, allow your child to go inside to a doctor’s or dentist appointment alone say starting at 14 years of age. Let the teenager complete store transactions (clothes, food, some durable goods) alone to start getting comfortable dealing with other people (not friends).
Which brings me to my observation. Young women and young men I need you to listen to me carefully. Life is not an extended recreational period! Building a life is serious, and the good news is there are tested principles that work to help you construct a solid existence.
Let me veer off course for a moment. Dressing up, wearing make-up, hair and nails done will do wonders for your outer appearance. What is going on underneath that facade? The control center is basically going understaffed or not staffed at all. Every time a call (life) come in it goes unanswered or dropped altogether. Your brain! Your land! It needs tilling. Read Proverbs 28:19. There you will find the inspiration for this website.
How are you going to handle what comes at you everyday if you are letting your incredible processor go unused. What are you going to do if you’re responsible for a wife? A child? You have to get to work ten miles from home and you can’t qualify for a car because you’ve ruined your credit. Being responsible for you is a daily no fail mission too!
You are still an adult once you reach the age of ascension, which is 18 in most cultures. For starters, get back into the books and stop listening to anyone that tells you that education is hard. Again, (I’m starting to get irritated) life is sufficiently difficult. It is not hard nor is it easy. It is filled with enough challenges to make you focus your energy and stop needlessly wasting effort.
Learn to manage money because contrary to what you may have seen or heard it is not to spend on things out of line with where you want to go in life. Please do me a favor, stop listening to people spouting every cockamamie theory about life and how you should live it if they don’t have nothing to show (assets or property earned honestly) for their lives!
Decide on a goal, just one goal at first like saving $25 dollars a month. Now learn about financial institutions and how they use your money. Who can give me the best return on my money? What do they charge and what do they pay me for using my money? Do the same thing with the car and renters’ insurance industry. Learn to ask questions properly to elicit the most detailed information in return.
I’ve given enough seeds that need to be planted for now. Till your land (your brain) and let a passion for learning and focused action grow as you put your back into it, metaphorically that is. Life is not linear. As we grow and age many things come to us all at different points along our path, intersecting that path is a map pointing out dead ends. Avoid them please.