The Word ‘God’ A ‘Contranym’
Written by: Victor E. Moseley
Email: [email protected]
Spotify: Out In Black Podcast
It is not enough to call it a revelation. Learning that what you’ve been taught about something that should be a source of guidance, strength, serenity and hope was distorted. Distorted by no other reason because to live up to it doesn’t promise enough affection amongst others. Others that are all too eager to have others join their failures.
Failures of character or belief that living in a way of knowing what is right and what is wrong requires no daily conscience adjustment. That is why most people avoid the rigorous growth demanded of them to corral their devilish nature. Instead they actively succumb to the task of assembling what they feel they possess of value and submit to negotiating their own Faustian bargain; although knowing all too well the only valuable thing evil wants is their soul.
While we marvel at the sheer vastness of the numbers of folks actively deciding to be fools; we always exclude ourselves from being caught up so quickly alongside them fools. My belief, because I’ve lived it, is right and wrong shouldn’t require a daily recalibration based on which option would bring you the most fortune or the least condemnation.
Time I’m afraid never waits for your decision in those moments, so it lets’ you choose through the double-minded lens of distorted reasoning. When that happens the choice illuminates everything those around you need to know about you. Observe for yourself is my admonishment. Choose wisely is the saying right? Check out Hebrews 13:8 to know what it looks like when you decide who you want to be.
Trickster: Edition Two: The Doppelganger
Answer me this? How did humanity go from ‘Feed my sheep’ and ‘Follow me’ to a ‘certificate of achievement’ at baptism? Like baptism was elevated to mean that if you perform the ritual you’re somehow a ‘card’ carrying member of Heaven? From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible Saint John 21 verses 17 and 19 you’ll find these excerpts I’ve listed in the second sentence above.
Welcome back my readers to another edition of the Trickster. I’ve always wondered why most so-called Christians after church revert back to their true natures once they’re one inch away from the ‘doors of the church’? Let’s get to exploring why that is the case.
This is why the design of humanity is actually flawless. Most people think of the consciousness of Adam and Eve being expanded was unforeseen by God, and thus if that is accepted as true then it is further evidence of an error on the part of the supreme deity.
If that is an acceptable conclusion, then a learned philosopher would say why did God leave the error in place? Maybe the almighty, in the beginning, knew all was not set in place, so it stands to reason that God knew that a creature made in his likeness must have free will. An ability all on its own to determine for itself what is right or what is wrong, and to choose virtue instead of subversion when given a choice.
Before we go further, we must tackle 2 nagging question? Why did Jesus only choose sinners as his Apostles? Why would a sinner after being baptized feel ‘whole’ as if sin is no longer an issue for them?
The ‘why’ of Jesus only choosing sinners is because Jesus encountered and argued with men of doctoral knowledge of God. Those ‘men’ of vast knowledge didn’t need further salvation because they felt they already knew God. Who then could come ‘down’ from Heaven and teach them?
Those men of ‘doctoral’ knowledge about God didn’t need a teacher. Jesus came with factual knowledge of his Father. Jesus knew those so-called ‘doctoral’ holders of divine law couldn’t be taught a thing! Jesus came to teach those of his ‘Father’s’ creation from his ‘Father’s’ book. Not the ‘Book of Man’ at the time, but to teach his ‘Father’s’ creation from the word of the ‘Father’ himself.
That’s why I say now that Jesus chose the flawed because they were true to who they were. There is no faking about being healed. Just as a physician knows the signs of a ‘wound’ healing; the healer of spirits knows the signs of a soul when it starts to heal. No faking about being cured or knowing how to fake it in front of sinners like these so-called ‘ticket holders’ spue their fake piety to everyone.
Once a sinner is baptized that is only the beginning. You’re still a sinner! Duh? That is why 99 percent of all these so-called ‘pilgrimages’ to convert the sinners of the world aren’t effective. The so-called saved have been sold a bag of coins with holes in it. They’ve been made to believe they are different from the people standing before them! They are still sinners just like them!
The approach of a ‘baptized’ soul should be from a point of view of caring because they are speaking to an equally empty soul eager to add to their learning about God. Instead their misguided ‘teachers’ fill their heads up with a superior mindset, common throughout history, but they should teach them to be humble as they both are in search of salvation.
Now the view is becoming clearer as to why so-called Christians believe that is all they had to do was get baptized and the deal is sealed. These so-called Christians felt liberated that they ‘TRICKED’ God into making it easy to get to Heaven. So-called Christians would say, ‘I’d take that suckers deal any day’.
That’s why the ‘Legacy Media’ of ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX have all hyped up the ‘clergy’ as if they’re somehow exempt from us commoners to do the will of God even after baptism. Hence the Catholic child sex scandals. Priests having more girlfriends than the local ‘Mac Daddy’. A priest helping Donald Trump in Georgia pressure an election worker to subvert the tenets of her job. Rudolph Giuliani say ‘truth isn’t truth’ and believe it.
These people have been given the cloak of false virtue by their stooges and the Legacy Media. America’s mayor? Yeah right. Must be nice to have White privilege and broadcast it over the airwaves without fear of pushback isn’t it? Now you have pushback, tricksters!
We attach righteousness to the unrighteous. Why do you think those so-called Christians voted for Donald Trump? Because their ‘ticket’ to Heaven in their mind has already been punched! They don’t need to worry about destroying the very country they claim God created just for them. What a crock of ‘Ka Ka’. It’s German for human feces.
White privilege is a destructive force that is being torn down every day. When you have evil being given the go ahead based on Heaven is locked in; there isn’t a need to examine your own behavior. Why? When you got your so-called Christian card stamped long time ago. I told you I would find out why so-called Christians believe they can ‘resume’ their evil ways one inch outside of their so-called ‘house of worship’.
It is all a façade. These so-called Christians ‘EvanDevicals’ will never know God. Let me say this and I’ll end this ‘Trickster’ Doppelganger edition.
‘Righteous people are righteous whether they walk through the shadow of death or in the light’.
Finish it.