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Mission Statement:
Let us be sure of one thing. Time is not a destroyer of time. Events are still laden with choices. What has been made cannot be unmade. What has been chosen and fulfilled cannot be unchosen and unfulfilled. I have seen constructs manifested from people who claim piety inflicted upon innocent lives without the most basic display of human rights.
The lure of joining the loudest voices as they are amplified by the ‘legacy media’ of ABC, NBC, CBS, The New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal can and will offer many rewards, but the price is the stain of treachery that cannot be removed from your name.
Truth, is, alone. Truth doth not seek agreement. Truth therefore is undefeated in battle. ‘Out In Black’ seeks to exist close to wherever truth decides to stand. This podcast will never shy or cower to any unjust deed past or present. It is not an oath. It is simply a choice.
Come, uncover all that has been hidden and be free.
Episode 2:
From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible. Luke Chapter 12:3…What you said in darkness shall be spoken in the light, what you said in closets shall be spoken on rooftops. I paraphrased it, but you can go and read it for yourselves.
Two things we are going to discuss in this podcast. The true power of women. The treachery of evangelicals by their refusal to help Dr. King in the Civil Rights Movement, but they are eager to believe the lies of such a man as Donald Trump.
Women, I won’t go into the series too deeply on this space. Read it for yourselves in Mental Health: Equal Health. The truth of the matter is that efforts to gain rights, power, authority or a just society cannot be done at the right moment. Remember that time is locked once it passes. What you didn’t do is all that matters ‘in time’. What needs to be done cannot be changed. Women, your rights aren’t something that can be given to you. Women, you must assume them and lock them in!
How do you do that? By following the process already laid before you. Support qualified women candidates for government office. It’s not political office. It’s government office. It’s governing. Get it? That’s how just a simple ‘word’ can change how you see your plight in a different light. ‘Political’ was discovered a long time ago to have a negative connotation. That’s how even the simplest of actions can bring about massive devastation on untold numbers of people. Are you getting it now?
Women, would you hold the door open for other women once you force your way beyond it? Well that’s what you have to do. That’s where you stand after hundreds maybe thousands of years deferring to the ‘authority’ of men only and neglecting your own authority in ‘creation’. I will pause from time to time and do some demonstrations. I know they seem silly, but a visual display of what is required is more than useful in this moment.
In summary, women there has always been a balance required and just because you all have decided to insert your own rules for the rules of the ‘creator’ still doesn’t make the creators’ rules obsolete.
Now to the ‘legacy’ media as I have named above which by the way is not a complete list has given so-called evangelicals a false cloak of piety. It must be nice to be relieved of all fault, guilt, and responsibility for blatantly not following any biblical laws and principles whatsoever. I mean we’re talking about the clearest example of a ‘call for aid’ that should’ve been a ‘layup’ in basketball terms.
History has recorded the refusal of so-called evangelicals to assist Dr. King in the fight for civil rights. Now, that’s not the end of it. I mean with cover from the ‘legacy’ media; these so-called churches held hoedown lynching services in their demon sanctuaries! I wonder if these churchgoers understood they were drinking the blood of evil when they sacrificed innocent Black and Colored boys and men or as they said, niggers. I wonder if they knew the bread represented the bodies of these human beings they killed?
Even now, you would never hear on any of the ‘legacy’ media platforms this truth. They would never question why and then seek to answer the questions of it being so easy for these so-called evangelicals to believe the lies of Donald Trump. Never will you hear them question these folks. Never!
The answers will be spoken and written here on the pages of www.landcause.com for all to see and hear. Period! Liars believe lies.
In closing I want to thank every user who have signed up on this site. Your support is critical as I continue to bring about the truth and nothing but the truth. It is there for you to decide after that. This is Victor E. Moseley from the podcast, Out In Black.
Thank you.