Mother Se’May Sayer: The ARC of Time
Season 3: Episode 3: Grasp for Light and get out of that Black Hole
Part Three: The ‘Hottest’ fire shapes the Soul and the Mind
(Does anyone on the team really know why a team acts as one? Are team members within your reach? Energy in motion tends to stay in motion, or something like that. What makes a military great in battle? Is it the number of troops? The men and women that stoke the weapons of war? The fear of the adversary when faced with such a refined and drilled force? Mother Sayer wondered about all these things long ago as she learned and trained under her father Mr. Sayer. Wow she thinks. What if Mr. Sayer chose his wife by other considerations? You know the answer to that she says to herself.
Oh, the great numbers of men and women that chose their mates on superficial features and assets that decline over time. My father chose a woman that had kids already. Yeah, a Black man marrying a Black woman that already has children. What is it in the Black community? Oh, that’s right. Don’t marry a woman with kids cause you’ll be paying for the pleasure some other Black dude had. Right. Mother rolls her eyes. My dad I believe chose to marry my mother not because she could please him in bed and cook in the kitchen. My dad married my mother so he could raise me.
Mr. Sayer saw the same presence because he recognized it in him all his life. He knew if he left me under the care of my mother alone I would not fulfill my gift. Mr. Sayer knew my mother wasn’t intellectually equal to him, but he knew something about sacrifice which I am glad he internalized.
Mother Sayer thinks this is why her training or learning, if that makes more sense, has directed her to seek out those like her and those that need more instruction on being a team player. From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible Psalm 55:14…We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company.
American, should be a mental disorder listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM 5. All this self-made person bullshit is old. All this selfish shit is tired. The Legacy Media has brainwashed the fuck out of creativity in America. I’m going to stick to the way success has always been done. Working together by looking out for each other.
That’s how you stay out of ‘Black Holes’.).
—————————The Walk of Game———————————–
Mother Sayer: (I can’t tell you how much my father taught me. Just the way you carry yourself. How you should treat others. Not worrying how they treat you back. A lot of things I learned. Now I’ve got to keep learning as I go giving those ‘trainings’ to others.). ‘The ruler of all the world’.
Sarah W. Certainty: What’s that Mother?
Mother Sayer: Just a line from ‘300’. The movie that glamorizes and stylizes the horrors of war. I could have that wrong. Don’t take my word for it. Now what’s on your mind?
Sarah W. Certainty: Well, it is that time again. Time for me to receive a cascade of answers that will surely leave me deciphering them until the next block of explanations my mind will need.
Mother Sayer: Go for Sayer. (Mother waves her cupped right hand in a downward arc toward Sarah to tell her to ‘lay it on me’.).
Sarah W. Certainty: Why do you hire all these broken people?
Mother Sayer: What? They’re not broken Sarah. Nobody is completely broken. Oakli, O’Woh, Tuaole, Hekima, Joppa, and so on. These are people that are navigating a course that is marked by disappearing street signs and unlined pathways.
Sarah W. Certainty: Good you gave me some names. I’m not trying to focus on the issues of every single person. I want the ‘why’ of what you’re trying to accomplish with this group of people.
Mother Sayer: Very good. I knew you would see through that trick. You’re not here for some juicy gossip like some heavy makeup wearing 80’s music video girl. I could easily be a slave driver just focused on production, but that fire would burn hot and then fizzle out quick. I need more than that.
Sarah W. Certainty: Are you saying this place is more than just a job opportunity? More than a place to put in 8 hours a day and get paid the end of the week?
Mother Sayer: That’s a recipe for high employee turnover wouldn’t you say?
Sarah W. Certainty: Something meaningful this way comes is that it? Being fulfilled by doing something that means something? Okay. I can go with that. Are you saying they can have a piece of what they create? That’s not the norm in corporate America.
Mother Sayer: That’s why so many people are drained dry. That explosive bountiful energy they start out with in life. I mean, you know this. I have watched you change from that reserved young woman to becoming my counsel in all matters of the ARC, Incorporated.
Sarah W. Certainty: True that my sister.
Mother Sayer: Stop that. Good though, but stop that. I have to test everyone within my reach. You understand? Even in a relationship before it gets serious; you have to ‘test’ the person on the qualities that matter to you right? I have to let them into my purpose for starting my company. What place I want it to represent in the world. Not just America. The world.
Sarah W. Certainty: You have to let them get close to you? Isn’t that risky?
Mother Sayer: Yes and no. The risk is they aren’t able to give you what you hired them to help you do. The no is that how can you know unless you open up your plans and secrets. Look Sarah, the companies that are innovating consistently are the ones that test what their new hires can do and then they give them a piece of the pie.
Sarah W. Certainty: How do you get them to focus. Focus beyond their own personal and private issues?
Mother Sayer: You have to read everything about them. How would you do that if you never interact with them? Do you know the ancient form of what we now call a ‘meeting’? Or actually how stuff was actually learned?
Sarah W. Certainty: No?
Mother Sayer: A ‘gathering’ was called when ‘change’ happened, was about to happen, or could happen. History books hold only the musings of those who had the power. All the stupidity of men who probably today would easily be hyped up by the ‘Legacy Media’ as strongmen geniuses. Gatherings were used to spread what has been learned.
Sarah W. Certainty: Yes. How a lot of people can all know about the same things. I think though has it not been perverted? The method of teaching?
Mother Sayer: Of course it has. Just like if you wanted to know how somebody feels you would ask that person. It is the responsibility of those that are taught to pass it on accurately.
Sarah W. Certainty: You are serious about your name. I see now. Making sure everybody knows your intentions that we work together is not lost in the retelling.
Mother Sayer: That’s right. I don’t know why this one guy I met in college still hangs in my head. What he says. Just. It was like he knew words have impact. Always put the right ones together. Mr. Victor said, ‘If you will be the strongest, then you got to take ‘incoming’ wisely without offense’.
Sarah W. Certainty: So, your people have to believe you got it covered? It can’t be a fake confidence can it? I also know what you mean about all the stupidity you see on television and read in the paper or wherever. Every clown, fool and thief out there is celebrated these days.
Mother Sayer: If I may say this with as much warning as I can. The wealthy and those that run the businesses in America are highly motivated to making money and that’s it. What happens to humans beings that get in the way of that is of no concern to them. I saw a version of it in the military. Rank didn’t always go to the best person. Rank was awarded by what’s in a file.
Sarah W. Certainty: How can you change the way things are? I mean sure you want to better mental health and increase safety in the airline industry. What else you’re working on? Oh, the mass warning system is a great idea. How is that your problem though? Isn’t some of those things the responsibility of the government?
Mother Sayer: Thank you. You finally said what I wanted you to say. No Sarah, I’m not trying to right all the wrongs in this gift of a world nor am I interested in conquest. A world given to all of us by a benevolent God. What you said there about what can you do is how they get you to give up. The wealthy and those conniving con men elected to public office. They want you to assume the mantle of God. Get over it. That position is already taken I believe and it never has an ‘opening’.
Sarah W. Certainty: Ahhh?
Mother Sayer: That’s why a ‘gathering’ was usually small. Even Jesus told the disciples to set the people down in small groups of fifty when he fed over 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fishes. Well, you have to read the story in the Bible. Anyway, ‘the way’ has already been made plain. We have to turn to what makes sense and get back to doing it.
Sarah W. Certainty: That’s why your dad married your mother. It wasn’t about what she could give to him, but what he knew he had to give to you. He sacrificed his vanity for your strength.
Mother Sayer: My my, pretty soon you’re going to know all my secrets. Setting a good example is part of being a leader, but that’s not what we’re told a leader should do. ‘Everybody is looking out for number one’. I can’t tell you the number of times I heard that crap. You have to start with ‘who’. If you reach out your arm and touch those in your immediate area, that’s who you should start with.
Sarah W. Certainty: That’s why those few companies that succeed for decades invest time in their people. They’re not just costs against the bottom dollar of profits. They’re people with desires for their lives as much as those controlling their longevity at these companies.
Mother Sayer: Right. How do I know what they want out of life? I got to test them. There is no other way to do it. The U.S. Army did it to me. They’ve been successfully defending the country for over two hundred years. I started asking about why and how they knew to maintain that success.
Sarah W. Certainty: Do the successful things over and over again. That’s how you build confidence in your people. I mean the people being successful.
Mother Sayer: If I did any less for my people, or I failed to provide them an environment where they could test their abilities then I would fail myself. I don’t want my conscience slapping me around as I do ‘ADL’s’.
Sarah W. Certainty: ‘ADL’s’?
Mother Sayer: Sorry, that’s part of the terminology that encompasses the mental health disciplines. Also, let me make it clear. I speak to everybody I encounter as we are all on the same level. The level of human beings as equals. Everybody has something to contribute to life. Good or bad. It’s just that most of those possessing the tools of the ‘town crier’ elevates the worst acts that human beings can do to each other.
Sarah W. Certainty: The entertainment and media endeavors will hopefully change that. The ARC will be a beacon of contrast in an industry that hypes up all the ‘acts of evil’.
Mother Sayer: I remain grateful for my good fortune by enabling my people. My father would tan my butt if I wasted his sacrifice. Yes, I know. He loved my mother by giving her children strength and potential.
Sarah W. Certainty: Like my father did as well. He sorted through a lot of men. Some that couldn’t handle the punches they took fell by the wayside quick.
Mother Sayer: Wayside? I see your Catholic and raise you Baptist. My father made sure I knew where the thorns were because the ‘thorns’ can choke the shit out of you.
Sarah W. Certainty: It’s the exposure that counts the most isn’t it. Most people never reach their potential because those that favor them behave toward them on the mistaken belief that shielding them from danger assures their success. But they are wrong aren’t they Mother?
Mother Sayer: Yes, they are. Shielding people. Shielding the people you think have the greatest chance of success from danger and failure only hurts them. It doesn’t help them. It never did. I can recruit the best people ‘on paper’ until I’m blue in the face. I still have to test them.
Sarah W. Certainty: That’s why you keep your time or presence at your team leads meetings, gatherings, short isn’t it? You want to show up. Get a status report and keep it moving.
Mother Sayer: Don’t get too Black Sarah if you can’t handle it.
Sarah W. Certainty: Hey, I’ve dated a Black boy before when I was younger. My father was cool about it as long as no babies were made.
Mother Sayer: Oh, okay. How long did you get to know the boy?
Sarah W. Certainty: It lasted a little over 6 months when I was 16.
Mother Sayer: Alright. I underestimated you. Again you made my point. I wouldn’t know anything about you if I didn’t ask you, or you voluntarily told me. That’s what it’s all about my nig. Oh, you’re not a nigga.
Sarah W. Certainty: Don’t tell me if I fucked a Black Guy I’m now a Black woman?
Mother Sayer: Nigga lover you ain’t no Black woman.
Sarah W. Certainty: Oh, you’re testing me now?
Mother Sayer: Yes I am. Just making sure you still had that hot Italian blood running through your veins. Or is it Sicilian blood?
Sarah W. Certainty: Same country or part of Italy that all. You are right. I surprised myself sometimes with my ‘fire’. I learned to accept it as part of my culture. I like it. Especially the first time I saw my mother fight with my father. Wow, you could feel the energy see the electricity building between them. I knew from that first time not to wear something that reacts to static electricity.
Mother Sayer: You read the room. You remembered the birthright your mother would never toss away. I’ll tell you about what Eve really did in the Garden of Eden some other time.
Sarah W. Certainty: You mean Eve gave the right answer?
Mother Sayer: That’s right. Eve let God know what happened. Eve wasn’t afraid of what God would do. She spoke her mind.
Sarah W. Certainty: Yes I know. All the suppression and oppression of women has been done to keep them from the truth. Women know how to wield power because a woman spoke to the one great power that we know of.
Mother Sayer: Whew. (Mother pretends to wipe some sweat from her forehead). Very good Sarah. I shouldn’t be surprised. That’s what I’m talking about. That’s what I need around me. The truth! That’s what a woman brings with her to the table of power. We just got to recognize who has it and bring it under pressure. You know pressure forms the most valuable gems.
Sarah W. Certainty: Yes Lord.
Mother Sayer: Hush yo mouth. And it’s ‘Lawdd’ with an emphasis on the ‘D’s’. In any case humor was called for after my heavy statement.
Sarah W. Certainty: Do you have to know everything about people? I know you know this, but a lot of these people you’ve hired are ‘damaged goods’. How is it your business sticking your nose into their personal affairs?
Mother Sayer: Roger that. You are the daughter more like me than my own daughter. You are proving my point. It would be a dereliction of duty for me to not fulfill my obligation to give direct counsel to you to fulfill your purpose. You got that ‘why’ about you too. (With a wave of her hand she calls off Sarah) I’ll further explain what ‘why’ is to people like us later.
Sarah W. Certainty: I know when you are mentoring, coaching or whatever the term could be for what you’re doing for me. I will wait.
Mother Sayer: What you said about being ‘damaged’ is true. Look, we all have been given power to ‘damage’ each other, but listen to me now because this point is key. We have not been given the power to destroy someone. The power to ‘destroy’ ourself lies within each of us. To be clear, you can only ‘destroy’ yourself.
Sarah W. Certainty: But couldn’t someone be ‘hurt’ so bad that they do something drastic to themselves?
Mother Sayer: Yes Sarah. (Mother said it with exasperation on her tongue.). Whatever ‘remnant’ remained laid over that person was found by that person to substantiate an excuse to ‘destroy’ themselves. There is always still a ‘choice’ remember that. That is part of what I’m trying to see if it is still there. The ‘choice’ to rebuild themselves.
Sarah W. Certainty: What if it’s not?
Mother Sayer: (Mother gives a wry smile as Sarah is hitting all the high points of compassionate leadership). It is not given to me to give up on people. They give up on themselves.
Sarah W. Certainty: I see. As long as the troubled bunch of people you brought in here.
Mother Sayer: The ‘troubled’ bunch of highly capable people. Say it right now.
Sarah W. Certainty: Right. As long as they do what you are expecting them to do you will show them love. Show them that not everybody is just looking to use them and when they get what they want out of them to caste them out.
Mother Sayer: That’s the story of corporate America and we’ve elected people at all levels of government to enshrine that philosophy into law.
Sarah W. Certainty: Right again. I hope to please you as much as I can.
Mother Sayer: Stop it! I never said I clapback nor have I shown or done anything retaliatory toward anybody. Do you really believe I am like that? Like all these other shallow fake ass clowns, bloated on their temporary authority, believing they hold the destiny of the people under them as fodder for amusement?
Sarah W. Certainty: Forgive me Mother. I did not mean it the way it sounded. Of course, I completely trust and respect you. I.
Mother Sayer: Stop. I know you don’t think of me like those fools. I was just seeing if you would react the right way. Your people will challenge you emotionally. Remember, you are a woman and emotions are a part of your DNA. Embrace that nurturing side along the complete spectrum meaning that it includes admonishment and encouragement with everything in between.
Sarah W. Certainty: I should have known. ‘Give it time’. Sorry. I heard that phrase in ‘good company’ when I was seeing that Black boyfriend back in the day.
Mother Sayer: Good. (Mother chuckles at Sarah’s use of slang terminology hoping she knows what those words and phrases actually means.). You are learning many things. Perhaps that’s a good place to stop today.
Sarah W. Certainty: Many more things I must know.
Mother Sayer: You’re not wrong Sarah, but I don’t need to know everything about somebody. Just what motivates them. Once I know that I can push them.
Sarah W. Certainty: Who pushes back?
Mother Sayer: Anybody can, but there are consequences to every decision you make. Is it selfish of me? Ask it a different way. You really think I’m into accelerating my vapor in front of a blowhard? I’m just gonna throw coal into a train engine I know couldn’t pull a single car let alone 30?
Sarah W. Certainty: No. Not a chance. So, we all have to accept your intrusion into our lives? Take it or leave it right?
Mother Sayer: That’s right Sarah. I don’t have time for stupid shit like wasting energy fixing an airplane that’s crashed into the side of a mountain. If you say you got the ‘goods’ then I expect you to come through. That’s it and no more. Trust me though. Once a person knows they can accomplish something bigger than themselves. Oh, you’ll see their ‘dim’ switch go out of whack.
Sarah W. Certainty: You can’t lie about what somebody did or didn’t do. What a person can do is done once they achieve it.
Mother Sayer: Show nuff. You haven’t told me which one or how many of our people you know have what it takes to ‘lay it down’ here?
Sarah W. Certainty: Oakli, O’Woh, Tuaole, Joppa to name a few right now. As a matter of fact I have a side hustle I may want your opinion on. I’ll tell you about it soon. Should we eat lunch and brainstorm some ideas?
Mother Sayer: Yes. That sounds like a good idea. Huh. Nothing stays the same for long round here.
(Mother and Sarah do some soul searching and a lot of smiling and laughing. Like her daughter Mother says to herself. I love her, but love also has trials that must be held. Ableman Sayer knew that. I know that now Mother says to herself. My, how some training not only lays a foundation, but it makes it unmovable. No matter what crashes against it. That’s why you learn the so called ‘harsh’ lessons from those that supposed to love you so that the lessons aren’t distorted by the ones who seek to exploit you for their devious gains.
Man, why don’t more people just sacrifice their lustful desires more to benefit the lives of others and thus society as a whole? Mother contemplates this reality over and over again like she doesn’t already know the answer. That ‘seed’ will never die. The ‘seed’ is the character. The willingness to bear the wounds of evil to have the knowledge of them to notify the ones you love where they will come at you from.
Woman is meant to stand in the place of man when man will not confess his faults! The ‘woman’ must risk the wrath of God forever. This is the confrontation known to us from the Garden of Eden. Woman must be strong. Her children must be cared for. By her! This is true. Be who you were meant to be. Woman must know all to teach all! Woman must not shy away from the harshness of life. She must run to where the battle is the ‘hottest’ and prevail.
It can be no other way.).