There are women and men bestowed with the gift to answer the ultimate question. That question is ‘WHY’. They are charged with rendering an answer that can be understood by the most contrary element of our society. Those that foment, spread and traffic in hate. Our Brothers are in need of guidance and this journal will bring forth a multitude of remedies to address the male illness of unawareness. The answer to the ultimate unknowns of behavior and responsibility.
Those of us given this perception and understanding to interpret the unknown and apply the information to the known is the essence of our charge. Thereafter decode the messages for the people who oppose themselves. This decryption is then presented to the people as the explanation of events past, present and future so they may keep updated to the frenetic changes occurring today and those that will arrive soon.
Brothers, this journal is a call to all of you to obtain the knowledge that you lack in every part of your lives. As sons. As brothers. As fathers. As grandfathers. As uncles. As cousins. Ignorance will no longer be tolerated, encouraged or celebrated. As the ‘First Father’ has said in his Holy Bible “let everything be done decently and in order”. Honor and truth will not be perverted anymore. Why? Because as a Black Man I will impart all I have learned and gathered for over 58 years of life in America and around the world to the young coming behind me and my elders above me. Why? Things that now appear as they do will begin to appear as they should be according to what is right? Help me see to it as this mandate has been divinely ordered.
Issue 14: When Are We Going to Learn?
I must begin with scripture. As I have said before I am not your or anyone’s spiritual advisor. The truth however must be pulled from the pages of the Holy Bible. From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible…Joshua 4:11…And it came to pass, when all the people were clean passed over, that the ark of the Lord passed over, and the priests, in the presence of the people.
The best way to distract people is…anybody? I’ll tell you. Drum roll please! It is to make everyone suffer. Can anyone tell me the 5 types of cancer that are curable? No? Anybody? Okay they are prostate, testicular, thyroid, melanoma and early stage breast cancer. I know most of you know where I’m going with this, but come along with me because most of you know it is personal as I suffer one of those cancers.
Many of you, my loyal readers and followers, have had a family member or known someone that has suffered from this scourge to the body. The endless worry and stress that taxes the mind, the soul and the body. The drain on productivity whether it is the breadwinner or sacrifices that everybody makes to have their loved one around just a little while longer. America, you know the weight of the burden of cancer.
Why do you think President Donald J. Trump stopped all funding for cancer research?
The scripture says it all. We’ve just gotten away from understanding that all the people are subject to judgment when a benefit is given to all of us. Sure, sure we know we are subject to our own judgment, but there are still decrees that cover every one of us. Cancer is one of those decrees.
So why would Donald J. Trump specifically target something that effectively can pass over all of us? Because the more he can increase suffering the more he can slip something by us like bankrupting the country by investing in the scam of crypto-currency. Giving the super-rich a tax break from money that doesn’t exist. So where is he going to find money? Hint. Trump is halting all those programs to skim off the top because he’s got to make good on the promise to the rich guys giving ‘Sieg Heil’ salutes!
Oh, and by the way, I’ve seen people who had their minds set on going into certain fields and causes. When those doors are closed; they don’t have time to sit idly by hoping ‘somebody’ changes their mind or comes to their senses. When that door closes, people are scooped up by their second option and the progress that could have been made in increases that ‘5’ to 6 or higher is gone forever.
President Donald J. Trump can’t do any harm? Yeah right!
You never learn!