There are women and men bestowed with the gift to answer the ultimate question. That question is ‘WHY’. They are charged with rendering an answer that can be understood by the most contrary element of our society. Those that foment, spread and traffic in hate. Our Brothers are in need of guidance and this journal will bring forth a multitude of remedies to address the male illness of unawareness. The answer to the ultimate unknowns of behavior and responsibility.
Those of us given this perception and understanding to interpret the unknown and apply the information to the known is the essence of our charge. Thereafter decode the messages for the people who oppose themselves. This decryption is then presented to the people as the explanation of events past, present and future so they may keep updated to the frenetic changes occurring today and those that will arrive soon.
Brothers, this journal is a call to all of you to obtain the knowledge that you lack in every part of your lives. As sons. As brothers. As fathers. As grandfathers. As uncles. As cousins. Ignorance will no longer be tolerated, encouraged or celebrated. As the ‘First Father’ has said in his Holy Bible “let everything be done decently and in order”. Honor and truth will not be perverted anymore. Why? Because as a Black Man I will impart all I have learned and gathered for over 57 years of life in America and around the world to the young coming behind me and my elders above me. Why? Things that now appear as they do will begin to appear as they should be according to what is right? Help me see to it as this mandate has been divinely ordered.
Issue 13: The ‘Tired’ Legacy News Media at it Again
Loyal users be steady. Don’t listen to the ‘Legacy’ media of ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox and all the newspapers tell you about how President Joe Biden is doing anything. They are not in the discussion! Let them fill their pages with garbage because that is all they have. Users, you’re getting to witness with your own eyes the lust for ‘pointing out the setbacks’ of others while completing ignoring the destructive and vicious history of newspapers and the ‘legacy’ media in America.
Who do you think published all the ‘Nigger’ auctions in this country? Who do you think published all the alleged crime about ‘colored’ people in this country? How did O.J. Simpson suddenly get such a ‘dark’ tan for the cover of Newsweek? Don’t forget all the negative stories about James Brown. Of course, current trends cite a handful of migrants of Spanish descent as the new ‘boogeymen’.
So, don’t cut them any slack or believe anything about President Joe Biden coming out of their mouths. ‘If their lips are moving they’re lying’. Notice that none of them are comparing President Joe Biden’s character to the character of the man they are propping up to replace him. Donald Trump, aka, King Herod, is not a man you want to leave alone with your wife.
President Joe Biden is human. Human beings falter. What’s the old saying, ‘watch out for those pointing out the faults of others, they have too many of their own to worry about’.
Take a look at my video below. The title is ‘Tired’. I think you’ll see it is appropriate.