Give Me That Ole Time What?
Declaration of Humanity 4.0…This founding statement is different. This one is being written in clarification of an ongoing threat of fear that ‘evil’ seems to offer more rewards than ‘good’ ever will, and more overtly the verbal Christians are flocking more openly to evils’ promise of fortune. While this trend is alarming I must counter with this fact. Evil has never gone out of season in America.
Good is more than a match for evil, but the righteousness of good can only be activated from a straight line. What is that straight line you ask? It is the center of every human beings’ known universe. If it is straight it is a ‘Heartline’. A heartline from the heart to the soul because when our heart stops our deeds will be called into account. The ‘JUDGE’ will know what you did and not what you meant to do…
ISSUE 16: That’s Just Like a Christian Huh?
Written by: Victor E. Moseley
Senator Graham, said today December the 3rd, 2023 something like ‘that all Palestinians are evil and they deserve to be punished along with the terrorist group Hamas’. This next one is more of the same. I heard crap like this when I was 17 years old over 40 years ago. U.S. Representative Virginia Foxx stating ‘no one wants to work’. There’s an even better one, Donald Trump says that since he was President of the U.S. he should be ‘immune from all wrongdoings’.
I can truly believe Donald Trump believes what he says. So many people around him have been kissing his ass for so long he must’ve saved a fortune on ‘toilet paper’.
Now I was watching a former Israeli official speaking about the Palestinians and how they chose the worst of two options to govern them in the Gaza Strip. It struck me because he felt justified as he relieved himself of responsibility of the decades of conflict. These are the leaders Israel had in power? Are you seriously saying that even though you had all the ‘power’ if the Palestinians didn’t choose the government Israel wanted then we should just continue killing each other. Is that leadership?
From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible 1 Peter 2:15…For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. Senator Graham is a White man doing what he has always been taught. Judging others from a perch of false piety covered and dripping with stupidity. Defense Secretary Austin is speaking what I taught my soldiers when I was active duty United States Army. ‘You think because you outrank people you can do whatever evil you want to them, but the truth is you will always get a fight. Whether it is physical or mental’.
President Joe Biden is spot on with the approach he is taking. President Biden is the leader. Leaders don’t throw their hands in the air and say ‘to Hell with all of them’. Americans better take a real hard look at how the President of the United States is supposed to act! Americans, stop your callow-walling and stick with the ‘man’ you got running the show now.
Let me stop and say this. Americans, you’ve been on a historic ride economically. President Biden and the Democratic Federal legislative leadership in the Congress thankfully did what they had to do in the President’s first two years. Look at you! This man, the President, has stood with you for higher wages, better security and safety on the job, prosperity now and decades to come and you still aren’t thankful? Get your head out your asses and ask President Biden and the Democrats how can you help them.
What has the Republicans done to make your lives better? Taken away your right to body autonomy. No law to stop the killing of your children in school. Telling you what you can and cannot read. Complaining about border security when it’s actually their job to secure it. Complaining about immigration while denying America the benefits and tax base this population could give the country. Need I go on?
Do me a favor so-called Christians. Just come out and say you’ve been playing God because you have. Nobody with common sense believe you’ve ever spoken for God. If you ever did I’d like to take the country back to 60’s era Birmingham, Alabama (my birthplace) to watch a little Black girl running from White supremacist with a broken leg.
Tell me something? Where was your Christian faith? A little Black girl running on one leg from Police Chief Bull Connor’s police force. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. should never had to come to you for help. White churches should’ve been knocking the doors down on his headquarters stumbling over each other to help. All of you! That’s why you’re still so-called Christians to this day supporting whatever false ‘god’ is placed in front of you.
I hope the ‘orange jesus’ is the ‘god’ you’ve envisioned you would’ve always received. Yeah, just like a Christian.