Give Me That Ole Time Religion?
Declaration of Humanity 4.0…This founding statement is different. This one is being written in clarification of an ongoing threat of fear that ‘evil’ seems to offer more rewards than ‘good’ ever will, and more overtly the verbal Christians are flocking more openly to evils’ promise of fortune. While this trend is alarming I must counter with this fact. Evil has never gone out of season in America.
Good is more than a match for evil, but the righteousness of good can only be activated from a straight line. What is that straight line you ask? It is the center of every human beings’ known universe. If it is straight it is a ‘Heartline’. A heartline from the heart to the soul because when our heart stops our deeds will be called into account. The ‘JUDGE’ will know what you did and not what you meant to do…
ISSUE 18: Take Them Back!
Written by: Victor E. Moseley
Email: [email protected]
As promised this is the second part of my post about what we’ve given away, rights, that were hard earned through struggle. In ‘America the Reroute’ I pointed this out clearly as I’ve lived through many of the laws that were in their infancy as I was when they became law. The Civil Rights Act. The Voting Rights act. I was 6 years old when Roe v. Wade was decided by the United States Supreme Court in favor of women’s’ rights.
I’m just ecstatic about doing the video which will be quite entertaining. I hope my words are just as moving to all. First I must give the honor and glory to my ancestors, Black folk, of these lands that endured slavery. With resilience and tenacity, Black folk, they gave freely of their spiritual energy to ensure I could have a life and have it more abundantly.
Now where do you say the rights I gave away after they were so hard won are located? The rights you seek are located in a building paid for by everyone’s tax dollars. Use whatever term you want to call it. I can see you’re asking how this happened? The energy is crackling in all directions from your disdain of losing them so easily. Well, corral that energy because what you gave away, your rights, can be retrieved once again.
Stop believing the metaphysical element of ‘time’ will correct all what you believe to be wrong in your favor. Let me be clear. ‘Universal rights’ means rights that apply to all living beings. The right to not be ‘oppressed’ in wages. The right to not be subjected to ‘gun violence’. The right to ‘bodily autonomy’ for women and pregnant people where abortion healthcare is concerned. The right to demand elected Federal officials craft a law to humanely deal with ‘immigration’ because we all are ‘SQUATTERS’ or the descendants of ‘SQUATTERS’ in America.
Would God tolerate in his Heaven an intolerable soul? No please, answer the question. Would God tolerate in his Heaven an intolerable soul? See, I’m not one of those that fell for that part of the vows that people take in marriage. To tolerate a person who is intransigent. To tolerate a person to the point of exhaustion to fulfill a man-made tenet of love and devotion to another person defeats the entire union of two souls. How can any endeavor undertaken by two people be righteous if the other person has no intention of doing what is right towards the other person?
By the way, the answer to the question whether God would tolerate an intolerable soul is found in Saint Luke 10:18. Tolerating a man like Donald Trump is you basically saying nothing is decent and nothing can be in order. I watched this JP Morgan guy say the Democrats should stop speaking of the MAGA faithful in such derogatory terms. Also I saw this one clip of an elderly White lady talking about Donald Trump as if her throwing forgiveness upon him would somehow change who Donald Trump is.
Listen to me clearly. The JP Morgan guy is wealthy and his declaration is based on his belief that his money insulates him from the ‘steal, kill, and destroy nature’ of evil and ignorant men. The elderly White lady is a product of her conditioning. She believes her race has the first and final say and everybody else are where they are because of their ‘stereotypes-of-the-others’ she has internalized.
Those two mentalities are frankly the result of many factors. Some of them honed by the ‘Legacy Media’ namely ABC, CBS, and NBC. Along with various newspapers and magazines that have always demonized Black, Brown, Jews, Asians and poor White people. I hope to someday have the honor of my face being ‘darkened’ even more to look more frightening.
I can’t hold back. I’ve seen people of all walks of life from Blacks to Whites to Asians, Hispanics just work until they literally almost die on the job. Yet as I’ve said before you’ve still got Republicans spewing trash talk about these good people not working and looking for a handout. What did you say again? Republicans were an honest political party? What a ludicrous statement!
Republicans ain’t playing with ‘CHOO’ (that’s slang for ‘YOU’)! I’m about finished. Just bear with me for a few more lines. I’m going to get theatrical with a lot of props. Enjoy yourself, but don’t forget while I’m making my points with ‘theatrics’ that these are serious matters that require you to act upon them.