Oh if it were as simply as the topic suggests. How many of us have followed other people knowing their light was no longer burning bright? Maybe the dimming effect has set in and we still hold on hoping it would brighten to full strength sometime soon. Our minds start contemplating the worse scenario. The light is out and it will not shine ever again.
How do these predicaments come about in our lives? It could be because of the old saying. “The grass is greener on the other side.” The silliest reasoning can break up a marriage. The man or woman could fret that something is missing and I don’t want my life to end knowing I lost out. They start looking away from what could be the best home they are entitled to receive. The view could be beautiful and spectacular from a distance, but a close-up could indicate ugliness and destruction.
Would this deter a common sense person reasoning justly when it concerns his or her home? Not all the time it would. Most of the time a person chooses (leaves their marriage and family) outer darkness as they are blinded by the brightness of the rising horizon. Other people shine brightly when they are drawing you away from a stable home. As the saying goes, ‘blinded by the light’.
Yes I realize it is not always another person enticing a spouse away from a home they know is good for him or her. Most of the time it is a friend (masquerading as an enemy) feeding false conclusions that supports unfounded anger in the spouse’s heart. Listen to me; don’t be married to three people! If a situation is breeding conflict in the home, I suggest speaking to a trusted friend that will not tell you what you want to hear.
The light is always on in the distance is a lie. It is an optical illusion set up to support bad reasoning and the poor judgment that occurs when we are angry, hurt and confused. View your marriage and your life in its totality. A good solid stable home is not created by accident.
Follow the light that is on means keep your home burning bright by treating each other right. Judge your home by what you have done for each other and not by outside individuals who caught you in a moment of weakness. Third parties that mean you no good will tell you to break up a stable home! Yes that is what they are telling you. If you are giving each other good for good, a snake in the grass will elevate your anger and cause you to destroy your home!
Everybody is not your friend. A spouse is your spouse first! You are not entitled to take out all your bad decisions in your life on your spouse. Your spouse is not your release for all your stupidity. This last sentence is a huge awakening for both genders. It takes two to tango and two to keep warm. Figure out what that means. Hint, don’t be cold or you just might be cold alone.
Very good write-up. I certainly appreciate this website.
Keep writing!