The STRIPES of Healing
Founding Statement:
This biweekly newsletter will seek to explain the pain and suffering mainly people of color endure through no fault of their own. The dehumanizing excuses our people always seem to elicit from people in power that make our Christian Brothers and Sisters accept their reasoning as if it was uttered by the Almighty. Lastly what I see with my own eyes begs the question from my conscience. “Are we loving or can we really love our neighbor as ourselves”.
Issue 22: Under Surveillance – Women?
I’m writing this under great mental restraint because marveling at what’s about to happen to women by men as these proposals will erase all stalking laws across the entire country. Republicans are now writing and passing laws that will put millions of women under the eye of not just State governments by the worst example of my species, man. These scumbags will now be right there next to the woman as she sits on the exam table with her legs wide open. These stalkers will probably be conducting the exam! You don’t believe me? Show me the text of these laws, and then tell me it’s not possible for these ‘men’ these stalkers to not be able to perform these medical procedures.
Stalkers will now have the ability to approve or disapprove birth control. Women now have to get all their healthcare approved by men. If men don’t have the time or it will intrude on males enjoying their lives, then women will have to wait until men have the time to pay attention to women’s healthcare. When men have the time for women period! Women will now have to catch men in a good mood. Doctors will now post signs outside their offices telling women ‘if you don’t have a signed consent from a man you will not be allowed to seek healthcare’.
In other words, if your stalker, your man or off and on man is unwilling to give a woman consent; then by law a woman will not be seen by a doctor! I’m writing this post under ‘COLORED PEOPLE’ because women have seen and tasted of the same struggle that colored people in America experienced for centuries. Women, just because you feel the time isn’t there for you to fight for your rights I strongly suggest sitting down and pull a history book from the shelf. Scrum quickly through the text and don’t just read the words or scan the pictures. Imagine what their lives meant. Imagine not being able to fully realize your purpose.
Women, imagine being seen only as a ‘sack of cells’ neatly joined for the sole purpose of procreation. Women, imagine not being seen as God said in Genesis 2:18…an help meet? Women, imagine for a moment if all women stopped diminishing their purpose? Let me be clear by what God meant in an ‘help meet’. God is saying in a union of man and woman they both are crucial and equal partners in their shared success! In the event a woman chooses not to be joined to a man then she is still a formidable force to be reckoned with. Get that foolishness out of your heads women on a man saying because he has the greater muscle mass his contribution is more important! Women I’m not saying you can play in the NFL. Let’s keep it real now.
Now single women or all women in a relationship or not have the same standing as a man in a relationship or not. Listen to me women. With or without a man you are powerful and equal in any setting a man as humanly possible. Women, I’m squarely in your corner, but I can’t do it all for you. Women must stop cutting each other off at the knees. Stop getting into inane arguments over the ideal representation of a woman. Let every woman chose for themselves but let the woman that desires a career be celebrated fully amongst you. In Ecclesiastes 4:12…’a threefold cord is not quickly broken’. Got to stick together women!
Women your ‘DAY OF RECKONING’ is upon you! If you give up the right to seek abortion then you give up all your rights. A cursory review of history will show you if my words aren’t persuasive enough. No, men cannot secure your rights. I’m sorry but that’s not the case and it never was. Colored people fought for their rights and demanded laws be written to prove them! Women, stop that. You know what I’m talking about. Stop believing that somebody else will make sure you’re protected.
Apologies again. Recent conflicts to include World War II, Korean Conflict, Vietnam, Afghanistan have the same truth immersed throughout them all. The people of those nations chose to rebel against tyranny. The outcomes in all of them were inevitable. The people of each land accepted their outcomes. Women you can say war is not happening, but when it comes to women’s rights I’d say you’re missing the big picture.
Women, you had better get suited and booted because when one stronghold falls all of your strongholds are weakened. Abortion today. Birth control tomorrow. Cancer treatment if it harms your ability to get pregnant denied. Participating in clinical studies if it harms your reproductive system women, you will be barred from participation. If a woman wants to travel and it is deemed too risky you will be restricted. Smoking will be outlawed for women. Consuming alcohol will be outlawed.
These ‘stalkers’ and these ‘so-called men’ sure are looking out for you aren’t they women? Keep saying well the right to abortion I’ll let them take it. They won’t seek to take any more of my rights. Will they? I’m sure they won’t. At least I’m hoping they don’t. Famous last words.