The STRIPES of Healing
Founding Statement:
This biweekly newsletter will seek to explain the pain and suffering mainly people of color endure through no fault of their own. The dehumanizing excuses our people always seem to elicit from people in power that make our Christian Brothers and Sisters accept their reasoning as if it was uttered by the Almighty. Lastly what I see with my own eyes begs the question from my conscience. “Are we loving or can we really love our neighbor as ourselves”.
Issue 1: Address Your Wrongs
Let’s start at the police. Our United States Supreme Court has issued God Power to the police to conduct themselves under the direction of evil’s edicts. What do I mean by that? The Supreme Court says that without the mandate of God’s spoken word tying their hands, the police should not be subject to that verse that says, “everything be done decently and in order.” This was too high a doctrine to follow. Turn the police loose on every citizen and particularly citizens of color and only good will ensue.
‘Qualified Immunity’. Explanation. Qualified means to be skilled in the requirements of a specific task. Immunity is to be protected from something. Taken together these two words are now meaningless when it comes to the United States Supreme Court decision granting the police their God power. What reasonable, mature and righteous person would say that the police must operate above the law? Who would stand forward and say that the police are conducting a job with righteous discretion? Where are the examples of accountability that informs every citizen that when the police while exercising this ‘Power’ acknowledges their errors?
Oh, I haven’t even gotten to the point that the police are human beings just like everybody else. So what college educated white man (Really, you didn’t know they always made the rules) thought of this doctrine of ‘Qualified Immunity’. Yeah, they created a class of citizens that are completely untouchable. Oh, almost forgot, so qualified immunity also means that the police doesn’t have to know right from wrong in the performance of their duty. That is left to ordinary citizens to prove this person has the moral capacity present within their conscience at the time they indiscriminately kill other human beings.
If you’re beginning to get the feeling that I would trust an atheist with judging a situation righteously you’re right. I’ll give you one example of why I believe that allowing anybody in authority to be unchecked produces human tragedy. The police encounter drug addicts regularly. In mental health we know that we must self-care on a regular basis or the build-up within the profession of all the issues they must work with clients to solve could be detrimental to their overall health. How a drug addict thinks that every time they use somehow doesn’t show a negative to their life’s balance sheet. How every transaction involving drugs of any kind in which they’ve loss control of goes through and shows a deficit.
What do you think it does to a police officer that encounters the issues and troubles of the human beings they must interact with constantly? Don’t say it. I’ll say it. I have dedicated my life to answering the one question. Why? It is easier for human beings to solve their problems by ignoring them. Postponing them by whatever means available to them. Projecting them onto others that point out our faults. What makes you think (I’m talking to every human being) just because they hold a position of authority and power they are immune to the things that plague all of us? Right, so our laws are written by people who don’t wish to deal with the human condition and this indifference has resulted in atrocities in the name of the law for centuries!
How do we stop the onslaught of degradation when so much of our history has celebrated it? Yes I mean describing people of color in our judicial system as monsters. I mean darkening their skin because so many people loved him playing football but not so much when he married a pretty white woman. I mean judging children playing in parks with toy guns as threatening and rolling up on them shooting as just routine police work. How do you heal when the wounds are constantly split open again and again with malice?
The healing starts when you have a more diverse group of people that not only say they have a higher moral code, but actually show it in the policies they put forward. Let me say this and say it loudly. Nobody speaks for God! If all these folks that claim piety in their decision process when in authority, then answer me why they flip back and forth between good and evil by which way the wind blows. Most people don’t want another human being speaking for them let alone someone they love. Where did this novel idea arise that God needs one of his creation to speak for him?
So when a leader protects her charge from accountability which shows clearly they are in the wrong it degrades her authority just as it would for a man. Stop! What’s the old saying. When you find yourself in a hole stop digging! Healing starts with telling the truth! How hard is that to understand. It’s vexing. Vexing I say. Lying harms your mental health. How hard is that to understand? The magnitude is enormous when our leaders lie to us and we think it’s funny. If half of us believe they are losing power, so what. The country is governed by majority rule period. Get over yourself and move on. We are not destroying America today, tomorrow or in the future. America is moving to heal all her wrongs. Let it play out.