The STRIPES of Healing
Founding Statement:
This biweekly newsletter will seek to explain the pain and suffering mainly people of color endure through no fault of their own. The dehumanizing excuses our people always seem to elicit from people in power that make our Christian Brothers and Sisters accept their reasoning as if it was uttered by the Almighty. Lastly what I see with my own eyes begs the question from my conscience. “Are we loving or can we really love our neighbor as ourselves”.
Issue 13: How do you convince HATRED face to face across a table to sign a CEASE FIRE
Oh no no no no no no, I did not say surrender. I may roll over the possible cessation of hostilities between good and evil, but that would require evil to halt all forms to include all forms and manifestations of it. Racism, discrimination, prejudice and basically all forms of ignorance in a feeble attempt to show which race is superior in defiance of Almighty God. Please stop this foolish talk about not seeing RACE. We are God’s creation. Are you saying he errored in diversity? Let’s not get ahead of ourselves or distracted because we have a lot to cover so let’s get started.
Think about this a minute. Every treaty, armistice or formal cease fire agreement to end conflict has specific duties and conditions each side must meet for the agreement to remain in force. Why is it then in that conflict for hundreds of years in America the onus has always fallen on the people being oppressed to say, do and believe nice things about their oppressors? Black people and all people of color should never point to all the evil committed against them in order to make white people feel good about their leaders never challenging the evil their people feed off of every day. Why?
Please correct me if my eyes are lying to me because I see new groups of white militia forming seemingly every month if not every day. I watched a show where a well known man said that Democrats should acknowledge that there has been progress on race relations. Let me tell you where that image falls under the title of make believe. It doesn’t work like that. One side can’t declare good has come because I feel good about a Black President being elected. The side, the side of White people, must corral their white power groups and put them in check. There is no such thing as progress without the other side of the table working to maintain the wording of the cease fire!
Once again the English language has words when they are used must reflect accurately their definitions. The oppressed feeling good about one step forward and ten steps back doesn’t meet criteria because the oppressors are never held accountable for not meeting their requirements to make the pact valid! One part cannot say it is better while the other part gives a wink and a nod as their purveyors of evil simply create new names or change their old names and keep on trucking.
Therein lies the false presentation of improved race relations. It is always the fault of the people oppressed when they don’t accept the littlest movement or rebuke of evil. People of color know that’s not good enough. We are always asked to give the oppressors time to change their ways. Well they’ve been doing it for hundreds of years. Let’s approach their so called churches and ask their religious leaders to tell them the truth that they can’t go out and lynch people for shits and giggles. That’s a hard ask isn’t it Pastors! Why did I say that? I remember some of the same so called pastors laying hands on former President Trump as if they could bestow upon him the qualities he has never and never will possess in his life.
Talk about overlay of imagination. I remember doing that to a few of my girlfriends and even an ex-wife or two. If your partner or spouse doesn’t have the qualities or good character traits you desire then just use your imagination and bestow or grant the person those qualities. Life doesn’t work like that for a relationship or for your false God. That’s why the so-called political party of God the Republicans are stoking lies, violence and HATRED. It is the currency their people have always exchanged between all their strongholds. It is the why their audience remains confident in the evil they do.
How are you going to get EVIL to the table to surrender when their prospects always remain profitable? Evil has tons of Republicans willing to say and do whatever it takes to not let that fire burn out which is why the heat is always on in Hell. The line starts around the corner for 30 pieces of silver. Give up evil in all its’ forms when I can make money off it. Not going to happen.