Georgia, Look at the Sky
Georgia, I have often marveled at your skyline after traversing across the state line from Alabama. What did I look upon you ask? Well the answer may take a little time of which I hope you give me freely. First I want to address the pandemic of the Coronavirus plaguing the world. The historical record is often in conflict. Humankind in this day and age looking to show superiority to the past in that one area that matters. What is that you ask? Who was first to decipher the clues and who was first to suggest the right counter measures that saved lives? Even when those that are learned among us and those that hold authority in service to us know the answers come after the fact. What, the body creates a defense to an illness prior to the onslaught? Yeah, right!
No one wants to answer this question? Why did we not see this coming? Disease, illness and injury is part of the human experience. Why do so many of our distinguished scholars, leaders, and clergy still believe they can tell from which way the wind originated? My point? Why waste time on things that are not in the realm of humankind to control? Now, back to the reason for this post. Georgia smells different as I cross over from Alabama. The odor or aroma seems to indicate a willingness to always error on the side of progress even after acknowledging the fact that there are those that wish to beckon Georgia back to a flawed and foolish time of racial hatred.
That is my point Georgia. While a disease always gets a head start in ravaging the body, it is walked down by the speed of the cures, vaccines and mitigation protocols that always triumph before humanity is destroyed. The opposite of that scenario should always be the norm when it comes to how humanity chooses progress. Georgia, you have chosen progress! Remember Georgia it can be whisked away from you when you take your eyes off the prize. What do I mean by that? Not taking a serious interest in your government. Capping the top on ideas because the rainbow is not representative of the people. Thinking voting one time solves all those wanting to deny everybody a future is enough. I believe I read somewhere that good and evil is locked in an eternal conflict.
So, looking at the Georgia sky line generates those good endorphins every time I am blessed to behold it. I can only imagine what it must feel like for Georgia’s citizens waking up every day as the mist clears and Georgia calls you to greatness. That is what the promise must have felt like as unselfish women and men of your state sought to embrace the good and shun the bad. If they failed, they would fail choosing to make life better for everyone. This is how Georgia exists in the mind of a Black Man wishing it was so in Alabama.