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Mission Statement:
Let us be sure of one thing. Time is not a destroyer of time. Events are still laden with choices. What has been made cannot be unmade. What has been chosen and fulfilled cannot be unchosen and unfulfilled. I have seen constructs manifested from people who claim piety inflicted upon innocent lives without the most basic display of human rights.
The lure of joining the loudest voices as they are amplified by the ‘legacy media’ of ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, The New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal can and will offer many rewards, but the price is the stain of treachery that cannot be removed from your name.
Truth, is, alone. Truth doth not seek agreement. Truth therefore is undefeated in battle. ‘Out In Black’ seeks to exist close to wherever truth decides to stand. This podcast will never shy or cower to any unjust deed past or present. It is not an oath. It is simply a choice.
Come, uncover all that has been hidden and be free.
Episode 5: Cleaning the clutter?
Let me begin this broadcast of ‘Out In Black’ quickly. Let me tell you where I learned some of the greatest lessons of importance in my life. The United States Army taught me a different level of clean through what is called ‘G I’ parties. Basically it is a set aside block of time to keep your living and work areas clean and clear of clutter. For some time now I’ve realized why I performed my duties of cleanliness at the behavioral hospitals. It is a simple revelation.
‘It is done to give those that have the least, in worldly possessions, or provide those people in despair amongst us; a living arrangement that shows them that the common areas of their temporary housing, in the facility that is, will be cleaned daily’.
Have any of you tasted despair? Uncertainty and doubt about what is possible in life? Those of us in the helping profession experience it every day. Trauma, mental disorders, behavioral issues in my opinion are synonymous with the onset of darkness. Nightfall to you. Over 7 years now in the field of mental health has allowed me to draw that conclusion. Therefore it is critical for me to continue battling for some form of decency and order for people experiencing mental health issues.
Having a clean, decent and orderly place to reside while undergoing treatment is a part of recovery. Listen, most people, including people who feel they aren’t sick, would hardly think about reassuring people ‘down on their luck’ that they deserve to be treated with respect. You know that’s true. Being able to walk into a dining room that has clean tables, clean chairs, a swept and mopped floor may not sound like much, but it is just as critical as therapy and medicine.
You can see it. In the eyes of patients. How their countenance changes. How their spirit is uplifted. Not for the gratification of the staff mind you. Just think of how you like to sit with family or friends at an appropriately prepared meal? It would shake a seed loose from a tree of love to know that somebody cares about you enough to try and give you that little bit of decency.
Elon Musk is a man of South Africa and its Apartheid Legacy. No? Look at his glee. In his face! The utter disdain of malice burned into his heart. He saw the cruelty and remorseless depravity inflicted with joy on Black South Africans that has darkened his eyes. Oh, right, he’s wearing sunglasses while brandishing a massive chainsaw. Don’t interpret the imagery, just believe it.
Why do you think Donald J. Trump chose this man to be the lead destroyer of his vanguard of ghastly ghouls bringing darkness and suffering to the ‘least among us’? Elon Musk was formed by his environment. An environment of heartless evil in South Africa that Donald J. Trump has greenlighted to sweep across America with the relentless viciousness of a plague of locust. Like a plague of frogs just jumping all in your boiling pot of soup on the stove!
I usually reserve a call of boycotting companies and products for the most selfish and greedy companies, but I am calling for every American to not buy Tesla cars, trucks or whatever this man sells. Remember this admonishment in Matthew. It’s paraphrased. “Do not cast your pearls before swine, they will simply trample them and turn and tear you limb from limb”.
I remember an admonishment from my childhood and I’ve heard it throughout my adult years in the Black community. ‘Watch out now, who you hang with, cause people will think you are just like them’.
This is Elon Musk. Who goes after cancer research that is being done to save the lives of little children? Who does that? Who goes after veterans, here and gone on to the glory of God, that have served America? Who goes after taking food out of the mouths of hungry little children? Just watching children wail and writhe in hunger pains while he belly laughs it up as he snatches the food from their hands before they can bring it to their mouths?
Who the FUCK does that! Who!
Elon Musk is the representation of the heart of Donald J. Trump. Keep thinking he is not and see what is about to happen next?
This clutter won’t be cleaned up for the next 2 years because the Republican Congress, a co-equal branch of government, has been deboned by Donald J. Trump. Elect Democrats soon, now, before this grand republic is a ‘clutter’ as well.