Written by: Victor E. Moseley
Email: [email protected]
This digital periodical will question the ridiculous nature of those in power constantly trying to convince us they have our best interests at heart. Thinking the worse about those you govern won’t endear them to you. Being fawned over by those with paid access is not flattery United States Senators and Congress members.
Manipulating the haters and the willfully ignorant among the citizenry to trouble people who’ve done them no harm blots your soul. Along with a myriad of lessons this world teaches you; I have witnessed God’s word in truth as he seeth that everybody’s day will come…
Article 14: Reap The Harvest
As a Black man I’m sure that many people looking upon me would assume I do not trust the police. Never have, never will. Why? Ahhh, the greatest question ever asked. I’m not sure it (Why) should be soiled by association with the police, but lets’ just give it a hoot anyway.
The origin story for policing in America is a sickening one. From the glory days of hunting freed slaves to the wink and a nod of ‘NOT GUILTY’ verdicts of killing (lynching is a more appropriate term) Black people. Now the people who choose to enter the profession of ‘law and order’ must understand that. Do you think they do not? They know that they would go ‘Scott’ (Dred Scott) ‘Free’ for killing Black people no matter what reason a police officer offered up as justification.
That’s right! Dred Scott. Do you really believe that the Republicans fostered their ‘love’ of what the police can do to Black people just in recent years? The last 7 decades perhaps? Take a water hose for example. If a hole develops along the line of water transmission it reduces the effective intent of what the water hose is designed to accomplish. Metaphorically speaking, the same applies to ‘wrongs’ that have never been addressed in America.
The majority race, White people, are so embarrassed and ashamed of their ancestors that they go to great lengths to distract everyone else from the leaks, that are now gushing water everywhere, in the hopes that ‘distraction’ works to erase every ‘wrong’ from ever being answered and acknowledged.
Being astonished by Caucasian guilt should be a required course of study from middle school throughout post-secondary education.
The Wall Street Journal shouldn’t be applauded for calling out the ‘Grand Ole Party’ of Republicans for their President Trump releasing White people for assaulting police officers. Really? Even in their puff piece, they found many ways to soften their criticism of Republicans in our Federal government. Give me a fucking break!
Someone please tell me why the ‘Legacy’ news media still don’t understand why the citizenry doesn’t trust them to hold our elected representatives accountable? Just look at the questions they were asking Senators and Congressmen and women of the GOP why they don’t support the police anymore.
‘Do you agree with President Trump pardoning January 6, 2021 insurrectionists and criminals that attacked the United States Capitol and the Capital police?’ I mean really? That was such a hard hitting question I was giving myself a ‘standing’ 10 count for that ‘right’ hook! Sarcasm is such a wonderful tool.
A more biting question would’ve been. ‘Now that the Republican Party has dropped their ‘veneer’ of backing the blue, should police officers believe a word that comes out of your mouths ever again?’
That’s a hard hitting question!
I digress. We see the reasons why the ‘Legacy’ media do not ask tough questions. They don’t want to lose access to these elected officials. What? Yes, that’s why folks. The same dynamics govern the United States Justice System from sea to shining sea. Prosecutors don’t want to piss off the police and the police thus enjoy protection from accountability. Judges don’t want to convict police officers so they give deference to every police officer before they even hear the charges leveled against them.
So, let’s all drop the showmanship and cheap B-Movie lineups. They aren’t convincing the people anymore. That’s why you don’t hold complete sway anymore ‘Legacy’ media. You wanna get that back? Try actually doing the things for once in America that everybody can plainly see that you’re independent.
Ask questions without fear or favor. That would plug up a lot of ‘holes’ in that ‘firehose of faults’ of injustices from several of the timelines of American tyranny.
Then it would be honorable to ‘Reap that Harvest’!