The STRIPES of Healing
Founding Statement:
This biweekly newsletter will seek to explain the pain and suffering mainly people of color endure through no fault of their own. The dehumanizing excuses our people always seem to elicit from people in power that make our Christian Brothers and Sisters accept their reasoning as if it was uttered by the Almighty. Lastly what I see with my own eyes begs the question from my conscience. “Are we loving or can we really love our neighbor as ourselves”.
Issue 33: Comes Back Around?
Written by: Victor E. Moseley
Email: [email protected]
‘It is as it was before and now it is again as it will always be’. The ‘Church of Man’ following ‘The Book of Man’ never fails. Republicans are who they are. Like the former coach of the Arizona Cardinals said, ‘they are who we thought they were!’. Now the ‘legacy’ media are playing their games once again as if they never got the racist responses from this ilk before. That’s why one of the reasons this website,, has people from all over the world signing up nearly every day. The truth, no adjectives or adverbs needed, will always be written on the digital page here.
Republicans, ‘the content of their character?’ Yeah right, when they trot it out to pervert and deflect a conversation from their natural pattern of thinking. A diversity, equity and inclusion hire they say describes Vice President Kamala Harris of the United States of America. So, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t win the election by the vote count and the electoral college like all Presidential candidates. Although a few were not chosen or elected by popular vote from each State. Guess who?
Now I’m pretty sure if you believe the Republicans, millions do and they will meet their maker to answer one day as well, that Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t pass the bar exam to become a lawyer. No, it’s the same bar exam for men and women. No, it’s not a bar exam for Whites only, or a bar exam for Blacks only. For that matter a bar exam for women of color, White women, Asian women or women of different ethnicity. I’m pretty sure Republican voters will believe whatever they hear that’s wrong, disgusting and evil about somebody.
Yeah, what? You actually thought Republicans believed in the tenets, beliefs and values espoused by the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior? Are you serious? Come on? You didn’t believe Republicans see everyone as equal do you? Did you ever? It is as we say in the Black Community, ‘If you don’t know, you better ask somebody?’ That means if you’re in the dark about somebody or something, or the answers to some questions are up in the air. Before you make a bad decision; you better ask somebody before you mess up.
That’s another reason why no one trusts the ‘legacy’ media anymore. When these Republicans make statements like that; they, the ‘legacy’ media reporters, should have clapped back immediately and said, ‘What do you actually believe sir, was judging by the content of your character the truth, or just a convenience for you were no turmoil is brewing?’
Incompetent? When the same exams, tests, licensure, ability to operate machinery, research and scientific development are all standard across the board. Black people still get that played to the racists’ base of the Republican Party writ large? Why? Oh, don’t forget result oriented performance criteria knocked out the park over and over again. Can somebody say legislative achievement of the Biden Administration? Vice President Harris, a big mechanical arm (metaphorically) in getting it done. Please say it ain’t so?
Can somebody just please help me out with the ‘legacy’ media. Is anybody ready for primetime! Dam! Wake up! Those are just the balls out of the ‘strike down’. Wait until the ‘hater’ balls start being thrown. You got that? A play on the ‘heater’? You know? What major leaguers call a fast ball? Oh, forget it.
I guess I expect too much from the ‘legacy’ media. Oh well. I guess I’ll just see mediocre interviews with very little challenging or imaginative questions in rapid fire fashion skillfully on display by the ‘legacy’ media.
For your information, I did see that style of questioning by the ‘legacy’ media years ago. Ahh, whatever, let me just put on Justin Timberlake, ‘What Goes Around…Comes Around’, and just sway to the music.