The Word ‘God’ A ‘Contranym’
Written by: Victor E. Moseley
Email: [email protected]
Spotify: Out In Black Podcast
“It is not enough to call it a revelation. Learning that what you’ve been taught about something that should be a source of guidance, strength, serenity and hope was distorted. Distorted by no other reason because to live up to it doesn’t promise enough affection amongst others. Others that are all too eager to have others join their failures.
Failures of character or belief that living in a way of knowing what is right and what is wrong requires no daily conscience adjustment. That is why most people avoid the rigorous growth demanded of them to corral their devilish nature. Instead they actively succumb to the task of assembling what they feel they possess of value and submit to negotiating their own Faustian bargain; although knowing all too well the only valuable thing evil wants is their soul.
While we marvel at the sheer vastness of the numbers of folks actively deciding to be fools; we always exclude ourselves from being caught up so quickly alongside them fools. My belief, because I’ve lived it, is right and wrong shouldn’t require a daily recalibration based on which option would bring you the most fortune or the least condemnation.
Time I’m afraid never waits for your decision in those moments, so it lets’ you choose through the double-minded lens of distorted reasoning. When that happens the choice illuminates everything those around you need to know about you. Observe for yourself is my admonishment. Choose wisely is the saying right? Check out Hebrews 13:8 to know what it looks like when you decide who you want to be.”
Trickster: Edition Four: No More Secrets Snickering In the Dark
I am becoming more surprised by the subject matter of my reports as well. Actually, to tell you the truth; I’m falling more and more in tune with my role and responsibility to speak to these extraordinary times and the ‘on purpose’ evils committed against Black people throughout America’s history.
Today, I am locked into my duty. No longer do I feel concerned for myself. I know now why my cup ‘runneth’ over in this discipline of the ‘mind’. ‘Mental Health’ is a vast calling that intermeddleth with all wisdom. Also sorrow must be increased in order to bring the ‘light of truth’ that reveals the snickering evil that lurks behind the evil living among us. These words are contained in the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible in St. Luke 8:17 and Ecclesiastes 1:18.
Far too long have deference been given to these so-called churches in this country. So-called churches that gave aid and comfort to demons seeking to devourer ‘Colored’ men and boys and afterwards wipe their mouths clean. So-called churches that today give aid and comfort to a Republican presidential candidate that has said out of his own mouth ‘he doesn’t have a reason to ask God for forgiveness’. This union or should I say ‘unholy’ alliance of these so-called churches and Donald Trump now I boldly shout have never surprised me!
It is natural for evil to seek refuge in a so-called church sanctuary that welcomes darkness. If these so-called churches want to send their so-called evangelicals (I call them EVAN-DEVICALS) out to confess Donald Trump to the Almighty God as a good man, I tell everyone to let them. God is not listening to them anyway.
While these so-called churchgoers continue to tell the rest of us how good Donald Trump is; I will continue to tell everyone of the ‘sins’ of these so-called churches that have never confessed their vile roles in the history of civil rights in America. One thing I despise with a passion is a hypocrite throwing their so-called religion out there as if their hands are clean and their mouth were never filled with filthy hatred.
In closing that is what I envision in the ‘Mental Health’ realm of the mind when I hear the lies of these folks. The snickering evil standing behind these folks happier than ‘a June Bug walking through tall grass’. Nah, you don’t know what I mean so I’ll tell you.
A June Bug is hidden in the tall grass from the fowls of the air that seek to consume it. I didn’t make an untrue claim and say Donald Trump said it. A demon would say to you Donald Trump didn’t say what I told you he said. Watch out. All these folks want to be a sidekick to an evil lying man such as Donald Trump aren’t worthy of respect either.
I say their fealty is like ‘incredaboy’ in ‘The Incredibles’. Even though Mr. Incredible disavows ‘incredaboy’. Pathetic isn’t it?