Give Me That Ole Time Religion?
Declaration of Humanity 4.0…This founding statement is different. This one is being written in clarification of an ongoing threat of fear that ‘evil’ seems to offer more rewards than ‘good’ ever will, and more overtly the verbal Christians are flocking more openly to evils’ promise of fortune. While this trend is alarming I must counter with this fact. Evil has never gone out of season in America.
Good is more than a match for evil, but the righteousness of good can only be activated from a straight line. What is that straight line you ask? It is the center of every human beings’ known universe. If it is straight it is a ‘Heartline’. A heartline from the heart to the soul because when our heart stops our deeds will be called into account. The ‘JUDGE’ will know what you did and not what you meant to do…
ISSUE 20: Stop Digging!
Written by: Victor E. Moseley
Email: [email protected]
I want to hit 3 topics tonight. One, that women, you don’t need a master. Two, inflation will never see 2% ever again; the new normal is 3%. Three, American citizens, ‘get over yourselves’, this is what I mean instead of ‘get over it’ by what was said by Secretary Hillary Clinton. A brilliant United States Secretary of State to be clear!
First, women. All of you, collectively, have allowed men to bleed off their role as the main responsible part in the union of a family, but it is ‘not’ written that women need the protection of a man in order to fulfill ‘your’ role as ‘help meet’! From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bile…Genesis 2:18…And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone: I will make him a help meet for him.
Now women I’ve been given something good for you to consider thoughtfully. Oh, it’s too good (I have two fingers on my mouth with a gleam in my eyes right now.). In the same book of Genesis in the same chapter I want you to read verse 22 for yourselves. Read it over and over again and tell me if I’m right. The Lord God took the rib from Adam for sure. That’s written. Why did he leave from the presence of Adam and create the woman? In private? Ahhh? I can see from the neurons firing in your brains. Why was the woman, a creation of the Lord God, created in seclusion from the man?
Why did the Lord God, in his word ‘not’ tell us that he made ‘Eve’ from the ground? Extrapolating from a known value, ‘Adam’, to an unknown method of what ‘Eve’ was made from around the ‘rib’ of ‘Adam’ should give away the whole ball game right there. The Lord God, women, made you to fulfill your role without being in subjection to the ‘man’! Women! The Lord God never said you needed a ‘master’ to control your behavior!
The Lord God created you around the ‘rib’ from Adam from what he felt you needed. The Lord God never said or I dare say he made ‘woman’ from the ground! Sure the ‘rib’ of Adam was from the ‘dust’ of the Earth in the creation of Adam, but he did not mention what the ‘rest’ of the ‘woman’ was made from did he? Again, do you not understand women, that this ‘private’ method of the Lord God gives away the whole ball game right there?
My, how the mighty have fallen. Establish your rightful place amongst the living creations of the Lord God’s Earth women. Women, your authority is to lead, along with men, the caring of the Lord God’s creation. Act from this position now!
Two, inflation. I do not mind this topic. I will hit it as many times as it takes to make it sink in. American citizens, the price of goods and services is directly related to ‘yo’ wages! Stop digging a hole for yourselves like you don’t understand that. Now, that being said, governments from local to State and Federal have a duty to monitor price increases so price gougers don’t fuck up the economic system.
Inflation should remain lower that real wage growth. You’ve never read in my digital column or commentary where I’ve put my finger on the scale when it comes to the Federal Reserve. ‘Let it play’ is what I say when I live in times of good governance as we have now under President Joe Biden.
The rest of my ‘musings’ on United States monetary policy you will find in my digital periodical of Mental Health: Equal Health. Yeah, in those pages, the discussion will be about you panicking and ‘knocking’ things off your ‘table’, metaphorically representing your sense of stability because you’re not using techniques to calm your thoughts to be at peace when everything is fine. Stop ‘panicking’ because someone tells you to?
Do you not understand that the people, Republicans, doing this wants you to not thoughtfully consider reality before you knock ‘everything’ onto the floor of your ‘house’, your mind metaphorically? I will say in conclusion again. An economy is not based on the needs or desires of 330 millions people individually. That’s insane! An economic system is set up to order things in ways that gives everybody opportunity. Get over it!
Three, American citizens, watch yourselves. This game of Russian roulette you’re playing when it comes to our survival is not smart. The two choices for President of the United States this year is a blessing. The Lord God has done it again. What do you mean ‘he’s done it again’ you say? From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible…Matthew 27:20…But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.
I can see the ‘shit eat’n grin’ on Vladimir Putin’s face right now. So called ‘evangelicals’ if you researched a little further in that book you so like to ‘thump’ you will find that Barabbas committed murder in an ‘insurrection’. Just saying for context.
Donald J. Trump is the choice of those American citizens that wish to destroy what is ‘good’. America is the embodiment of ‘Pontius Pilate’ of our times. Will we wash our hands of America if we put Donald J. Trump back into office? The lessons of history are clear. That’s what Secretary Hillary Clinton was saying when she answered you all ‘roughly’. The ‘spirit’ does speak expressly doesn’t ‘it’?
The choice is clear. Make no mistake about it. Americans, you will be judged just as the citizens were when they were asked who (what) they wanted released upon them? Good or evil? If you don’t know the difference, then you need to ask somebody. By the way, just in case, because there are people that act like they are stupid. Barabbas was the evil one.
President Joe Biden is clearly the better man. Bar none! Re-elect him and let’s keep this thing going America.
Gosh. Even my dog knows when he is in a hole to stop digging.