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It is a Competition Not a Coronation

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]

Can someone please inform the United States Women’s Soccer Team that the ‘International Association Football Federation’ or the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup is a ‘Competition’ and not a ‘Coronation’.  Perhaps I could use this analogy.  A math final in college usually plays out where each student is given their own exam as ‘version’ A or B.  A FIFA exam is the same for everybody except all the players on the team gets’ the same grade.

Now to the ‘2’ Black Republicans on Florida’s new version of slavery I think I’m beginning to notice you 2 realizing you both got played.  Imagine that?  Black Republicans, can you tell me why none of the ‘White’ folks on that retelling of slavery presented themselves for examination?  I’m asking because I’m still at a loss.  Black Republicans is it something they promised you for making a fool of yourselves?  Did they give you 30 pieces of silver to betray your ancestors?  You can tell me.  Okay just whisper it over the wind.  A little bird will come and tweet it in my ear.

Now let me just give a little advice on how to avoid clowning yourselves for notoriety.  If you’re in a room discussing a topic and you feel your stomach churning, ask to use the restroom and head for the exit.  If you’re in a room that has more White faces than Black faces, or if you’re the only Black face I’d say to the person checking names at the door I left my phone in the car.  I’d drive off and wouldn’t look back.

Thirdly, and this ones’ important.  Black folks, if you thought the subject was ‘How to bake the best cookies’ and ‘White Supremacy’ replaced it just as you sat down; I’d have 911 on speed dial as I hurriedly got up from the table and start sprinting towards the exit.  I’m an older Black man, but even I know a ‘rope a dope’ when I’m the target of a ‘flimflam’. 

You know that’s pathetic that an old Black man parading around with a Doctorate can’t tell when his chosen religion of Republicanism makes him a mockery.  My Black brothers and sisters and all people of color and good conscience.  In John 5:39 from the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible it tells us to ‘Search the Scriptures’.  That means to search out a matter before you lend credence to it.

Perhaps not.  It is known on that any and all stupidity will be called out no matter race, religion, sex, nationality or probably we need to add ‘stupidity’ as a category to the law.  It seems to affect people regardless of their education.  Lord ‘ham’ mercy!


Give Me That Ole Time What?

Declaration of Humanity 4.0…This founding statement is different.  This one is being written in clarification of an ongoing threat of fear that ‘evil’ seems to offer more rewards than ‘good’ ever will, and more overtly the verbal Christians are flocking more openly to evils’ promise of fortune.  While this trend is alarming I must counter with this fact.  Evil has never gone out of season in America. 

Good is more than a match for evil, but the righteousness of good can only be activated from a straight line.  What is that straight line you ask?  It is the center of every human beings’ known universe.  If it is straight it is a ‘Heartline’.  A heartline from the heart to the soul because when our heart stops our deeds will be called into account.  The ‘JUDGE’ will know what you did and not what you meant to do…

ISSUE 13:  The Classless Clown

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]

Republican Alice Stewart said, ‘The new Florida standards about Black History was signed off by African American Scholar William B. Allen.  Black Republican activist Quisha King said, ‘It is ignorant and simple-minded to condemn this new version of Black History’ surrounding slavery.

Let’s recap shall we.  Define slavery.  Slavery is according to Google, ‘ownership of a person as property’.  Other sources gave similar benign meanings that almost led me to believe that the practice of slavery was too horrifying to describe it by the English language.  It’s like those publishers selling dictionaries didn’t want to fully articulate the atrocities inherent in slavery in ink on the pages of their books. 

Now in the Year of our Lord 2023 you have ‘Black’ Conservative Republicans, Lord have mercy, acting just like those Black folks of old making clowns of themselves knowing full well they’re being ridiculed to high Heaven behind their backs.

Let me give two examples of what I mean by ‘Classless Clown’. 

First example.  A tale is concocted in a room occupied by one hundred White Conservative Republican Lost Cause Christian Nationalists and one Black Scholar.  Revising the history of slavery to make it more kinder and gentler towards White slave owners is the matter being discussed.  It is done and soon released with the approval of all one hundred and one attendees in that room.  Now tell me.  Who’s voice was the loudest in that room?  What conclusion was made that included input if any from the Black Scholar?

Second example.  A tale is concocted in a room occupied by one hundred and one Black people.  Revising the history of slavery to make it more kinder and gentler towards White slave owners.  If one Black person said that was a good idea it would be met immediately with scorn!  Why?  Because to spit in the face of what Africans stolen from their homeland, and submitted to ghastly atrocities on land stolen from the native Americans would lead that person to be swiftly schooled in the truth.  Probably, I might add not too ‘kindly’.

Notice how Republicans, the Governor of Florida included, always state how the ‘Black’ person went along with it.  Tell me your honest opinion.  Why do Republicans always ‘serve up’ the Black person that joined their vile spittle?  Huh?  Got you thinking now right?  Oh this is even better.

When that Black person goes back to the one hundred White Conservative Republican Lost Cause Christian Nationalist would they come out and say they approved the new lies about slavery?  I recommend telling yourself the truth at all times as my experience working in Behavioral and Mental Health the last 5 years have enlightened me.  Lying to yourself is mentally injurious to yourself. 

No.  Those White Conservative Republican Lost Cause Christian Nationalist would not say they wrote the new history.  I’m not a gambling man, but if I were I’d say they would blame the new history about slavery as solely the ideas of the sole Black Scholar in that room. 

That is what I mean by CLASSLESS CLOWN.  No Black person in their right mind would support such a vile villainous White Conservative Republican Lost Cause Christian Nationalist distortion of slavery!  All you’ve done is made yourself a fool for Republicans and rejected by Black folks for such blasphemy about slavery.

Alas, I will define SLAVERY as:  ‘A vicious system of bondage and servitude characterized by brutal beatings, constant rapes and violations of human decency, treatment was continuously cruel marked by forced uncompensated labor, scarce food, nonexistent medical care and zero chance at a quality education.

Tell me how a person benefitted from those conditions?  Oh, right?  The intelligence they possessed came from God okay.  It didn’t come from Slave masters cultivating their brain power.  Keep digging holes for yourself Black Republicans.  You’re the ‘fools’ left holding the White Conservative Republican Lost Cause Christian Nationalist bag with a torn page inside from their ‘Book of Lies’.

What else you got?  Keep it coming!


Give Me That Ole Time What?

Declaration of Humanity 4.0…This founding statement is different.  This one is being written in clarification of an ongoing threat of fear that ‘evil’ seems to offer more rewards than ‘good’ ever will, and more overtly the verbal Christians are flocking more openly to evils’ promise of fortune.  While this trend is alarming I must counter with this fact.  Evil has never gone out of season in America. 

Good is more than a match for evil, but the righteousness of good can only be activated from a straight line.  What is that straight line you ask?  It is the center of every human beings’ known universe.  If it is straight it is a ‘Heartline’.  A heartline from the heart to the soul because when our heart stops our deeds will be called into account.  The ‘JUDGE’ will know what you did and not what you meant to do…

ISSUE 12:  The 7th Book of The Holy Bible

Judges.  That’s the 7th Book of the Holy Bible from the Authorized King James version.  Sabbath day?  What is the meaning of the word Sabbath?  I’m led to understand that the ancient meaning is rooted in rest, but it is also rooted in completion.  Therefore I will define the meaning of ‘Sabbath’ as ‘a just finality that signifies a righteous act or acts have been done of the Earth’, a presentation of matters that were in conflict or upheaval running their due course and are now resolved’.

Throughout my training, studies, education, experience and spiritual journey there is a truth that is unmistakably rigid.  Coincidences are there for the unlearned to stumble over along their chosen path of unbelief.  Now, there is not a Book of the Bible called ‘Legislative’ is there?  The Book of Judges from my understanding didn’t land the 7th spot by accident or happenstance either.  Any attempt to diminish or weaken these two extraordinary facts are affronts to the righteousness of God!

My loyal seekers of knowledge have known this about me for quite some time.  Any attempt to dispute or shun the ‘pillars’ of all that we know were formed to help us maintain decency and order I will forever ‘stand to’ and challenge them!  Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel seeks to ‘steal’ ‘kill’ and ‘destroy’ that which God has ordained.  Read Saint John 10:10 for the full verse.  Nobody gets a pass.  The Jew first or the Gentile.

Now, I’m the first to say all have sinned (including me) and fallen short of the glory of God.  All and none are entitled to destroy what God has established.  The Book of Judges is the 7th Book of the Holy Bible which lands on the day of ‘rest’.  Rest from what?  When all was in upheaval and nothing was settled it was God’s work that brought everything to ‘order’.  Forgive me if I sound preachy, but I believe it is unmistakably clear. 

‘JUDGES’ are fallible.  All of us cannot attain to such a high calling.  Judges, they are human too and subject to corruption, but as David said ‘His thoughts are above their thoughts’.  God has ordained ‘judges’ in his world.  Therefore, let me be crystal clear.  Any attempt to weaken or reduce the authority of judges puts the entire world at risk.  Judges suppose to ‘at the end of disputes and upheaval’ settle and stabilize enormous matters with grace, wisdom and authority.  Without authority there can be no stability.

Yes, anytime you see violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province do not marvel at the matter.  Know that there is a righteous ‘judge’ that will conclude all disputes with no appeals.  You are correct oh ye of wise deduction.  The ‘One’ that settled the universe itself.  That is God.

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]


The Spectacular Benefits and Benevolent World of Slavery

by:  American Republicans

It is with great honour that I hope to live up to presenting this wonderful material on slavery these generous Republicans have provided.  I will cover various forms of torture that provide the least bit of pain and suffering as possible.  Iron tubs of boiling hot water.  Leather whips with razor sharp spiked blades.  Naked men, women along with little boys and little girls playing with vicious dogs ripping their flesh apart. 

Slaves volunteering to hang by the neck from trees until they pass out.  I mean it’s what they wanted.  Oh, working in the searing heat of the Sun from dawn until dusk for free, or wage free hourly invisible pay.  Being raped by White men whenever it tickles their fancy.  Maybe these White men or should I say benevolent slave masters only raped Black women and Black girls once or twice a week.  I’m sure Republicans would say it’s the latter.

Finally this digital publication will run forever.  Republican men and women will always shield the truth with their idol God read from the pages of their Book of Lies. 

Issue 1:  The Round Robin of Terror

If you don’t know what a round robin is it is simply an event type course that features different stations that participants visit to achieve a passing score.  By the grace of the true God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob I will lay bare the foolishness of Republicans once again.

I hear the slave master ring the bell to start the day’s activities.  Which station should White men visit first he wonders?  I don’t think all my plantation owners want to rape my Black slave women first.  It would drain their energy preventing them from some of the more sadistic acts I got set up like the hangings, boiling pits, vicious dog attacks and such and such.  I’ll tell them when they git here to pace themselves.  Don’t want to short out such a spectacular day of fun.

Ah here comes my fellow plantation owners now.  Oh, I have a request.  This White man always has a new thing he tries every time he scratches his ass.  What is it I ask since I’m the purveyor of this carnival of horrors?  The slave owner says he wants to try out breaking the arms and legs of a naked female slave, and have her crawl away in excruciating pain while the vicious dogs are let loose on her.  I tell him to see that sight will cost him at least a dollar.  The slave master drools as he hands me my money.  I gleefully smile while patting his back saying.  You’re crazy.

Well folks, that’s all I have for today.  We’ll return in a few days to revisit this spectacular world of harmless slavery where Black slaves had benefits out the Ying Yang!  That’s slang for slaves had it so good!

Until next time.

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]



Preamble:  The Creator’s Diversity

The ones who hold the power tell the story.  The quote went something like that.  Make peace with that truth and let’s move on to how power can wreck a weak mind.  When the King eats from the same soil and drinks from the same pond how then did humankind conclude that denying these basic truths could unify us all?  How the realization of what power brings to those that possess it can influence human beings that are weak of spirit.  When their spirit is enticed to commit acts of evil when those in power that are evil hearted require it of them.  The Creator gifted his diverse creation carefully.  The care he intended has been perverted by one race intent on maintaining their power instead of sharing it as we share the land, water and the air.  America is that experiment.  May I say it has never reached its full potential because she (Motherly pronoun) has never loved all her children.

Issue 12:  Press On

Only a slipshod, haphazard, façade of an organization would call the faithfulness to cruelty, hatred and perennial persecution of a people thought of as ‘lesser than’ cause to celebrate those that act with such malice as extraordinary patriots.  That is what the Republicans have ‘groomed’ their voters to believe.  Answer me this.  Why would so-called Christians and ‘evangelicals’ believe that hatred is okay if their leaders say it is okay?

In furtherance of this indoctrination their Republican leaders require them to worship from the BOOK OF LIES gospel that only leads them to mental destruction.  Former President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister are examples of a nation that was on the track of redemption choosing to align themselves with evil men.

From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible.  2 Chronicles Chapter 20 verses 35, 36, 37…And after this did Jehoshaphat king of Judah join himself with Ahaziah king of Israel, who did very wickedly:…And he joined himself with him to make ships to go to Tarshish:  and they made the ships in Eziongaber…Then Eliezer the son of Dodavah of Mareshah prophesied against Jehoshaphat, saying, Because thou hast joined thyself with Ahaziah, the Lord hath broken thy works.  And the ships were broken, that they were not able to go to Tarshish…

As I have stated before and will state again.  Consequential nations are not broken by the sword!  They are broken by the people choosing evil leaders.  If an ‘EVANDEVICAL’ tells you that Donald Trump or Benjamin Netanyahu loves America or Israel they are ‘lost in the sauce’.  Evil done by their leaders on behalf of a nation leads to her destruction.  So when you hear Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu say what they will do to their democracies believe them!

Now Senator Tommy Tuberville is a whole other level of stupid.  I’m not even going to wonder how all those football players, coaches, university officials were fooled by this guy.  Enough of that though.  I’m here about his fucking with the military.  Listen ignorant voters that keep voting Republican.  The military did not say they were going to pay for one single ‘abortion’.

The military said they would reimburse travel expenses.  Now my time in the Army I’ve been reimbursed for mileage, food or per diem which could include many things that keep a soldier and their family functioning.  This maintains ‘readiness’.  Look that word up if you don’t know what it means Republican voter.

Again, great nations never fell to the sword!  Search it out!  Read between the lines of history!  From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible.  Ezra Chapter 4 verse 19…And I commanded, and search hath been made, and it is found that this city of old time hath made insurrection against kings, and that rebellion and sedition have been made therein…

Stop!  America is established right now!  Going forward it is the responsibility of a few true souls to hold truth as self-evident.  The Republicans have abdicated their responsibility to America.  They have chosen evil.  Americans of soul need to understand and not be fooled because a fool throws you some trinkets to get your vote.  Besides that, they throw your trinkets on the ground and step on them before you pick them up!

Vote for Democrats.  Everybody is the point in a society as far as the Democrats are concerned.  So, if Senator Tuberville is still unknown to you even after he has demonstrated that he is an assclown that doesn’t give a flying fuckeroo about America or the military.  Then telling somebody like you that water is wet will blow your mind!

By the way, I know there isn’t a second alternative to replace what America does on God’s Earth.  I’m then inclined to persuade as many Americans who believe what they see and hear to help all citizens of soul protect America from her enemies both foreign and domestic.

Be safe and press on.

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]


Give Me That Ole Time What?

Declaration of Humanity 4.0…This founding statement is different.  This one is being written in clarification of an ongoing threat of fear that ‘evil’ seems to offer more rewards than ‘good’ ever will, and more overtly the verbal Christians are flocking more openly to evils’ promise of fortune.  While this trend is alarming I must counter with this fact.  Evil has never gone out of season in America. 

Good is more than a match for evil, but the righteousness of good can only be activated from a straight line.  What is that straight line you ask?  It is the center of every human beings’ known universe.  If it is straight it is a ‘Heartline’.  A heartline from the heart to the soul because when our heart stops our deeds will be called into account.  The ‘JUDGE’ will know what you did and not what you meant to do…

ISSUE 11:  ‘In Heart He Layeth His Wait’

What comes out of the mouth defileth a man.  I’m not on a crusade to uncover fake Christians.  They do that all on their own.  What I am here to do is make sure fake Christians or so-called Christians know they will not get into Heaven.  Prime example is this.  What would be the response of a so-called Christian when somebody, anybody tells them they shouldn’t be lying on somebody?  Huh?  What answer do you think a so-called Christian would give?

From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible.  Jeremiah 9 vs 3-5…And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the Lord.  Take ye heed every one of his neighbor, and trust not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbor will walk with slanders.  And they will deceive every one his neighbor, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity…

Supplant means these so-called Christians long ago replaced the Holy Bible with their own false book of lies.  Long ago these so-called Christians taught themselves to speak lies because they utterly believe anything that comes out of their false god Donald Trump.  I don’t care about anybody believing what they will.  That is their choice! 

Call them out America.  Do not hesitate to call out these demon loving liars of a false god.  These ‘EVANDEVICALS’ are not Christians.  I doubt if they even know how to spell Christian.  These grown ass men and women, majority White folks, sit there and watch and cheer on every lying sack of shit on Fox News and their demon child knockoff conservative platforms while feigning ignorance of what they’re doing.

Answer me now!  What would a so-called Christian do when that which is wrong came out of the mouth of somebody they love?  That person would support such evil while straining to make everybody else believe it to be good.  Continue reading this chapter of Jeremiah to verse 8.  I won’t include the full text here, but the point I will make is for all those people of color supporting Republicans.  You are a well-informed fool.  Because as you sure as hell know, what you’re doing is a condemnation that will engulf you in a true unkind judgment.

These people have never knew God.  This latest iteration of so-called Christians under the guise of a legit political party called the Republicans will always lie.  Representative Comer is lying on President Biden.  Donald Trump is slandering President Biden.  What do these so-called Christians do?  They cheer it on.  Don’t do that.  Don’t pretend these so-called Christian grown ass men and women don’t know right from wrong.

They have always ‘laid in wait while giving you the hand shake’.  You weren’t fooled.  You are a fool!  Now these so-called Christians on the U.S. Supreme Court have approved evil against all women.  Against people of the LGBTQ+ community.  Against people who want sanity back in our society through gun legislation. 

Now these superior so-called Christians will probably rule from the bench that local school board curriculums should be set by people that never made it out of grade school.  Children should be educated by bumbling idiots wearing shit stained clothes while speaking through rotten tobacco and meth stained teeth.  If they have any.

Keep it up America.  This post is for the people that have saved America throughout decades and centuries by knowing what’s right and what’s wrong.  I’m with those people.  Stay together!  America has never been unified.  The uttering of those words by the idiots among us has always and will always be balderdash.

What is the truth?  Let this man, President Joe Biden do what he knows how to do.  Points are going up on the board and yes I know he’s going to run up the score!

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]




There are women and men bestowed with the gift to answer the ultimate question.  That question is ‘WHY’.  They are charged with rendering an answer that can be understood by the most contrary element of our society.  Those that foment, spread and traffic in hate.  Our Brothers are in need of guidance and this journal will bring forth a multitude of remedies to address the male illness of unawareness.  The answer to the ultimate unknowns of behavior and responsibility.

Those of us given this perception and understanding to interpret the unknown and apply the information to the known is the essence of our charge. Thereafter decode the messages for the people who oppose themselves.  This decryption is then presented to the people as the explanation of events past, present and future so they may keep updated to the frenetic changes occurring today and those that will arrive soon.

Brothers, this journal is a call to all of you to obtain the knowledge that you lack in every part of your lives. As sons. As brothers. As fathers. As grandfathers. As uncles. As cousins. Ignorance will no longer be tolerated, encouraged or celebrated.  As the ‘First Father’ has said in his Holy Bible “let everything be done decently and in order”.  Honor and truth will not be perverted anymore.  Why?  Because as a Black Man I will impart all I have learned and gathered for over 56 years of life in America and around the world to the young coming behind me and my elders above me.  Why?  Things that now appear as they do will begin to appear as they should be according to what is right?  Help me see to it as this mandate has been divinely ordered.

Issue 11:  Line Up Their Truths

About the Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris.  All the attempts at ridiculing her.  All the low grade vicious conclusions assigning traits or character flaws she never had.  Somebody should tell these ‘assclowns’ that if you plan a character assassination to at least sprinkle some kernels of truths in their takedowns.

Mic check.  Mic check.  Check the record on Vice President Harris.  What did she accomplish as Attorney General of California?  VP Harris didn’t shy away from criminal justice reform.  She tackled truancy.  The sex workers.  Marijuana use.  VP Harris passed on a $4 billion offer instead secured $20 billion for California homeowners from the foreclosure cheats.  VP Harris made criminal justice information available to the public.  VP Harris was elected to the United States Senate.

When somebody comes at you offering to sell a knock off of the original as the genuine article; I’d make sure they won’t sell that false product again.  VP Harris or anybody that’s a fan should say what you got on her?  The VP doesn’t have a record.  Wrong.  Straight out the gate stupid that comment was.  What else you got?  I’m a Black woman so I can’t be tough because I’ll look angry?  I deposited $20 Billion in the bank account of California.  Ask somebody if I was angry when I collected that money?

VP Harris can’t face down the toughest system in America, criminal justice, and come out on top.  Wrong again!  Did you seriously just say I’m the VP because I checked the Black and Brown box?  You better ask somebody right now because you don’t just sound stupid, you are stupid.

If you’re going to make an attempt to ‘put down’ somebody, how about really doing your homework next time.  Let me offer some advice.  Don’t lie as if VP Harris hasn’t held any public office or mixed it up in a job where it counts.  I didn’t say VP Harris was perfect as working in the criminal justice system nobody comes out clean.  I’d take her any day over the likes of people that try to ‘create’ a person out of thin air and ‘layer’ a false image over their true self.

Sorry, I have to veer off course for a second.  Larry Elders said Affirmative Action was discrimination to fix historical discrimination.  That’s like concluding that excluding women from voting was inadvertently solved by giving women the right to vote.  (Put both hands on both sides of your face and push in with your mouth open and eyes wide).

Look it’s simple.  If the scale is unbalanced where more weight is needed that’s where you put it.  What these wise United States Supreme Court Justices are saying that the imbalance has persisted unjustly for so long that there is no point to balance it now because it doesn’t matter anymore.  That’s insanity!

From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible Job 31:6…let me be weighted in an even balance, that God may know mine integrity.  I can’t help myself.  Do you see where I’m going with this?  The whole ‘charade’ is revealed!  ‘LINE UP THEIR TRUTHS’ by right or wrong.

There is no cause or purpose to make things right?  Just do all the wrong you want because the first act is all that matters?  That’s why I despise the perversion of the ‘Church’ by all the so-called Christians that walk through its doors.  ‘Our wrongs should rule for all eternity as it is so difficult to right them’?

While they teach their children to seek forgiveness and make amends.  From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible Jeremiah 26:13…Therefore now amend your ways and your doings, and obey the voice of the Lord your God; and the Lord will repent him of the evil that he hath pronounced against you.

Don’t worry so-called Christians.  Just talk a good game and do the exact opposite.

Native Americans, Black, Brown, White Indentured servants, Asians, and people of all kinds that have been wronged in this country.  That is why I admonish every person that wishes to have America endure for all time on the face of the Earth.  The absurd seems to be what the unjust wants us to swallow without wincing.  

How things are made right are spiritually painful to those that believe in a spiritual higher power like Jesus Christ.  Don’t wince at it only to accept it as unchanging.  There is only one being that doesn’t make changes.  From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible Malachi 3:6… For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

Get back to work.  Line up the truth, not a poorly crafted knockoff.

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]