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Just understand everything is scrutinized

Make up for mistakes?


Ever wonder why the people that you can relate to the most often are the ones who care to make right their mistakes? Secretary Clinton has admitted her mistakes and worked to make them right. I would fight back against lies and false inferences in a heartbeat as well. Wait, let me just say, you ever meet those people that only tell you their greatest hits? You never hear about a single failure in their life? Never heard about anything they’ve done wrong have you?


Maybe I’m wrong to support the imperfect person, but I know from personal experience a burning desire within to correct my faults. Deduce for yourself which candidate you wish to support for President of either party, but I tell you an image problem hovers around perfect candidates. The Republican candidates will never admit mistakes and will fight you tooth and nail trying to make you believe they didn’t say it! Catch a perfect candidate in a lie and he or she will show cracks in their campaign. They will dance like crazy trying to get you to believe you didn’t really hear what you heard!


There has never been a perfect candidate for any office in the land. Everybody has done things they would like to take back. The difference is the people that feel terrible about it (although an email server or a foundation messing up reporting requirements doesn’t reach the level of wrongdoing) give extraordinary effort to prove to you that your faith in them is not misplaced. They will make it right. Let’s not forget the country did pretty well with the last President Clinton.


The UnAddressed Problem!

I was treating the sinus/allergy and cold I had, but I was ignoring the ear infection thinking it didn’t affect the other two. It’s a common state of mind when medicine or doctor visits are not the highlight of one’s life. The issue just brewed and festered until I went to the doctor and was diagnosed and given a shot for my ear infection. Let me back up a little and describe my allergy problem. It literally was as bad as the worst allergy sufferer has experienced. I thought my body was rejecting the Allegra I was prescribed. Needless to say my reasoning was flawed and misguided.

Now back to the ear infection and the after effects it had on my three problems. The ear infection was actually blocking the effective treatment I was prescribed for my allergies and the cold I had. Once I solved the ear problem; my cold disappeared and the allergies are responding to the Allegra!

My body is returning to normal and equilibrium has been restored. Wow, effectively targeting the one problem that was negatively interfering with getting my allergies under control was the solution all along.

Sounds like the negative influence of certain people on our lives results in confusion. This confusion stymies and stops us from addressing what is the real cause of disruption in our lives. Once the source of the problem is found and the right medicine applied; then, the results are undeniable. Our lives seem to get back up on the road and out of the dirt and gravel of the shoulder.

Once again, targeting the problem with the right solution will right the ship (your life) no matter if the problem is a person, place or thing! Don’t be like me. Address the problem that is causing problems for your real problems. The longer you wait to address a situation (no matter what it may be) will determine the moment you want to be free of it!