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Orated by:  Victor Emmanuel Moseley

                    A Black Philosopher

Mission Statement: 

Let us be sure of one thing.  Time is not a destroyer of time.  Events are still laden with choices.  What has been made cannot be unmade.  What has been chosen and fulfilled cannot be unchosen and unfulfilled.  I have seen constructs manifested from people who claim piety inflicted upon innocent lives without the most basic display of human rights.

The lure of joining the loudest voices as they are amplified by the ‘legacy media’ of ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, The New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal can and will offer many rewards, but the price is the stain of treachery that cannot be removed from your name. 

Truth, is, alone.  Truth doth not seek agreement.  Truth therefore is undefeated in battle.  ‘Out In Black’ seeks to exist close to wherever truth decides to stand.  This podcast will never shy or cower to any unjust deed past or present.  It is not an oath.  It is simply a choice. 

Come, uncover all that has been hidden and be free.

Episode 6:  Remove the Sentries?

Before you proceed any further I need to make one thing crystal clear to you.  This is a post about the discovery of a sophisticated plan to destroy America.  If you cannot see the whole because you are fixated with the parts, please stop reading right here.  Otherwise let me lay it on you.

The balloon that flew a certain track and entered United States airspace around or near the State of Alaska was a test run at vector seeking.  The use of the balloon was not simply a transit device for surveillance equipment.  It was part of the delivery system for an attack to possibly jam radio traffic or to gage America’s defense network response systems and intercept protocols.

The dismissals of the Federal workforce which includes veterans at a large percentage is strategic.  American citizens that have served our nation in various defensive and offensive capacities are imbued with selfless service.  As a veteran myself I can’t shake the multi-dimensional thinking that assaults my senses either.  My awareness is way up about these firings.  They are odd.

Children.  Why did Elon Musk immediately target cancer research that plagues children?  I believe it is to distract the parents and pull on the heartstrings of extended family to draw their energies away from building families and strong communities.

Why did Donald J. Trump chose a man like Elon Musk?  I believe Donald J. Trump chose Elon Musk because of his upbringing in a cruel, vicious, despicable, savage and vile South African government system.  Elon Musk cannot be separated from his environment.  The cruelty Elon Musk is showing is second nature to him.  Like taking a shit and somebody else wiping his ass!

Why did Donald J. Trump cease all aid through USAID to foreign causes and governments?  I believe it is to increase the chance of upheaval which leads to fighting which leads to loss of life and suffering.  Donald J. Trump wishes to create more people in the world that hate America.  Mind you, Donald J. Trump is not the author of this plan.  I will sum up my findings in my conclusion.  Stay with me now.

Why is the United States Supreme Court full of back slapping morons?  These 5 so-called learned White men (Clarence Thomas included) have made themselves buffoonish pawns in an elaborate scheme and they don’t have a clue they’re being played.  Again, I’m not laughing here!  Ruling against the express powers clearly lined out in the U.S. Constitution that each branch of the Federal Government possesses.  The U.S. Congress has the power of the money you idiots!

The Defense Secretary of the United States just stopped intelligence operations against Russia!

The Defense Secretary just opened the door to cyber operations against America!

The Defense Secretary is removing Generals and Admirals that America has spent fortunes on schooling and stress testing!

Donald J. Trump has ordered all shipments of weapons and ammunition to halt in transit to Ukraine.

Don’t forget the warning which President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine said of America in its’ confident secure by a vast ocean that separates us from the fighting.  That didn’t stop Japan from attacking us during World War II if I’m not misremembering that is?

Antagonizing our neighbors to the North and to the South.  Is it meant to get them so upset that they will let their ‘guard’ down at the critical moment when a sophisticated attack occurs?  I mean Canada and Mexico do serve as sentries to our North and South.  Do they not?

Donald J. Trump rid us of our Inspector Generals.

Donald J. Trump rid us of competent effective seasoned leadership at the most storied crime fighting agency the world has ever known.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Donald J. Trump fired the Federal Aviation Administration chief.

Donald J. Trump fired our disease experts!

Donald J. Trump rid us of the United States Department of Agriculture.  Who needs edible food?

Donald J. Trump rid us of the Central Intelligence Agency spies.  We don’t need nobody to sniff out plots against America do we?

Donald J. Trump himself will inspect all our battleships, aircraft carriers, submarines and airplanes to ensure they meet all specifications to function properly when we need to go to battle with an adversary.

Donald J. Trump is planning with the help of the useful buffoons in the Republican U.S. Congress to bankrupt the United States of America with a tax giveaway to the wealthy that do not need any more of the money than they’re already stealing from their employees.  Can’t make that shit up can you?

Donald J. Trump, with the help of the ‘idiot media’, I mean ‘Legacy Media’ keeps saying Social Security is part of government spending.  Social Security is the retirement plan for all working, disabled and citizens eligible to receive it.  Just because it is collected along with the other taxes does not mean it can be included with the Federal Budget.  It is not a part of spending in the Federal Budget!

Donald J. Trump wants to take Social Security and steal it from all senior citizens and disabled Americans to again give it to the wealthy who already live a debaucherous lifestyle unimaginable to decent folk.

Grandma and grandpa don’t need their lights to stay on.  I mean, why does grandma need heat?  I mean she can wear 3 coats and cover with 5 blankets couldn’t she?  In a house with no water or power right?  Fuck grandma right?  Rich people got to have their ‘freaky freaky’ parties right?

Donald J. Trump is aiming to dismantle the NOAA.  Yes.  The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration.  You know it.  It’s the agency that monitors weather events like hurricanes.  Yeah, how much damage you think hurricanes can do with little or no warning?  How many lives you think will be sacrificed for rich folks to having orgies?

Donald J. Trump is just a pawn.  Elon Musk is a useful idiot.  The Republicans in all 3 branches of the Federal Government are tantamount to traitors if we all were to judge them by their actions.  None in that party of Republicans are wise enough to screw a lightbulb into place.  There are forces playing them against America for their ‘love of money’.  It is the ‘root of all evil’ I’ve been told.

The Federal Courts got to stay in the cause of America!  Not just when they’re needed.  The Federal Courts have to stay and do their job!  How many times I need to say the same ‘DAM SHIT!’

Oh, forget it.  I’ve been told to just let people dance naked close to a lion’s den covered in chicken guts.  Bacon grease on their lips with chitlins wrapped around their waist.  A blindfold of hot sausage over their eyes conveniently keeping them unawares of the danger that’s about to rip them to pieces. 

I can’t do that.  So here it is.  The plot I see being deployed against America is this.

I posit my conclusion.  There are people; our enemies foreign and domestic, a heck of a lot smarter and capable of asymmetrical logic seemingly disjointed but absolutely coordinated to result in this stated goal.  The destruction of America thru chaos and suffering with every ‘SENTRY’  keeping watch over our health and wellbeing relieved of duty!

There it is.