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Email:  [email protected]

Mission Statement: 

Let us be sure of one thing.  Time is not a destroyer of time.  Events are still laden with choices.  What has been made cannot be unmade.  What has been chosen and fulfilled cannot be unchosen and unfulfilled.  I have seen constructs manifested from people who claim piety inflicted upon innocent lives without the most basic display of human rights.

The lure of joining the loudest voices as they are amplified by the ‘legacy media’ of ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, The New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal can and will offer many rewards, but the price is the stain of treachery that cannot be removed from your name. 

Truth, is, alone.  Truth doth not seek agreement.  Truth therefore is undefeated in battle.  ‘Out In Black’ seeks to exist close to wherever truth decides to stand.  This podcast will never shy or cower to any unjust deed past or present.  It is not an oath.  It is simply a choice. 

Come, uncover all that has been hidden and be free.

Episode 5:  Cleaning the clutter?

Let me begin this broadcast of ‘Out In Black’ quickly.  Let me tell you where I learned some of the greatest lessons of importance in my life.  The United States Army taught me a different level of clean through what is called ‘G I’ parties.  Basically it is a set aside block of time to keep your living and work areas clean and clear of clutter.  For some time now I’ve realized why I performed my duties of cleanliness at the behavioral hospitals.  It is a simple revelation. 

‘It is done to give those that have the least, in worldly possessions, or provide those people in despair amongst us; a living arrangement that shows them that the common areas of their temporary housing, in the facility that is, will be cleaned daily’.

Have any of you tasted despair?  Uncertainty and doubt about what is possible in life?  Those of us in the helping profession experience it every day.  Trauma, mental disorders, behavioral issues in my opinion are synonymous with the onset of darkness.  Nightfall to you.  Over 7 years now in the field of mental health has allowed me to draw that conclusion.  Therefore it is critical for me to continue battling for some form of decency and order for people experiencing mental health issues.

Having a clean, decent and orderly place to reside while undergoing treatment is a part of recovery.  Listen, most people, including people who feel they aren’t sick, would hardly think about reassuring people ‘down on their luck’ that they deserve to be treated with respect.  You know that’s true.  Being able to walk into a dining room that has clean tables, clean chairs, a swept and mopped floor may not sound like much, but it is just as critical as therapy and medicine.

You can see it.  In the eyes of patients.  How their countenance changes.  How their spirit is uplifted.  Not for the gratification of the staff mind you.  Just think of how you like to sit with family or friends at an appropriately prepared meal?  It would shake a seed loose from a tree of love to know that somebody cares about you enough to try and give you that little bit of decency.

Elon Musk is a man of South Africa and its Apartheid Legacy.  No?  Look at his glee.  In his face!  The utter disdain of malice burned into his heart.  He saw the cruelty and remorseless depravity inflicted with joy on Black South Africans that has darkened his eyes.  Oh, right, he’s wearing sunglasses while brandishing a massive chainsaw.  Don’t interpret the imagery, just believe it.

Why do you think Donald J. Trump chose this man to be the lead destroyer of his vanguard of ghastly ghouls bringing darkness and suffering to the ‘least among us’?  Elon Musk was formed by his environment.  An environment of heartless evil in South Africa that Donald J. Trump has greenlighted to sweep across America with the relentless viciousness of a plague of locust.  Like a plague of frogs just jumping all in your boiling pot of soup on the stove!

I usually reserve a call of boycotting companies and products for the most selfish and greedy companies, but I am calling for every American to not buy Tesla cars, trucks or whatever this man sells.  Remember this admonishment in Matthew.  It’s paraphrased.  “Do not cast your pearls before swine, they will simply trample them and turn and tear you limb from limb”.

I remember an admonishment from my childhood and I’ve heard it throughout my adult years in the Black community.  ‘Watch out now, who you hang with, cause people will think you are just like them’.

This is Elon Musk.  Who goes after cancer research that is being done to save the lives of little children?  Who does that?  Who goes after veterans, here and gone on to the glory of God, that have served America?  Who goes after taking food out of the mouths of hungry little children?  Just watching children wail and writhe in hunger pains while he belly laughs it up as he snatches the food from their hands before they can bring it to their mouths?

Who the FUCK does that!  Who!

Elon Musk is the representation of the heart of Donald J. Trump.  Keep thinking he is not and see what is about to happen next?

This clutter won’t be cleaned up for the next 2 years because the Republican Congress, a co-equal branch of government, has been deboned by Donald J. Trump.  Elect Democrats soon, now, before this grand republic is a ‘clutter’ as well.


Mental Health:  Equal Health

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]

First things first is we must wrestle this false superiority of knowing what is mental health away from the general conversation about it.  Five years of Mental and Behavioral Healthcare experience has allowed me to uncover many expert opinions about it, and all such opinions deriving from seemingly enlightened patients.  Granted some self-care explanations were on track, but being close to the answers cannot be the standard.

Therefore the philosophical nature of mass expertise is counterproductive and harmful to societies understandings about mental health in general.  What then can psychological professionals do to dampen such a kaleidoscope of untrained sufferers diagnosing complicated mental disorders?  My suggestion would be to produce a weekly periodical.  A digital application on a smart phone with current news in the field.  Produced along with a bevy of relatable leaders in the field cast on a short 30 minute weekly video.  These non-stoic professionals will raise mental healthcare to the same respectable level as physical healthcare.

Many changes have led mental health to being reconsidered as a crucial opposite to the same coin of physical healthcare.  More promotion is required if mental health is to achieve the position of equality it deserves for the benefit of humanity.

Issue 17:  What If Your Instructor Is Void of Wisdom?

I’m going to go on and on about the ‘Legacy Media’.  ‘The’ NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, and various newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and the Washington Post have all just embarrassed themselves by not questioning the majority race in America.  White People.

Why do you think White People grasp the concepts of injustice, suffering, racial equality, pain, diversity, inclusion and common decency last out of all the people in America?  The White People in Power I mean.  Right!  You guessed it.  When you have the power those other things about how to conduct yourself in decency and honor are irrelevant or more nicely said, an afterthought.  Character and morals are quaint and usually reserved as topics of conversation over tea and crumpets.

How else would Americans characterize Donald J. Trump as a genius?  A savvy and shrewd tactician of unmatched skill and subtlety?  An artful dealmaker of insight and analysis that enables him to outsmart self-proclaimed spymasters and spiffy arrayed dapper don’s?  I mean if you listen to the Legacy Media I don’t know why a college class hasn’t already been required before any degree is earned.

Look, this is what that apartheid loving buffoon Elon Musk and his sidekick Donald J. Trump are doing.  They both thought that illegally browsing American’s most private information would uncover scores of undocumented immigrants receiving government benefits.  Then, they thought that with that evidence they would be able to justify giving every penny taken in by the government to the wealthy.  You know, gin up the useful idiots in America to further destroy themselves.

Elon Musk and Donald J. Trump aren’t working from a master plan to reach any logical or even primitive selfish goal.  They are just winging it.  Whatever pops in their minds at the moment that is what they roll with.  I mean when the ‘COURTS’ finally do their job and tell them by law they are in error; then we will start to see the courts hold some or maybe all of these people accountable to include Elon Musk and Donald J. Trump.

The FEDERAL COURTS are the JUDICIARY!  The courts are the third branch of government in a check and balance system.  The courts need to start acting like it.

Now, do you understand why every outlet, platform, or information source is not a ‘BASTION’ of wisdom.  The Democratic Party is not weak by any means.  Democrats hold to their beliefs that government should be for the good of all.  Just as the last scripture I told you about, ‘All must go down to the battle, men, women and their little ones and see the glory of God against a thought of insurmountable foe’.  ‘For the battle is not yours, but God’s’.  Look it up yourself!

Republicans have always divided and conquered.  Let that be your lesson Americans.  When you try your damned best to be White or wish you were White so you wouldn’t be attacked by White people in Power; I hope you now shamefully see the error in your reasoning.  Everybody needs to be who God made them and work together against the evil that is making us turn on each other.

As I said and as I did when a patient came into the behavioral hospital I was working and a co-worker went off script and an uproar was rising amongst us.  I said, ‘We’re not going to turn on each other’.

That’s right, if there is someone or some entity that has claimed a mantle of ‘wisdom’, but the history about that name makes loud dispute of the record.  The instructor should not be trusted again, period!

Let that wisdom stand.


Give Me That Ole Time Religion?

Declaration of Humanity 4.0…This founding statement is different.  This one is being written in clarification of an ongoing threat of fear that ‘evil’ seems to offer more rewards than ‘good’ ever will, and more overtly the verbal Christians are flocking more openly to evils’ promise of fortune.  While this trend is alarming I must counter with this fact.  Evil has never gone out of season in America. 

Good is more than a match for evil, but the righteousness of good can only be activated from a straight line.  What is that straight line you ask?  It is the center of every human beings’ known universe.  If it is straight it is a ‘Heartline’.  A heartline from the heart to the soul because when our heart stops our deeds will be called into account.  The ‘JUDGE’ will know what you did and not what you meant to do…

ISSUE 28:  SNAFU?:  Situation Normal All Fucked Up!

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]

Start at 2 Chronicles 20 verse 12 and finish at verse 18, but if you are daring I would recommend that you read Chapter 20 in its’ entirety from the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible.

I will paraphrase for brevity. “Everybody and I mean everybody from the men to the women to all the children go and watch God fight your battles for you.  Even join in when he expressly permits you”.

Come with me back to a time when I actively served my country honorably in the United States Regular Army.  My clearance was secret.  Boy, the protocols and procedures I had to follow to even get in the room with classified information were tantamount to viewing the ‘shattered tablets in the Ark of Covenant’.

Long story short, I made it my business to follow every step to the letter!  Yeah, figure out what I was afraid of and don’t forget to include losing my ‘freedom’ in the list of consequences if I did not treat the information sacredly.

Now, let me commend every State, Local, Community and God fearing Church for securing their data systems and not letting any unauthorized individual to just waltz in off the street and peruse citizens private and protected information.  First of all, DOGE, doesn’t even exist and that should make all lawsuits prevail in court.  What?  A quasi-government creation by a buffoon president is considered legal by our laws?  Seriously?

Where’s the established record keeping requirements documentation?  On what legal basis was DOGE established and for what purpose?  Who do they report to?  Under what legal basis does their staff have the right to view classified information without authorization or security clearance?  I’m trying to stop my heart from racing now just thinking about what requirements I had to meet to hear classified information, not share it with anyone that didn’t have a clearance, and most of all keep my freedom.  Are you shitting me?

Can somebody say ‘Presidential Records Act’?

In 3 weeks the most sensitive, private, personal and sacred data of every American citizen has been given to unvetted morons who don’t have a clue they’ve been set up to be patsies.  How ironic Donald J. Trump is using his new band of idiots to break the law while his hands remain seemingly clean as a whistle.  You can’t make this stuff up.

Do you really believe foreign espionage agencies hadn’t slipped an operative into this doofus gaggle of supposedly ‘tech bros’?  Really?  My information and the information of every American is assuredly in the hands of unauthorized personnel and I will proffer my reputation that those individuals and entities will do all of us harm.  So-called Christians, hoot and holler that to the stained glass windows of your LYNCH HOUSES OF WORSHIP!

Nobody checking names off a list with levels of authorization.  No records of who viewed, downloaded, uploaded or even let their friends and substance abusing buddies doddle in my file.  Republicans think this is good for me and all Americans.  Oh, they don’t?  I don’t see them lifting a finger or turning their heads at the approaching catastrophe about to slam into us at full throttle.

Oversight my ass!  How many of us have gotten a text message that looked legitimate about a package?  Yeahhh!  Imagine an exponential boost in their skills and abilities with all of your personal data?  Cyber criminals must have been salivating when they heard that it was that easy to walk into government agencies and say you’re ‘DOGE’ and you’re given access to classified data systems no questions asked.  I mean it probably took them aback!

Oh, and by the way, Donald J. Trump is not innocent in all of this malfeasance.  Elon Musk is just an imbecile to believe he can parade a child around and that provided him a shield from scrutiny.  What a cockamamie dimwitted dunce to think that worked.  I don’t celebrate a Nazi saluting man from South Africa that benefitted from all manners of unspeakable atrocities committed against Black people while his family shielded themselves from all accountability.  Gimmie a break!

Now I’m going to again explain what a society can and cannot do.  Societies and governments cannot individually cater to anyone.  That’s insane!  Societies and governments must operate on the basis of everyone must be our priority.  That’s what Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party were trying to get through the noise!  How is it even possible to give everyone their wish?  Over 330 million people in America.  How can you possibly grant the wish of 330 million people?

The Chips and Science Act.  The infrastructure law.  The Affordable Care Act.  Lowering the cost of prescription drugs.  Student loan debt forgiveness.  Climate control to save the planet from destruction.  A plan to build 3 million affordable housing units.  Don’t you people get it?  The Democratic Party thinks big picture, but I guess helping everybody like God said has been twisted into a negative by the Republican Party.  A Republican Party that gleefully watches the suffering and says, ‘How can we bring more suffering to the people’?

Are we all going to rise together?  Yes or No? 

Don’t count on the ‘Legacy Media’ saving us.  I mean stupid question after stupid question these folks ask Donald J. Trump can onset a mental disorder.  I recommend not watching any of them to include FOX News.

Maybe we should just keep electing buffoons that keep calamity rolling like going in circles around a racetrack?  Ironic indeed.

SNAFU.  Situation Normal All Fucked Up!



Preamble:  The Creator’s Diversity

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]

The ones who hold the power tell the story.  The quote went something like that.  Make peace with that truth and let’s move on to how power can wreck a weak mind.  When the King eats from the same soil and drinks from the same pond how then did humankind conclude that denying these basic truths could unify us all?  How the realization of what power brings to those that possess it can influence human beings that are weak of spirit. 

When their spirit is enticed to commit acts of evil when those in power that are evil hearted require it of them.  The Creator gifted his diverse creation carefully.  The care he intended has been perverted by one race intent on maintaining their power instead of sharing it as we share the land, water and the air.  America is that experiment.  May I say it has never reached its full potential because she (Motherly pronoun) has never loved all her children.

Issue 22:  Take Every Penny!

This is too good to be true.  I know there are some lawyers slobbering at the mouth and tears of joy streaming down their faces leaving white lines of salt that doesn’t seem to sting their eyes at all.  Why?  What’s going on you say?  First, remember what Anthony Scaramucci said on MSNBC to Elon Musk.  He said, ‘Elon, you’ve got your money and your business.  These people can hurt you in this town’.

I would sue Elon Musk for every penny he got.  I would sue every worker of that fake ass agency he got viewing the ‘personally identifiable information’ of ordinary Americans.  Now, how many of us, consumers that is, have given permission to Elon Musk to view our ‘private information’?  Did we give him ‘permission’ in writing?  I don’t seem to remember receiving a notice, disclaimer, authorization agreement to allow Elon Musk and any other stooge he’s got working for him to know my checking account data.  My Social Security information which means it has coordinating data that details why I’m getting a disability check.

You get where I’m going with this.  Donald J. Trump cannot give anybody blanket authorization to look at my information.  He’s the President of the United States and last time I checked he doesn’t control my affairs in any way imaginable! 

I would sue Elon Musk for every red cent of his $400 Billion personal fortune.  I work in Behavioral Health and I don’t even have authorization to read patient charts.  Why?  Because I don’t have a need to know!  Frankly I don’t want to know.  Donald J. Trump can’t give nobody access to the files of every American, government employee, Federal Judge or sitting or pass member of Congress. 

Yeah, I’m sure Congressional retirement checks are paid out through that Treasury database too.  Americans, we will be receiving an economic stimulus payment after all.  It will be coming out of Elon Musk’s pocketbook!

Am I going crazy or did the FBI just hand over personnel files of FBI agents to Donald J. Trump?  Again, that information is not subject to be viewed by just any ‘Joe Smoe’ that walks in off the streets and demands it.  Are we insane?  Did that just happen? 

Let me bring in the Federal Judges for a moment of clarity.  The Marshals Service protects Federal Judges right?  When Donald J. Trump comes after the protection and investigative and fugitive apprehension missions of the United States Marshal Service who will tell his ass hell the fuck no!

The CIA needs a buyout?  I must be in bizarro world.  The FBI is being dismantled!  Who will receive the request to process fingerprints?  DNA?  Do a behavioral profile?  Anyone see a pattern here?  Elections have consequences doesn’t even begin to cover this conspiracy! 

Somebody is using this buffoon of a President to destroy us!  We better figure this shit out fast before he signs an Executive Order to dismantle the Department of Defense!

If not, remember what I said before.  We’ll have Bubba, the local idiot, building submarines and warships while inbred Ginnie Maude prepares rations for soldiers on the front lines.

Somebody is whispering sweet nothings of ‘destruction to America’ in the ear of Donald J. Trump.  Don’t count on the Republicans to save us.

Lawyers, start by taking every penny from Elon Musk and keep going.  See if he gave Americans information to any other tech company or social media platform.  Run that sombitch through the ringer with an additional spin before you pull his ass out the washer!


Give Me That Ole Time Religion?

Declaration of Humanity 4.0…This founding statement is different.  This one is being written in clarification of an ongoing threat of fear that ‘evil’ seems to offer more rewards than ‘good’ ever will, and more overtly the verbal Christians are flocking more openly to evils’ promise of fortune.  While this trend is alarming I must counter with this fact.  Evil has never gone out of season in America. 

Good is more than a match for evil, but the righteousness of good can only be activated from a straight line.  What is that straight line you ask?  It is the center of every human beings’ known universe.  If it is straight it is a ‘Heartline’.  A heartline from the heart to the soul because when our heart stops our deeds will be called into account.  The ‘JUDGE’ will know what you did and not what you meant to do…

ISSUE 27:  Oh No Sir & Ma’am.  Keep Filling Your Shopping Bag with his Hatred and Thirst for All of Us to Suffer.  This is Donald J. Trump

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]

I’ve got to go back to scripture to start this post as many of my fellow Americans have claimed God gave us back this useless man Donald J. Trump.  From the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible.  1 Peter 2:19…For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully.

Let me inquire in the temple with these ‘rich men’ who think they are untouchable.  What if Donald J. Trump fires the Federal Bureau of Investigation agents that work in the area of ‘cyber crimes’?  Tell me who will you turn to if these sophisticated criminals, some of whom are backed by the power of rogue nations (Hint: Russia, North Korea, China), ‘skin’ (look up its meaning by the word swindle) you clean out of your fortunes? 

Who will you turn to then rich men?

Oh, let me tell you.  The suffering will get you too.  Think of this analogy.  What if someone blows a hole in a dam?  A dam that is holding back millions of tons of water from wiping clean the planet of a town just below it.  A town that is quietly living life.  Enjoying family dinners.  Smiling at the joy they see as their children are playing without an inkling of fear beaming across their faces.  Suddenly their lives are thrown into horrific suffering because somebody felt offended, and that one man now wants them all thrown into maddening pain.

Or take the energy that a parent is transferring to their sick child.  A child suffering from one of those cancers that aren’t on the ‘curable’ list.  Imagine how that parent now feels after their child’s team of doctors have informed them Donald J. Trump have stopped funding the research that may be right there!  Right there in the sense that the answer is almost known!  I almost have it says a doctor! 

‘You do not know’, says Donald J. Trump.  Shut down what you’re doing.  That’s an order!  Shut it the FUCK down now! 

Tell me all this, all of the people that voted for this.  How do you like Donald J. Trump now?  What was that?  You want him to turn up the volume of the suffering even more?  Oh, I know you do.  You will get all you’ve desired because it’s all about you right?  All about the price of eggs right? 

If I see a Federal Government employee fall for that ‘fake ass buyout’ offer I will plaster that person’s persona all over my next post.  If there is someone that stupid, you deserve everything that comes with believing in Elon Musk.  Elon Musk?  Really?  The man isn’t even employed by the Federal Government!  Don’t help Donald J. Trump with his ‘mandate’ to unleash the greatest level of suffering upon us since the ‘GREAT DEPRESSION’!

He is well underway.

There are many Christians; I mean the ones who actually practice and live the tenets of caring about their fellow human beings who will now suffer wrongs they did not suffer to others wrongfully.  So, if you’re not a member of the legacy of ‘lynch houses of worship’, I hope your suffering doesn’t last the next 4 years.

As I’ve said in another post on my site. 

‘When you increase the sufferings of everybody.  The chances are good that the people will not see the robberies being committed right before their eyes until the country is in ruins’.  Remember I’ve always said to look at the history of empires in the ‘junkyard’ of time on the pages of nations led by fools and charlatans.

Stupidity.  You bought it.  Open it.  Spread it about your table and enjoy your gathering.  It won’t be long before it spills over the edges and ruins the flooring.  Hint:  The foundation will crack and oh boy you won’t like what happens next.

What did that Congresswoman J.C. say?  Buckle Up Buttercup!