Mental Health: Equal Health
Written by: Victor E. Moseley
Email: [email protected]
First things first is we must wrestle this false superiority of knowing what is mental health away from the general conversation about it. Five years of Mental and Behavioral Healthcare experience has allowed me to uncover many expert opinions about it, and all such opinions deriving from seemingly enlightened patients. Granted some self-care explanations were on track, but being close to the answers cannot be the standard.
Therefore the philosophical nature of mass expertise is counterproductive and harmful to societies understandings about mental health in general. What then can psychological professionals do to dampen such a kaleidoscope of untrained sufferers diagnosing complicated mental disorders? My suggestion would be to produce a weekly periodical. A digital application on a smart phone with current news in the field. Produced along with a bevy of relatable leaders in the field cast on a short 30 minute weekly video. These non-stoic professionals will raise mental healthcare to the same respectable level as physical healthcare.
Many changes have led mental health to being reconsidered as a crucial opposite to the same coin of physical healthcare. More promotion is required if mental health is to achieve the position of equality it deserves for the benefit of humanity.
Issue 15: The Fallacies in Certainties
Fate is a fallacy that is part of this issue of Mental Health Equal Health. No one can say for certain that anything predicted to happen will happen. My doctor’s appointment the other day felt like I was meeting with the funeral director. My affliction is prostate cancer. It is not my DISPOSITION! Along with other things that affect the optimal functioning of the flesh. Alas, this wisdom has been given to me in meditation over the last few days since the ‘heralding’ of my death.
Don’t get me wrong. I do take my medicine for the other afflictions I possess, but I still believe the spirit and the mind must determine the disposition of my body. I take what I am prescribed, but my faith in my spirituality and mind is greater healing to my body. Understand? That is the first fallacy that is the mind killer. That is believing you, your spirit and body, doesn’t have a say no matter who gives you unflattering diagnoses. My mind and my spirit both have a say! They tell me to shore up a weakening body!
There is nobody and I mean nobody, no human other than yourself, that can make funeral arrangements for a living soul. Period! That is the fallacy in certainties. Nobody can tell me I am destined for a life of diminishing abilities. How do they know? I know me. I know I have worked for nearly 6 decades strengthening my mind under the cruelty of poverty and a sadistic father. The long journey of education that leads to wisdom. In the schoolhouse and at the booth of experience. The toil of rigorous military service through 3 deployments to combat zones. I will never yield to the certainty of anybody. I don’t give a rats ass about their credentials, declaring my demise. Not even from myself! My friends have to make me get injuries on the job treated.
I didn’t need to say that. Everybody that knows me know I am locked into who I am. I don’t suffer foolishness from others, and I definitely don’t entertain it from myself, joking or otherwise.
There is more to this issue MHEH. I will finish it on my website. When I pay to have my website restored. Don’t worry. I’ve been pouring every spare nickel into it. I’ll turn a profit soon.
The website is back up people!
This is my philosophical leanings on the threat of ‘cancer’ to the human body and how to bring to bear a battle against it. 3 against 1. Look, the Mind(conscience and subconscious), the Brain(knowledge and creative nature of it), and Spirituality(The actual source of the body’s energy) all should be brought to bear against what ‘afflicts’ the body. Pile on! It’s not supposed to be a fair fight.
If the body is afflicted with whatever ails it cancer or ‘whatever’ bring to bear all three defenses at your disposal! Don’t succumb to what may ail you. Follow what medical professionals may detail, but also use the defenses you’ve been given to fight! My website,, is back up as promised and I will always fight my affliction of prostate cancer with every ‘quick’ in my arsenal of weapons!
Jessica W. I am grateful to have you as a friend and your tenacity to ‘bring it’ is legendary to me. I haven’t forgotten all my friends. I’m just acknowledging the fact that I must support and strengthen all my comrades in ‘battle’. Fight on!