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Give Me That Ole Time What?

Declaration of Humanity 4.0…This founding statement is different.  This one is being written in clarification of an ongoing threat of fear that ‘evil’ seems to offer more rewards than ‘good’ ever will, and more overtly the verbal Christians are flocking more openly to evils’ promise of fortune.  While this trend is alarming I must counter with this fact.  Evil has never gone out of season in America.  Good is more than a match for evil, but the righteousness of good can only be activated from a straight line.  What is that straight line you ask?  It is the center of every human beings’ known universe.  If it is straight it is a ‘Heartline’.  A heartline from the heart to the soul because when our heart stops our deeds will be called into account.  The ‘JUDGE’ will know what you did and not what you meant to do…

ISSUE 7:  Ascension Protocols are now in Effect

Tell me something.  When did the polarities reverse when describing the traits of good and evil?  Honestly it is difficult at times to counter all the stupidity that the big media conglomerates produce at a rapid pace.  Like the last minute bulletins ‘out of whole cloth’ (using their words) that independents and women were breaking towards the Republicans 2 or 3 days before election day.  Oh, this is a better one.  That President Biden laying out the stakes that ‘Democracy’ itself was on the ballot was a losing strategy.  One more for good measure and it’s so good.  A ‘red wave’ is coming to sweep the Democrats out of power! 

Weren’t all those pronouncements lies?  What was truthful about them if you strongly disagree?  I am thankful that my wife and I have deep, thoughtful and consequential discussions about any topic.  Right and wrong is often fraught with opinions and distortions which includes the time and place these crucial lessons are taught.  Like this scenario.  Cleaning up behind a spouse, children or guests may leave some to react you didn’t give them a chance to clean up their own mess.  What if the only motivation in the mind of the housekeeper is to maintain the home in good standing and quality?

Here’s a more dire example.  What if a young boy sees his father physically harm his mother?  Would it then be excusable for the son who’s now an adult to physically abuse a woman?  Learning to drive from a person who believes traffic laws are a guideline.  Would the police be expected to excuse such a driver because that’s how the driver learned to evaluate and then supersede the law with personal judgment?

‘Why’ is the greatest question in the universe.  It is also necessary for understanding and knowledge to flourish.  My own upbringing was filled with rebellious anger and strong resentment because the punishments I received I wasn’t made aware of what they were for.  If I disrespected my mother I can handle being punished for it.  I couldn’t abide being punished or beaten when I was shown my error and I corrected myself.  Those instances caused a swell of defiance against any and all correction.  Stop right there with me.

Some of the correction was just.  As I got older I ‘scene edited’ large swaths of my childhood.  Why?  Because a lot of the lessons were muddled with cruelty leading me to have a distorted acceptance of my faults and infractions.  Yes, I am a unique individual.  My life has always been an examination of my human experience.  Just living, working, loving, existing and believing in a supreme (deity) purpose is nothing if I don’t understand why I should do all those things.  

That’s where the problem lies for most human beings.  When there aren’t clear and precise lessons outlining what is right and what is wrong; the resulting understanding ultimately ends up in confusion (we know who authors confusion right?).  Oh, no doubt the teacher is critical in these lessons.  Like the examples above it means life and death to the individual if the teacher is severely flawed.  The Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible.  Proverbs 8:14…Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom, I am understanding, I have strength.

I come to understand that a lot of my lessons were taught in cruel and deceitful ways, but the right things were intentionally hidden in the midst of the delivery method.  Furthermore I would caution anyone to ‘not’ be fooled into a rebellious nature against common decency.  The person or person responsible for your misaligned mindset achieved their purpose.  Now their deception must be discovered and rejected if you do not want your legacy to be a notch in their win column.

Yes I believe in America.  America unlike many nations ‘must’ continue to acknowledge the blood on its hands.  Good citizens proved that we will not stand for ‘THE DECEIVERS’ ruling over us.  Right is still right.  Wrong is still wrong.  Like the ‘Good Book’ says, you gotta gird yourself with the right tools.  Wisdom, understanding and counsel can’t be in short supply if you want to fight and defend your body and soul.  That is strength!  Not a political party.  Not an ignorant orange-haired buffoon wanna be demagogue that clearly has a ton of fools falling on their swords for him. 

A citizen is responsible for their country as well as their leaders are.  By the way, the ancient meaning of ‘citizen’ is …’one that is part of the whole, a contributor to the good of all’.  Ascend to the heights where prayers are heard.  Yeah, way above our heads.

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]



The STRIPES of Healing

Founding Statement:

This biweekly newsletter will seek to explain the pain and suffering mainly people of color endure through no fault of their own.  The dehumanizing excuses our people always seem to elicit from people in power that make our Christian Brothers and Sisters accept their reasoning as if it was uttered by the Almighty.  Lastly what I see with my own eyes begs the question from my conscience.  “Are we loving or can we really love our neighbor as ourselves”.

Issue 26:  The Time Has Come

I must share an event that has been a long time coming.  It is personal.  About the growth that comes through the willingness to be vulnerable to life itself.  The disappointments and the triumphs are dotted throughout the timeline of all that exists.  I’ve shared with my loyal readers that have come with me on this journey one event that set me on this path of learning.  It was a question I asked my brothers and sisters when I was a boy around the age of 11 or 12 whether me and my cousin could be boyfriend and girlfriend.  Of course my parents were told and I caught a beatdown from them.  I still needed an answer to my question?

The fact that I couldn’t get one was irrelevant.  That denial of an answer let me know then that all questions needed to be answered no matter the subject matter period.  In order for morality, character, right and wrong, love and loss or any good thing to grow inside a person we need to be told in straightforward terms how life should be lived.  Now my answer when I became an adult to that little boy would’ve been, ‘Victor no you can’t be boyfriend and girlfriend with your cousin and here’s why’.  ‘It is forbidden because you both are related by family and family cannot marry or have intimate relations with one another.’  Yeah, at 11 or 12 I knew where children came from and how.

This next revelation I want to share is that I’ve finally achieved a sense of clarity.  Clarity of character, morality, integrity about what’s right and what’s wrong.  When it happened and where was while I performed my duties in behavioral health.  A young boy did not like being admonished for cursing me out in front of female staff.  He decided that he would become violent and I put a stop to it.  For the first time I didn’t feel my heart racing nor any sense that my actions were not right in the moment.  I did restrain myself from laying hands on him in ways not authorized, but I did let him know his behavior would not be tolerated.

Discussing it with my wife I began to understand fully what God said in this verse of scripture.  The Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible Revelation 3:16…So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spue thee out of my mouth.  Absolutely it is about right or wrong.  It is absolutely about good or evil.  There are only two choices.  There isn’t any compromise in the face of people’s actions that affect other people.  Whether an elected official tries to play a proverbial mealy-mouthed ‘ahh it wasn’t that bad axiom’ that former U.S. Presidents that break the law should be off limits; that formal official should be disgraced. 

We know all human beings have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but when you commit crimes that affect more than just yourself then you have to answer for them.  I applaud the normal discharge of their duties any official that simply does what they are supposed to do.  There shouldn’t be a ticker-tape parade for holding someone accountable.  No pat on the back should be forthwith.  If any person commits a crime with foreknowledge of its detrimental effects on a society, then that person must be made to answer for it.

This is my belief and why I do what I do.  Like the United States Army taught me if you allow standards to be degraded then you have set a new standard.  Everyone better believe there will always be the worst kinds of people elected to office because the good people become complacent.  Society is akin to fragility.  Why?  Because if the rules aren’t followed then sooner or later the ‘society’ becomes unrecognizable. 

If you know right from wrong when it comes to the body politic, then say so.  It doesn’t mean I have the right to inject my personal beliefs onto everyone else.  Again I believe that’s why all those ‘WHITE MEN’ founding fathers of America on purpose left ‘RELIGION’ out of the adjudication of things pertaining to the laws of the land.  Laws are for everyone.  Leave your Bible thumping hypocrisy on the steps of your door.

Time will come for all of us regardless of whether we stop to acknowledge that ultimate truth.  There are only two choices in life.  Pick one.

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]




There are women and men bestowed with the gift to answer the ultimate question. That question is ‘WHY’. They are charged with rendering an answer that can be understood by the most contrary element of our society. Those that foment, spread and traffic in hate. Our Brothers are in need of guidance and this journal will bring forth a multitude of remedies to address the male illness of unawareness. The answer to the ultimate unknowns of behavior and responsibility.

Those of us given this perception and understanding to interpret the unknown and apply the information to the known is the essence of our charge. Thereafter decode the messages for the people who oppose themselves. This decryption is then presented to the people as the explanation of events past, present and future so they may keep updated to the frenetic changes occurring today and those that will arrive soon.

Brothers, this journal is a call to all of you to obtain the knowledge that you lack in every part of your lives. As sons. As brothers. As fathers. As grandfathers. As uncles. As cousins. Ignorance will no longer be tolerated, encouraged or celebrated. As the ‘First Father’ has said in his Holy Bible “let everything be done decently and in order”. Honor and truth will not be perverted anymore. Why? Because as a Black Man I will impart all I have learned and gathered for over 56 years of life in America and around the world to the young coming behind me and my elders above me. Why? Things that now appear as they do will begin to appear as they should be according to what is right? Help me see to it as this mandate has been divinely ordered.

Issue 8:  The Spirit of Truth!

All the news the last few days around ‘suicide’ being front and center requires that the record be set straight.  Mr. Stephen Laurel ‘tWitch’ Boss died by suicide which in itself should be left as is, but the reason I’m writing this post is how he is described as being ‘inspirational’ ‘a light’ and bringing ‘joy’.  This cannot be reconciled or squared with the way he chose to end his life.  As tragic as suicide is to the memory of the person’s name; it is more tragic and mentally destructive to the family he leaves behind.

The Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible 1 John 4:6…We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us.  Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.  Mr. Stephen did something that will affect his family for the rest of their lives.  It is alright for them to mourn, but it doesn’t eliminate the power of the act he committed and the everlasting effects it has bought upon them.  The rest of us being society at large and those he worked with cannot reduce the weight of that truth in any meaningful way.  Trust me as I work in mental health and speaking of what happened in truth is the only way to place it properly in the timeline of their lives.

The Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible Ecclesiastes 10:1…Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour.  Every act we do on this planet is a record kept under our name.  We can decide what we will be remembered for whether it is good or evil.  Disputed or undisputed.  Selfish or unselfish.  Uncharacteristic or spot on about our behavior.  Our name is all we have at the end of day.  God doesn’t want us to lose out on a lifetime of truth, honor or decency with an act judged as misguided.  God wants us to have the legacy of our choosing.

Do us all a favor and stop saying things like he or she lights up a room.  Brings down the house with joy for all.  The words this person used are great words of inspiration.  They are, but are they appropriate to describe a life so unceremoniously ended by their own hand?  My focus is on those that shared the love of the life that ended unnaturally.  Children do not yet possess the depth of understanding or even the slightest ability to overcome the finality of life.  Do not create a facade around what happened for them.  The truth is ‘ALWAYS’ better than a fantastical ‘LIE’.

In mental health we know by years of schooling aligned with years of training in observation that what’s below the surface is what we need to see.  Eagles train their young to fly which is great, but the greatest skill they pass on is the skill to see below the surface of the water.  Watch a video of an eagle swooping down to snatch a fish out of the water and tell me that’s not impressive as ‘F’!  Why?  Look at the act closely as the eagle contorts, adjusts wing span, waits to fully extend the claws, and lastly grabs the fish from the water.

What if one day the children that are left behind say they are going to live with the parent that committed suicide?  Everybody lauding praise on my parent why won’t they say the same thing about me if I kill myself?  Make it clear that what the parent did was wrong.  It is okay to say just that!  Listen to me.  All those that are capable of love listen to me now.  If you want to save the ones you love including yourself, learn certain skills or get your people to a professional right away. 

I’d rather hear from the person thinking of committing suicide first hand than listen to false or empty platitudes after the fact from the very people that supposedly knew him the most.

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]


Ground Water Sky

Founding Statement:  There comes a precious moment in time that all life drops the ignorance of superiority.  When the ground realizes it needs the water to survive.  The tree realizes it needs the ground to hold it in place.  The air realizes it needs the tree to replenish the oxygen it desperately needs to create the weather patterns that climatizes the Earth.  Responsibilities are intertwined because a living planet depends on every element to function according to its purpose.

Mammals pretend that they’re more sophisticated than any living breathing planet, and thus conclude that liberties can be taken with all three essential elements.  The ignorance of mammals I’m afraid is a contradiction of their celebrated intelligence.  Intelligence that informs mammals they aren’t required to be simple creatures that fulfill their purpose, but creatures that can take actions harmful to the elements that are dedicated to their stated purpose.  Mammals believe such devotion constrains their freedom to live as they please.

This revelation and the antagonistic approach mammals have decided upon against the elements will be simplified in this digital periodical.  All the talk of unity will be broken down into useful parts that will be easy to understand and implement.  Know this my fellow mammals, all forms of life owe it to each other to care for one another.  It’s just that mammals have enjoyed the echo chamber of approval from other mammals because the elements never raised their voice.  We now know for certain the elements do have a voice, and they have registered their collective disapproval of the selfish nature of mammals…

Issue 08:  Self-Awareness?

In the modern era it seems that knowing who and what you are has fallen from the list of character traits.  Losing grip with personal thoughts of importance seems to have been stamped out with the disdain of humility.  For instance, the more I sift through the attainment of power and the altered perception of the gifts it brings; I begin to wonder if so-called modern men and women realize how corrupting the effects of power can be.  Restraint seems unnecessary in comparison to the change that can come about by wielding such enormous power.

Take a seat on the United States Supreme Court and feel the unbridled power one chair holds.  Now feel the euphoria starting in your brain as it begins to make your heart beat faster.  The blood coursing through each vein as if breathing floods oxygen at a rate ordinary citizens could never experience.  I am a U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice and I hold America in the palm of my hands!  My thoughts on religion I will inject into the very Constitution that serves as the blueprint for everything America believes and achieves. 

What do you think that means for America itself?  I shared Issue 7 with a few of the men and women that are my council.  They told me that I needed to go deeper in my explanation of how 6 conservative Associate justices of the U.S. Supreme Court could destroy America.  The advice was spot on as usual.  What if a business owner fasts 1 meal a day?  What if that same business owner requires each customer to do the same?  Will the U.S. Supreme Court rule in his favor?  What if I do not believe in pre-marital sex?  Every customer of my shop must adhere to my religious rule or they are refused service at my lunch counter. 

What if I mandate that all females in my home only wear dresses?  Each woman that enters my business must wear attire I deem fit in line with my religion.  Would the U.S. Supreme Court find that is a religious demand I can force upon every woman I serve?  What if I’m a vegetarian and as a waiter I will not wait on a customer that orders a T-bone steak?  Would the U.S. Supreme Court give me right to say what my customer can eat in a restaurant where I wait tables?  How about pork?  Would the U.S. Supreme Court give me the right to tell my customer I will not serve them pork if they order it?

Me personally I don’t like men with long hair.  I believe it is against my religion.  If I bring a case to the U.S. Supreme Court they would give me the right to force my beliefs on all men?  That’s what I’m talking about when I say there’s a difference between book sense and common sense.  There’s a difference between fleshly wisdom and spiritual wisdom.  Oh right I’ll define the difference.  Spiritual wisdom knows that I shouldn’t be a ‘busybody in other men’s matters’.  Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible 1 Peter 4:15.

As I stated last issue, the founding fathers of America either knew they were extremely flawed or downright evil by not even coming close to installing religion as the ‘barometer to judge matters of law’.  Why then are there 6 conservative U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justices ‘HELL’ bent on using their ‘false ludicrous version of piety’ as the standard we all should follow and live under?

Let me give our U.S. Supreme Court an urgent newsflash.  The time of the ‘COURTS’ is upon us.  Show us that you will fulfill your role in America’s system of ‘CHECKS AND BALANCES’ that keep us all safe.  U.S. Supreme Court justices I only have one other thing to say to you.  If you rule for the legislature of North Carolina wouldn’t you be making yourselves irrelevant? 

I don’t know.  I’m just a guy with a Bachelor’s in Philosophy from the University of Louisville in Kentucky.  What do I know?

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]


Ground Water Sky

Founding Statement:  There comes a precious moment in time that all life drops the ignorance of superiority.  When the ground realizes it needs the water to survive.  The tree realizes it needs the ground to hold it in place.  The air realizes it needs the tree to replenish the oxygen it desperately needs to create the weather patterns that climatizes the Earth.  Responsibilities are intertwined because a living planet depends on every element to function according to its purpose.

Mammals pretend that they’re more sophisticated than any living breathing planet, and thus conclude that liberties can be taken with all three essential elements.  The ignorance of mammals I’m afraid is a contradiction of their celebrated intelligence.  Intelligence that informs mammals they aren’t required to be simple creatures that fulfill their purpose, but creatures that can take actions harmful to the elements that are dedicated to their stated purpose.  Mammals believe such devotion constrains their freedom to live as they please.

This revelation and the antagonistic approach mammals have decided upon against the elements will be simplified in this digital periodical.  All the talk of unity will be broken down into useful parts that will be easy to understand and implement.  Know this my fellow mammals, all forms of life owe it to each other to care for one another.  It’s just that mammals have enjoyed the echo chamber of approval from other mammals because the elements never raised their voice.  We now know for certain the elements do have a voice, and they have registered their collective disapproval of the selfish nature of mammals…

Issue 07:  Damage Assessment

I’ve got to start right out the gate with a thousand plus year old verse from the Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible.  This involves the timely passing of information, the Army calls it communication, that’s needed to win battles, avert disasters and prevent the ruination of plans.  Romans 3:8…And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just.  Do you know why those that seek to tell us that the Laws of God applies to everyone yet these same folks try to write footnotes to his wisdom?

It’s because they know the application of God’s Laws are uneven (in their fleshly wisdom) from person to person.  The work around they so ingeniously pat themselves on the back for their revelation is to underwrite God’s Laws to selectively apply to some of the sins they feel they themselves have overcome.  In other words, what God forbids man (old white men) must underwrite to punish those that commit such sins.  The United States Supreme Court will underwrite God’s Laws to apply their interpretation to his word.  Why is that an example of the ‘arrogance of ignorance’?  Answer me.

The ’Court’ will legalize a business owner that caters to the entire public her right to discriminate against a fellow citizen because the business owner disagrees with the way the customer lives her private life.  Sounds like Plessy vs. Ferguson to me.  What do I know?  It’s like we (human beings) are ignorant of the past while possessing an ‘arrogance’ of creating a new future that mirrors the injustices of the past.  It makes no dam sense whatsoever!  Now who still wonders why countries with little to no freedom to choose their leaders smirk at our systems of governance?

These authoritarian regimes that brutalize their people have one thing going in their favor.  Is it consistency?  They oppress their people with violence.  American media uplifts the mythological order regarding everything else about their societal issues that comes with oppression.  No?  How about the American media newspaper articles and announcements on their networks about the Republicans gaining more support from women and independents in the waning days of the 2022 elections.  Was it true?

Now the ‘Court’ wants to destroy America itself because ‘White people’ fear not being in power anymore.  Tell me again why authoritarian dictators smirk?  Do you really believe that these leaders don’t listen to their most gifted minds in the mental disciplines?  Dictators just go around making decisions willy nilly?  Really?  They know that evil strikes more fear in their subjects because every human being has flaws.  It’s not because people fear death.  People lead lives of their own choosing, and sometimes life allows you to lower the priority of the things that really matter like love, freedom and political justice.

The U.S. Supreme Court is seated by 9 flawed individuals.  The key factors that dictators and evil regimes count on is their beliefs that they are superior human beings mandated to show the subjects below them how to live.  Even if it means I will impose a religious doctrine upon them that I gave myself in spite of God’s incomplete messaging.  I will do evil so that the American citizenry can have the good.  Right?  At least when the founding fathers of this country wrote the U.S. Constitution they knew they were extremely flawed or downright evil and by that they excluded a religious doctrine from the law.

Now we have so-called religious judges hell bent on imposing their religious beliefs in the name of their God.  Here’s a hint.  Their God is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Their God is a false God and he goes by the name of Satan.  The founding fathers installed a system of checks and balances.  The U.S. Supreme Court will dismantle that and with it shatter the balance of power in Governance bringing the whole system crashing down.  If a stool stands with three legs how then can it stand with two?

The damage will be enormous!  I don’t see one conservative justice on our U.S. Supreme Court displaying common sense.  Six will decide the fate of us all!  Six imbeciles believing they can underwrite God’s laws.  Six imbeciles attending their so-called churches that spew only fleshly wisdom.  So smart they can’t understand the system they are a part of upholding.  Yeah, the smartest most religious people in America right?  Uh-huh.

James 2:4…are you not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?  That’s why the law must apply to everyone equally.  If these U.S. Supreme Court Justices want to impose their religious laws somewhere why don’t they apply it in their homes and judge the rest of us like they should.  Maybe they should fake out their own minds while lauding over themselves in a mirror at home.

That’s why authoritarian dictators keep it simple while democratic governments consider that their decisions must apply to all regardless of their personal beliefs.  Always remember this, governments don’t fall in the dark.  They fall in the daylight.

Written by:  Victor E. Moseley

Email:  [email protected]