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The STRIPES of Healing

Founding Statement:

This biweekly newsletter will seek to explain the pain and suffering mainly people of color endure through no fault of their own.  The dehumanizing excuses our people always seem to elicit from people in power that make our Christian Brothers and Sisters accept their reasoning as if it was uttered by the Almighty.  Lastly what I see with my own eyes begs the question from my conscience.  “Are we loving or can we really love our neighbor as ourselves”.

Issue 9:  Careful What You Teach?

Back up a second and let’s look at exactly what was taught to those 26 other girls when the picture without the girl with Down Syndrome was chosen to be displayed.  The other girls were taught that the girl with Down Syndrome was less of a human being than they are.  The Down Syndrome girl wasn’t presentable enough to represent the school to the State of Utah and the world.  A seed was planted in the other 26 girls that it is okay to look ‘down’ on another human being because she doesn’t have the same qualities of ‘appearance’ as they do.  It is also okay to dismiss her feelings about the situation because the ‘adults’ (and I’m sure they are Christian Mormon adults) decided it was okay and executed their reasoning by excluding the Down Syndrome girl.

A mistake?  Don’t call it a mistake.  A mistake is an honest oversight that happens when you righteously live in a manner that respects and gives dignity to all in life and the environment.  Oh, before I forget to give my usual warning.  Please do not read any further if what comes next in this digital periodical offends your conscience.  So stop reading at this point.

This is what my people, Black people, have been saying for centuries.  When you design a system of slavery which by definition you don’t have to respect, give dignity, or extend basic consideration to another human being because you own them.  You don’t have to think about their feelings.  You don’t have to understand how oppression is weighing on their lives.  You don’t have to think about how ‘excluding’ people makes them feel denied by the very society they help build. Why should you hear their cries to have full membership in their country?  Why even acknowledge slaves exist except as property?  Why acknowledge the basic dignity of a ‘Down Syndrome’ girl wanting to be a full member of her cheerleading squad with all rights the same as the other 26 girls?

You don’t have to because you have a historical record of cruelty to other human beings you’re trying to keep from being taught.  Yes slavery has ended, but all the structures are still being passed down from generation to generation.  What am I saying?  The mental structures you idiots!  Critical Race Theory seeks to heal the visual record of slavery and the invisible (the more insidious and massive structure) monolith that remains of slavery.  I will be a licensed therapist soon and this is what I always tell the patients in the behavioral hospital where I’m honing my chops.  In therapy there can’t be any off limits subjects.  If it is too much for you to handle I can table it briefly, but I will return to the subject again.  Healing is only possible by traversing the ‘road of truth’.  

The 1619 Project brings a different perspective to how America was born.  Are you too squeamish to learn how cruelty became the business model used to build a nation?  Again then cover your eyes and put your hands over your ears because you are weak!  Just like these white men who’ve been in power in this country for hundreds of years perverting the meaning of strength and bestowing it on cowards and stooges.  A dictator is a strong man?  Only a person that didn’t have to consider the cries of the oppressed could conclude that.

A strong man?  An autocrat?  A despot?  Let me make an observation.  If I am the ruler of all I behold then why am I afraid of competition?  Both mindsets cannot be true.  Both mindsets cannot be held at one time.  If I am all powerful then why do I feel like I need to have eyes in the back of my head.  If you are stricken with a God complex then be a God is all I’m saying.  Why give money to ‘certain men’ of note that will do your bidding to keep you in power?  Why pay off lapdogs to bark at everyone seeking to approach your throne?  Oh, let me move on.  Strong man?  Yeah right.

Now to conclude this periodical issue with a review.  That’s right.  What those 26 other girls have been taught will spread out from them and give birth to even more injustice.  They now know what they were taught.  Cruelty, malice, and having a casual nature of dismissal of all that don’t measure up to what you believe is a whole human being is justifiable.  Just give your reasons because they won’t be examined or challenged for their validity.  How do you think racism and all the evil that comes with it persists! 

Look.  I’m a sinner and I do some things that I know God frowns upon, but I will pay for them and I certainly don’t try to worry or judge the sins of others because that is not my job.  What I don’t do is teach the young that treating others disrespectfully and viciously is how you achieve salvation.  I’ve been saying this consistently now.  When you have had power for so long you don’t have a need to truly see the suffering of others.  Why would you behold it?  Their sufferings don’t matter because it doesn’t touch your life in any way.  Let’s thank those Utah administrators for pumping more evil into the world by securing its’ legacy in the hearts of 26 more girls.




There are women and men bestowed with the gift to answer the ultimate question. That question is ‘WHY’. They are charged with rendering an answer that can be understood by the most contrary element of our society. Those that foment, spread and traffic in hate. Our Brothers are in need of guidance and this journal will bring forth a multitude of remedies to address the male illness of unawareness. The answer to the ultimate unknowns of behavior and responsibility.

Those of us given this perception and understanding to interpret the unknown and apply the information to the known is the essence of our charge. Thereafter decode the messages for the people who oppose themselves. This decryption is then presented to the people as the explanation of events past, present and future so they may keep updated to the frenetic changes occurring today and those that will arrive soon. 

Brothers, this journal is a call to all of you to obtain the knowledge that you lack in every part of your lives. As sons. As brothers. As fathers. As grandfathers. As uncles. As cousins. Ignorance will no longer be tolerated, encouraged or celebrated. As the ‘First Father’ has said in his Holy Bible “let everything be done decently and in order”. Honor and truth will not be perverted anymore. Why? Because as a Black Man I will impart all I have learned and gathered for over 54 years of life in America and around the world to the young coming behind me and my elders above me. Why? Things that now appear as they do will begin to appear as they should be according to what is right? Help me see to it as this mandate has been divinely ordered.

Issue 5:

Of Treasure and the Heart.

I’ll get right to it then.  It did not surprise me that the people that control the professional tennis tournaments would chose the money over the welfare of the players that bring notoriety to the game.  All too often the first impulse is the one that is true.  No, (pause) stop.  Don’t give me that crap about all of us are human beings and thus are subject to mistakes.  They (Tennis Controllers) showed what was most important to them when they didn’t even consider the suffering of a female tennis player before they swiftly rendered punishment.  Ms. Naomi Osaka is a young lady of few years below 25.  Let me say this first.

When a person of youth comes to me for discernment and clarity I always tell them to be certain of what you know and don’t know.  Be careful in drawing conclusion when you aren’t in possession of all the information you need to make that truth a part of you.  Okay, I’ll say it another way.  ‘Don’t accept a reality to which you are not a party to its’ creation.’  If you are made aware of something that is presented to you as fact, it is your duty to verify it for yourself with all diligence.  I admonish the young to take the time to verify something is true before you believe it is true.

Which brings me to scripture to tie off this edition of this internet periodical.  Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”  The ‘MONEY’ deserved their heart more than that young female tennis player.  Yes that’s right!  They thought about the money before they ever thought about the welfare of a valued member of the sport that I’m sure generates more money, press, admiration and goodwill for the game than any of the ‘Ruling Board’ that meted out her judgment.

I must make a comparison to contrast the difference in how other professional sports leagues present their interactions when it concerns their players.  The Phoenix Suns are in the NBA’s Western Conference Finals.  I watched the coaches, players and even some of the executive staff just laud praise and show love and devotion to each other.  Permission to remind those among us who do not know this.  If you show a human being you value their contribution and show genuine care and concern for them and their family.  That human being will move mountains for you.  I’ve seen it in my time in the U.S. Army how giving respect and dignity frees soldiers up to perform their duties beyond compare.  

Let me say this in all caps.  YOUR TREASURE SHOULD BE YOUR PEOPLE!  They wouldn’t have to guess anymore.  They now know where your heart is.

Mother S. Sayer: The ARC of TIME

Mother Se’May Sayer:  The ARC of Time

Season Two:  Episode Four:  Extension of Thought 

Part One – GAP Integrity


(Broadening my thoughts continues to be a daily task. Whether it has brought me closer to my people is a perception of mine unfounded or documented by measurable research.  When I focus on Sarah for example I can feel her joy when I’m in her presence. Now I can’t say for certain it is because she is happy to see me, but I can feel my joy grow as I enter an area close to her. Maybe I’m just doing what I have always done when I sense something needs to be addressed and the mechanics of it in the end must continue their movement.  Hopefully in a positive direction.

I have a new ally now in General Tholodious. Some of my time was spent projecting negative feelings about him. When I assume it does make an ass out of you and me. His daughters and mine have gotten along well as all of them grew to adulthood. That is something I hope I had a firm influence on the outcome. Oh why don’t I just admit it. I love my inner circle of trusted confidantes. Se’May you know you must begin to include men in your circle. I know I must do that beyond the man I have on my ‘Council’. 

Okay so I need to continue to add to my name. By now all my people know what to expect when they see me coming because ‘word does get around’. Just show your people who you are by how you treat them. They will begin to understand that just going about their positions in the company will not be good enough. They must care as concern for the life of others creates a certain connection that is unmistakable in the remnants that attach symmetrically. What did my father teach me. ‘Show your people. Don’t just say it. Show them’. Nurturing. Watering to protect them from the Sun. Metaphorically of course. Moderating your expectations of your people as you witness their growth. Remember what the ‘Timer’ taught you. What you do to help your people succeed produces ‘energy’ in another ‘realm’.)

Mother Sayer: (The day starts just like it should with purpose and appreciation.).  N’tare how are you this morning?

N’tare:  Very well.  Just finishing some of the preparations for the morning meal.  How are you Mother?

Mother Sayer:  It is good.  My ability to keep an air of humbleness is still with me.  Guiding my steps as I begin the day.  Breakfast smells really good.  That makes the day even more promising. 

N’tare:  Where are the children?

Mother Sayer:  Oh, I’m sure they’re on their way down. I’ve got a lot to get to this day and some of it is has to do with the admonishment side of leadership.  No worry though I’ll do it my way and hope the team heads receive it the way it was intended.

N’tare:  Righteously as always.

——————-1st Interlude——————-

(This day must play out as N’tare said as righteously as possible. Mother Sayer broods. She still keeps reminding herself that growth and stress are components of leadership and shielding your people from these factors in more cases than not injures them. It is also true that these components can disable the mind if the person is not ready to handle the adversity. Choices choices. Why am I debating with myself over the necessity of what needs to happen? I’m a major and a nurse trained by the Army to care, treat and save lives. There was not a time I received passing grades if I did not master the material in Nursing School. I must love my people enough to know if they can or cannot handle the position and if they cannot then I must demote them and conduct more guidance and mentoring. Anything less would be a betrayal of what my father and the Army taught me.).

Mother Sayer:  (Mother looks over the many reports on her desk that Sarah placed at her request. She opens her office door and asks her to come in and review how her meetings or visits with her team heads will play out.). What I want to do as always is help my people reach the correct conclusions that acknowledges any shortcomings they may or may not have. Address any neglect of their team members skill sets.  Lastly show my support through modeling expectations and the necessity of mentorship or coaching.  I’ll play it by ear which philosophical bent I’ll follow to reach my objectives.

Sarah W. Certainty:  Also add more theatrics if you will through pausing between your statements. Props are also a good visual aid.  Tying everything together and how you do it is why I never miss one.

Mother Sayer:  One what?

Sarah W. Certainty:  One of the best influencers in business.  I always want, no I need to be in the audience.  My learning isn’t complete either you know.

Mother Sayer:  Oh, I’m glad I entertain you.

Sarah W. Certainty:  The value to me you will never be able to measure, but I suspect you already know what you’ve done for me.

Mother Sayer:  Righteously I do as also my father Mr. Sayer did for me when he exposed me to perception, knowledge, learning, and relevance.  What did he say to me?  Yes, watch those gaps as those with mischievous intent can insert a lot of foolishness there.

Sarah W. Certainty:  I can’t wait to see you in action.  Am I being too giddy with anticipation right now?  You can tell me you know.

Mother Sayer:  I wouldn’t have you any other way Sarah.

——————-2nd  Interlude——————-

(Mother decided on three projects to get an in person update from the team heads.  The media project.  The BAD project which stands for The Business Acumen and Direction project.  The Model project which looks to match a child with an adult in the industry the child has shown aptitude.  

The projects work spaces are also selected by direction of travel, by the sunrise and sunset. It is so as it should that human beings know what is first and what should be last. She remembers a saying that fits in this moment. “We’re all adults. Adults should be able to have professional conversations.”).

Mother Sayer: (All of the projects are in development on the 3rd floor. She decides to stop in on the media project first as it has the most moving parts.). How are you Tuaole (it is pronounced ‘Two oh lee)? (The first one that holds the keys to the entry way of the office environment. Her name is appropriate and her presence elicits pause when someone encounters her. She is Puerto Rican and stands about 5’10 and looks like she just won the WWE title at wrestle mania. Of course the security training Mother puts all her forward facing staff through isn’t a joke either.).

Tuaole Rilyzah:  Mother I am as I always said I would speak in response to you.  Covered by the grace of God as his gift of eternal life is precious.  Thankful to be trusted by a leader that treats her staff with dignity and respect not only in word but in deed.  Guilty that I was selected but giving 100% to this company as it gives me no less in return.

Mother Sayer:  You are too kind.  Everyone should have a chance to fulfill their full destiny as I know so many from our worlds are denied the opportunity.  Take us inside.  We have much to discuss about what is going on behind these doors.

Tuaole Rilyzah:  As you requested, I verified that all the project leaders are here and their team members.

Mother Sayer: (Mother smiles as she receives Tuaole’s report). Good. Announce my presence and tell all personnel I will be ready for an updated assessment on where the project stands in 10 minutes. (Mother turns to go to the breakroom with Sarah in tow).

Tuaole Rilyzah:  (Tuaole asks everyone to gather around her and she explains how this report is going to be absorbed by Mother Sayer. When you speak about the progress of the project make sure you aren’t hedging your ideas on something outside of your control. Speak about the depth of the various media ideas that you have already begun to visualize and where you stand on paper. Know for what purpose and part of life you wish to address your content. Lastly be specific and confident as Mother Sayer can’t be sure of something you don’t believe in.). Okay are you ready for your presentation?

O’Woh E. Line:  Yes I am ready for her.

Hekima Beborne:  Ready to report.

Oakli Sands:  I sure am ready.

Tuaole Rilyzah:  (Tuaole takes count and turns to go tell Mother that everyone is ready to brief her on where the project stands.). Mother, they are ready for you.

Mother Sayer:  Thank you Tuaole.  Sarah let’s go see what they got for us.

——————- 3rd Interlude——————-

(This project faces the sunrise. Mother knows that what a human beings sees on a consistent basis does more to influence their path than any book smarts could ever accomplish. The time for talk is done. Mother is going to inject some of her own ideas and media content into the world of entertainment. She thinks to herself I hope my morning is off to a good start.).

Mother Sayer:  Hekima, you may go first.

Hekima Beborne:  My project is twofold.  It starts with a television show called the ‘Family and Purpose’.  Exploring the reasons why Japanese culture works for Japanese people.  The movements are coordinated based on respect and familial authority.  It is a show of a family’s honor how their members retain and display their learning.  This discipline determines how profitable a family becomes when all the energy is directed as required to each part of the household.   A lasting edifice to the family and Japanese culture.  The Japanese way of life is depicted truthfully and honorably.

Mother Sayer:  How will this be received on television?  Can you sell advertisement slots?

Hekima Beborne:  As far as audience preferences go I believe an authentic show that reflects the wealth of Japanese culture as it truly is will open a viewers’ desire to know more.  As far as selling it to advertisers I believe good content flowing from excellent writing and acting will slowly draw them to this story.

Mother Sayer:  Huh?  Who will be writing the stories?  I already know you’re going to be the Executive Producer.

Hekima Beborne:  (This seems to knock Hekima for back a little.  She thought she was only responsible for development and not the actual accountability of the project.).  Ah, I am the Executive Producer?

Mother Sayer:  (This is what I’m talking about.  This is what my Father’s purpose was with me.  He knew an idea is only as good as someone’s ability to bring it forth from the ether.).  Hekima,

I don’t hire manufacturers.  I bring on people with the goods.  Dismiss any thought you have about laying out the blueprints of an idea.  Anyone can do that.  I hire people that understand that an idea is theirs from start to completion and beyond.

Can a farmer just plant his crops and allow the elements to provide the growth he desires?  Does the farmer know when the crops are ready to burst forth from the ground?  I’ll give you an easy one.  Does the farmer know when it’s time to harvest his crops?

Hekima Beborne:  So, you want someone that knows how to keep hands on and off an idea.  Someone who can nurture the growth of an idea with the things necessary for it to grow.  Someone capable of purchasing the exact needs of what makes an idea thrive.

Mother Sayer:  That’s exactly what I’m looking for.  Can you do it?

Hekima Beborne:  Yes Mother I can.

Mother Sayer:  Good.  Now listen carefully to my next question.  Can you do it all by yourself?  (Mother looks at Hekima and times her response.).

Hekima Beborne:  No I cannot do it all by myself.

Mother Sayer:  Excellent.  That is the right answer.  Your culture is alive and well in you.  Why did I say that?  Hekima, don’t buy into what those in this world try to sell you.  We all have our latent gifts, traits or inherent designs.  Embrace the richness of your culture.  Never deny or seek to disgrace your heritage.  I am who I am today because I draw to me the full blessings of the First Father’s creation.

How long before you have 5 episodes written for me to review?

Hekima Beborne:  I’ll have to hire writers, producers and show designers.

Mother Sayer:  (Mother waves her hands as if to signal why are you voicing something to me I already know.).  How long?

Hekima Beborne:  (Hekima turns to her team for a huddle.). Give me 45 days.

Mother Sayer:  Good.  Until then.  (Mother turns to leave with Sarah and Tuaole.  She catches Tuaole giving Hekima a short smile.).  Tuaole, give me a 15 minutes before you take me to the next project.  I will do an after action report with Sarah now.

Sarah W. Certainty:  You challenged her.

Mother Sayer:  That I did.  How do you think she will respond?  I think she is capable, but inexperienced.

Sarah W. Certainty:  I saw a window of desire open in her eyes.  A desire to finally show what she can do.  I think she trusts you to allow her to get it done, but all human beings are afraid of letting down someone showing trust in them.

Mother Sayer:  Should I pop in on her team from time to time to let her know she doesn’t have to worry about failing me?

Sarah W. Certainty:  I would do this.  In the 6 weeks you gave her call her once a week for an update on the project.  Call her at the same time every week so she can prepare for the consistency of the check in.  Encourage her but push her as well.  What did you tell me?  Ah yes, keep some pressure on your people so you can discover for yourself their strengths and weaknesses.  If you don’t know them then you’re putting the whole operation in jeopardy of failure.

Mother Sayer:  Yes.  Gap Integrity.  Make sure the instruction stays on the curriculum I’ve approved.  Don’t want my people influenced by education that bleeds away their success.

Sarah W. Certainty:  You’re making me giddy again.  Focusing the energy of your people has produced the results you have foreseen.  How do you do it?  Maintain such discipline and focus?

Mother Sayer:  Years of doing the same thing over and over Sarah.  I don’t know of anything else.

Sarah W. Certainty:  That’s how it is then.

Mother Sayer:  Yeah.  That’s how it is.



There are women and men bestowed with the gift to answer the ultimate question. That question is ‘WHY’. They are charged with rendering an answer that can be understood by the most contrary element of our society. Those that foment, spread and traffic in hate. Our Brothers are in need of guidance and this journal will bring forth a multitude of remedies to address the male illness of unawareness. The answer to the ultimate unknowns of behavior and responsibility.

Those of us given this perception and understanding to interpret the unknown and apply the information to the known is the essence of our charge. Thereafter decode the messages for the people who oppose themselves. This decryption is then presented to the people as the explanation of events past, present and future so they may keep updated to the frenetic changes occurring today and those that will arrive soon. 

Brothers, this journal is a call to all of you to obtain the knowledge that you lack in every part of your lives. As sons. As brothers. As fathers. As grandfathers. As uncles. As cousins. Ignorance will no longer be tolerated, encouraged or celebrated. As the ‘First Father’ has said in his Holy Bible “let everything be done decently and in order”. Honor and truth will not be perverted anymore. Why? Because as a Black Man I will impart all I have learned and gathered for over 54 years of life in America and around the world to the young coming behind me and my elders above me. Why? Things that now appear as they do will begin to appear as they should be according to what is right? Help me see to it as this mandate has been divinely ordered.

Issue 4:

Explain That to Me?

Now to review.  The Republican men have always held up to these so called Evangelicals (EvanDevilcals I call them) that they were pious and worthy of their support because they practiced the beliefs and commandments of the Almighty.  No no one at a time will this be done.  A lie.  That’s appropriate to start there.  Former President Trump said he won the 2020 Presidential Election.  Did he Republicans?  Republicans answer ‘yes’.  What does the Holy Bible say in response to these ‘EvanDevilcals’ that follow the Republicans about a lie.  1 John 2:4 “He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a ‘liar’, and the ‘truth’ is not in him.”

Okay so that discrepancy is solved right ‘EvanDevilcals’?  Moving on.  Let’s do certification covered with decency and order.  Your God speakers are already discredited for speaking lies to you ‘EvanDevilcals’ in the name of God, but what excuse do they have for not following their code of ethics in the performance of their duties?  They defaulted or disregarded their oaths of office these elected Republicans to agree with a lie, so in essence not affirming the results of a valid and legal election makes sense to me at least.  What does the scripture say?  1 Timothy 1:7 “desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm”.

So the Republicans would disregard the whole experiment of America because they really could care less about what is right and what is wrong.  I believe the ‘EvanDevilcals’ knew who they were all along.  It just burst fully out in the open on January 6, 2021, for those that knew the lie was more comforting to their mind than the truth.  Well you know what they say about success?  Being a success requires patience along with following a strict moral, ethical, and righteous code.  The ARC of Time will bless you with a lasting success for conducting yourself and the energy of your actions in the right way.  In essence, fooling some people produces the results we saw on that cold day in January. 

Lastly let’s look at our interconnections.  As I wrote in ‘America:  The ReRoute’, I will not debate the ‘First Father’ nor his design ever!  What he created can no man put asunder.  A diverse slate of human beings presents a great challenge to us all.  Unfortunately the heart of man is like a runaway engine when it decides who it wants to be.  Evil has triumphed in that contest all too many times.  Think about that a minute.  What if humanity chose the opposite when looking out over a diverse field of human beings.  What if the voices of good triumphed in those days and times?  I have some thoughts I will share with you now.  

Humanity would flourish as in Genesis 11.  Even though he again poured out more diversity in tongue; he didn’t restrict us from working together for greatness.  Maybe building a tower to reach Heaven is still not a good thing though.  Anyway, ancient history has an example when it did happen.  We all worked together to achieve something great.  Do we need to all come together and agree as one?  No.  We elect our leaders to discern and enable cooperation, agreement and progress grounded in truthful debate.  That’s the mandate underlying the establishment of our governing system. 

One more thing before I close out this issue.  Family.  We are all part of the human race and should never portion out favor, gifts, punishments or partiality to any race, religion, gender, or wealth.  Love thy neighbor as thyself is not hard to understand.  Maybe it is?  If a member of my family behaved in ways that I did not instruct I would be admonishing that family member accordingly.  What am I referring to?  Ephesians 14-15: “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.”  

So ‘EvanDevilcals’ you know the truth now.  Continue to back your gang of Republican liars and you are teetering this great experiment of America on the edge of a cliff with jagged marble below.  Your false Gods of Republican charlatans are revealed to you.  Frankly, you deserve the ridicule you get ‘EvanDevilcals’ because what?  ‘It is a perception that has survived for generations.  Kiss the ass of the leader and ignore the smell.’  It still will never make you legit.  A fool and his vote will soon part.  I know it’s a take on a fool and his money, but it makes the same point.


The STRIPES of Healing

Founding Statement:

This biweekly newsletter will seek to explain the pain and suffering mainly people of color endure through no fault of their own.  The dehumanizing excuses our people always seem to elicit from people in power that make our Christian Brothers and Sisters accept their reasoning as if it was uttered by the Almighty.  Lastly what I see with my own eyes begs the question from my conscience.  “Are we loving or can we really love our neighbor as ourselves”.

Issue 8:  Clarity in Self-Care

This is as important as any of the topics underlying the pain colored people have endured as much as the whip.  Mental Health and Self-Care are not just words in a news article.  These words elicit mandatory clarification because the way those words are applied are critical to understanding the stimuli bombarding the human heart and mind.  I will not debate the Almighty or his purpose in how his creation learns, but one of those ways may seem unfair as we are most likely to be hit with stimuli we don’t understand before we can understand it.  Do you get what I mean as even I am hard pressed to explain it any other way.

The young lady playing tennis stepping away from the court means that she is seeking clarity for the stimuli she is withstanding.  I read her statement and she clearly has great respect for her craft.  The mistake at first on those that see it as a business failed to consider that she isn’t a machine that can be walled off from her personal life and the journey of exploration to which she is underway in her life.  Listen to my next statement.  “Stimuli often comes before understanding and clarity is achieved.  Human beings often forget that our ‘Maker’ bore us into family, communal, tribal, matriarch or patriarchal systems that by definition means we must learn from those that came before us.  The teacher can be anyone who has obtained knowledge and wisdom and is able to bestow that knowledge on those younger that he or she.  The young lady tennis player may not have that elder there to help her process the stimuli she is experiencing.  She can obtain clarity, but she must talk to someone that knows more than her about Mental Health and Self-Care.”

Healing comes from reaching out or that good friend not just telling her she should go talk to somebody.  Be like Black people and snatch they friend up and tell them we’re going to see somebody and you’re going to get help right now.  If you’re not that member of the family system that can bring clarity to a family member that’s struggling then ask around, somebody needs to get help right away.  Stop being a family member in name only.  I know you can never do it for them, but you can be insistent and clear in telling them by showing them you love them.

I say lastly again.  Don’t just offer your love or send energy to her (N. Osaka).  I’m glad those that see her as more than just a money machine are giving a dam about her.  Don’t tell somebody you care show them you care.  Offer to be at their side when they make the call for help.  Yes, there are ways you can help your friend other than putting hands on them and making them do it.  Yes, being supportive with your energy right there side by side throwing your energy into their energy can and will produce results positively.

All life is precious and I can’t say otherwise because I am not the ‘First Father’.  No that tennis player is not a ‘brat’.  She is a woman in pain and she needs our help because she is a member of the human race.  Money cannot explain, comfort or bring clarity to the stimuli we all face and have faced in our lives.  It is not about how much money anybody makes.  It is about loving thy neighbor as thyself.  Can we at least agree to have compassion for that.


Preamble:  The Creator’s Diversity

The ones who hold the power tell the story.  The quote went something like that.  Make peace with that truth and let’s move on to how power can wreck a weak mind.  When the King eats from the same soil and drinks from the same pond how then did humankind conclude that denying these basic truths could unify us all?  How the realization of what power brings to those that possess it can influence human being that are weak of spirit.  When their spirit is enticed to commit acts of evil when those in power that are evil hearted require it of them.  The Creator gifted his diverse creation carefully.  The care he intended has been perverted by one race intent on maintaining their power instead of sharing it as we share the land, water and the air.  America is that experiment.  May I say it has never reached it’s full potential because she (Motherly pronoun) has never loved all her children.

Confession.  What does it mean?  I’m asking for the ancient meaning of the word and why God uses it to forcefully awaken us to our behavior both spiritually and physically.  You’ll have to wait because I want to get to the point of this periodical online newsletter.  Let’s take a hard look at America right now in this day and time in the year of our Lord 2021.  Suddenly majority rule is meaningless.  Playing by the rules is subject to a review by a Governor or a Judge with no evidence needed to prove standing in making such a claim.  The winner chosen from a diverse (there’s that word again) group of voters is questionable because they didn’t pick my candidate.

Let’s stop right there.  Why would an adult believe that other adults couldn’t vote for anyone but their guy?  Why would an elected official legitimize their warped thinking as somehow justifiable?  Does that elected official believe they are discharging the duties of their office faithfully to America?  America as a nation established our governing system after a final conclusion of voting.  When the certification is done that’s it.  If an elected official has doubts about the outcome he or she better produce evidence to back it up or face a charge of sedition.  This crap going on now because some people who voted for President Trump feel he was the greatest man since President Lincoln and couldn’t have loss fair and square need to have a bed reserved at a looney hospital. 

America must reroute now!  That Presidential election is over and we have work to do.  Look at history and you will see that we grow when the government spends the money to expand beyond the confines of our thoughts that limit our potential.  When I was growing up in Birmingham, Alabama I heard my Dad speak of limitations.  In my house there are possibilities that I know are ripe for expansion.  America must focus on her house and not the house of China or any other house that people in the media say will surpass us one day.  What’s the saying?  “Worry about your own house.”

President Biden should hit growth with everything in America’s arsenal.  I’m going to alter the saying about immersing yourself in the problem will shorten the length of that problem.  America should ‘Immerse itself in building the structure and foundation of a new industrial and technology age that when we set atop it, it will withstand twice its’ design limits.’ We could double our economy.  Go from 22 trillion to 44 trillion in 15 years!  Imagine putting the imagination of all our diversity to this shared goal.  We could show the world that America understands her flaws and she is willing to bring them out in the open to achieve her unity.

Now to the definition of ‘Confession’.  It is an eruption from within…Letting out of something that harms you like poison or disruptive thoughts…Spew out from the body that which troubles you…It is known that with the mouth confession is made…the tears of the eyes and the emotions of the heart and mind completes the trinity of healing.

America giving confession of her soul and what wrongs she has committed is necessary to heal her.  Keeping in the atrocities of her history only continues to weaken her.  A truthful telling of her ‘acts’ is how America can achieve her promise.  Remember embracing the problem fully tends to shorten the length of time we must make peace with it.  Ignoring the problems checkered throughout her history insults her potential legacy of finally achieving her greatness!  Truth sets free more than your mind.  It will set free a nation!