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A Tear = A Rupture of the Mind

A cut on our body triggers an immediate response. We clean the wound. We apply disinfectant and a bandage to speed the damage to our flesh to heal as quickly as possible. Tell me, why do we allow tears in our mind to go without treatment? The surface and depth of our mind (and heart) is where the issues are raised and adjudicated. I will explain.

Say for instance that a child is having minor trouble grasping the concepts of math. There are two choices here to address the child’s issue and help his or her enlightenment of math. Yes, they are positive and negative. What goes unnoticed here is the tear forming in the child’s mind becoming adversarial toward math (learning). Now a parent can recognize this danger and close the breach before it widens with positive solutions and direct insight. On the other hand, a parent can tell the child I hate math (learning) too and all but rip a small breach into a rupture big enough to drive a truck of doubt through.

Imagine a crack in a vehicle’s windshield going unaddressed. Sooner or later that crack will form a break or a line expanding outward, and eventually produce a windshield that could shatter at any time. If you can get two fingers into any object you are trying to open, the same analogy applies to a mind when doubt short-circuits a worthwhile goal. Pull it apart. That is the idea when doubt inserts its’ fingers into the breach until both hands are widening the hole and exacerbating the tear.

Any disappointment can trigger a tear in your mind. The solution can be quite simple when faced with any minor setback. Let’s leave the large-scale psychological problems to the professionals. Choose a private place, a car, closet or location that offers solitude to think and repair the tear that just occurred. Talk, yes tell yourself the breach will be repaired and sealed. I will not let doubt fester like a sore that if left untreated can trigger more complications.

I did not get the job I applied for recently. The solution. I am still the best candidate available standing ready to help a company be more successful with their customers and their market. My love interest rejected my offer. The solution. I am thankful and secure in what I bring to any relationship that the best person for me is seeking a good and stable opposite.

I cannot express myself verbally in ways that mirror the deep insight of my thoughts. The solution. Read books aloud to yourself and speak a brief review of each chapter to check that you understood what you read. Nobody, not friends or family, comes to talk to me about troubling issues plaguing their lives. The solution. Take an extended look in the mirror and determine whether you are trustworthy. If your self-assessment says you are not, then endeavor to change by being respectful to the troubles of others. Correct your body language by not smirking and maintain eye contact at all times with the speaker. Lastly, don’t spread secrets given in confidence to the entire neighborhood unless asked to do so.

Realize how many people have friends (so called) that act as confidants, but these same friends give in their words little or no help to their lives! Like talking to a brick wall while waiting for that wall to give me the wisdom to solve my problem. A glass is empty until you put a beverage in it, and once the glass is filled you drink it. Stop letting people, who act as your advisor, give you back a glass of emptiness. That will not quench your thirst for answers! Find friends that offer nourishment and you give it back in kind.

This is an area that has been very profitable for me. After I realized that my mind could suffer the death of a thousand cuts, I began to address every issue that troubled me. Some problems I tackled on the spot and some I gathered background information. When I addressed the major problems, I was prepared for all resistance to recovery and I won every fight to repair the tears in my mind.

Basically, the mind is a terrible thing to waste. I am nearly fifty years old and I still must fight to keep my mind and body healthy against all potential threats seeking an opening. It is your duty to know your limitations and your responsibility to fight any attacks against your mind. Whether that is by you developing life skills or by going to see a professional in the field of mental health. Protecting your mind is an individual decision that holds consequences whether those consequences are good or bad.

Listen to me. Every problem doesn’t have a solution. Ignore some of them because they pose no threat to a healthy mind. Paraphrasing scripture here, ‘once you overcome a problem, don’t jump back in the mud because you may not be able to wash it all off next time’.

Repair those ruptures and seal those breaches as quickly as you can. Do not let a problem linger too long. You wouldn’t let a cut go untreated. Why would you let a tear to the mind go unaddressed? Heal it. Fix it. Get back your confidence and move on with life. You had a problem, but you diagnosed it correctly and the prescription healed the wound. Move on!

Order and Effort

Give me a minute while I pile all the material, tools I need together in one place in order to build this passage. Often in times like these where opportunity, a way of life or even a country’s promise is misunderstood by people who cannot discern the truth from the background noise. Sustained success (flip the coin and adversity is present) means using your tools (mind and body) in an orderly fashion with proper levels of effort to reach prosperity. Success is not achieved by echoing known phrases like ‘the streets of America are lined with gold for all who simply live in America’. Naïve is misplaced here. The word should be snookered or bamboozled. America, like any industrialized country, offers a path to success, but it is the government that sets the conditions for that success!

Why don’t you take a look at China and see what happens when you let factories or processing plants burn chemicals and fossil fuels without restraint. I like to use an example from my home. I buy a great tasting bottle of orange juice and take a glass. My children pour a cup of refreshing orange juice and return it to the fridge. Later I decide on reheating leftover chicken and I notice the orange juice is ¾ empty. Surely I say to myself the children know I should have the last sip. Of course, you know the story all too well. I find the empty bottle in the trash because my children just take without a thought of Dad’s parched throat desperate for a taste of cold orange juice. Common sense tells me that human beings running a company will ravage all natural resources in pursuit of profit if not restrained by government.

The relentless pursuit of profit should and must be balanced by government to the greater good of all citizens. We need to elect leaders that are thoughtful and orderly. We don’t need to elect leaders who will throw the keys to a teenager (a 16 year old is just like a billionaire who wants what he wants and nobody can tell him driving is dangerous) and tell him to learn how to drive on his own. Yeah, you kind of need to supervise him!